About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com








"Give me boots to lick or give me death."

I am flummoxed that with problems like Civil forfeiture conservatives pick mask-wearing to protest. With wars without congressional approval, they choose vaccine mandates to scream against. And not a peep from them that deep-pocket donors sway most of our elections.

Choose your battle carefully.








He should have asked one of the millions of electric car drivers if that is a problem.




That is my wife's exact reaction...

...to such things as this...


I'm 'I once had a computer room in my house' years old.


*I've lost a lot of girlfriends for the exact same reason.


I just fired myself from cleaning my studio. I don't like my attitude and I got caught drinking on the job.



Smoker vs non-smoker.


Unintentional optical illusion


Ghost sculpture in the castle of Vezio, Italy.


Time to get a refund on those anger management sessions.


I stood up under a similar sign in Alaska.


Okay, maybe the camera has a clear lens protector and it mirrors the owl.


I have spilled more paint than most people have applied. And in that case, I would blame myself for not warning the new guy.


I do that constantly.


I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning but even more, I love the sound of no one talking to me while I drink it.


I don't think most women realize how handsome my wife says I am.



The person who owned that house no own no property. The property line begins at the high water mark so he's fucked.


Do you think this makes the moon look large or small?

I would say large. Think how long it would take me to drive from my house to California.


Modern tomato vs one grown from a 150-year-old seed.


Who writes headlines like that?!?



How a camel climbs a dune.

You learn something new every damn day.



Chinese explorer Zheng's ship vs Columbus's ship.


Fish Cannon

Now Fun With Fish Cannon...


Woodchopping Made Easier

A panoramic view from the surface of Mars was captured by the Curiosity rover.


I used to sign off all my work emails with "Should you have any questions please don't. Hesitate to ask."


I consider page 2 of Google results the dark web.



I like the way she just holds it there like "What happened?"


This guy makes me smile.



Funny in a Schadenfreude sort of way.

Today we learn that water has weight. Tune in next time!

 Concussion protocol in effect.


Pay attention...


And not to be outdone...


Flour Mixing Tutorial

Joint Mishap

Nose Song

-sound on-

Talent like that should not go unrewarded.










Wrekreation said...

D-9 GREAT! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time answer...... Nothing.

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