About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 18, 2022

MONDAY #4863

 One Of My Very Own

*I hated every second of high school until I found out what my dick was for.
Wrong Egg



*Verifications Requested

The best RuZZian tank turret landing so far.


Pink Floyd has reunited to record their first new material in 28 years, a protest song against the Ukraine war. David Gilmour said the song was a show of "anger at a superpower invading a peaceful nation".


Irpin graves

They will be identifying bodies from mass graves for decades...if they win.


The Russians would also be smart to look out for Finnish snipers as well.

How many can you find?


This is barbaric

And the lunatic that did that has nuclear weapons.



Well, they increased their operations allowance by 21%. Not their pay. But they have a lot of flexibility in how they use it… so abuse is possible.


If you looked out that window and saw that would you evaluate your life? Would you have regrets? Would it change your life? Would you wish you had amassed more wealth or that you had helped more people?


Several times a week the wife take our food to the river and park on the local creek to eat it. It's kind of a special time for us.


But in their defense, they thought that if they could reinstate Trump all of their problems would be over. Even if they were prosecuted Trump would give them immunity.


Smart man.


That is one sharp-witted woman.


That's only three or four decades behind schedule.


Did you test that by looking at items and guessing what your tongue would feel? I did.


How is it that every thinking American doesn't find that maliciously evil?


Medicare for all will save money and save lives but conservatives don't want it because it will make liberals happy - which seems to be their prime motivation on every issue.


In response to my call for universal healthcare in America, I have received several comments that make the same observations. I asked them to look at every other developed nation on the planet to see that it is not true.



The Problem With Education

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And then there's this...



Stop trying to please people who don't like you and embrace the joy of being the most annoying person I've ever met.


Do you know what's strange about having kids? all of a sudden there are rocks in every room in your house, and you don't even take them back outside. you just leave them there. You just accept that you know have indoor rocks.



*Viewer contribution


*Viewer contribution





That is demonic.






"What would it take to convince you?" 

"There is nothing that will convince me."

And there lies the rub. No amount of facts recounts, or judge's rulings will sway his twisted illogic.


I was very disappointed in the movie Stargate. It started off so brilliantly and then devolved into a shoot 'em up just like Star Wars. And in Star Wars they put away their high-tech laser weapons and duel with fancy swords. Prophetic writing.


I was never a fan of activities like that in the workplace, especially on my own time.


Life Advice

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Just because I choose not to drink doesn't automatically make me no fun. That is a separate choice, which was also made.


Catholic schools have a rule "No long hair for boys" meanwhile there's a picture of a boy with long hair in every classroom. And he's like the main boy.




An Amur Tiger was spotted in Alaska in 2016. It likely walked from Russia to the US via the Bering straight pass during the winter.



Amazon driver to the rescue





How was your picnic?


I often visited a restaurant in southern Georgia that was situated on the banks of a large cypress swamp. There was a small sign near the shoreline that read: "Beware of Alligators".  But there were no barricades or fencing or any other method to protect children wandering too close. I always wondered if there was a special clause in their insurance policy concerning children eaten by alligators.


Speaking of...


I think those are some type of shrimp. Do any of you know any different?



White-booted Racket-tail Hummingbirds.


Guard Dog

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Albino Aligator Chilling

Boy and Dog

You know how I feel about boys and dogs...


Child and Horse

Touching, that.



Do you think the Kool-Aid man moves into ever-larger pitchers as he outgrows them like a hermit crab?


Radiation is just cancer-flavored air.



That is a field of cabbages but you know what it reminded me of...

I wonder if the cabbages were the model for the alien pods.

Here's how they prepare them.

I had no idea it was that labor-intensive.


Inverted Super Hornets US Navy blue Angels

Not exactly sure I understand how that is even possible.


Foiled Kidnapping

Backyard Jam Session

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Tacos Al Pastor with handmade tortillas


This machine twist, bends, and braids steamed wood


Marijuana Mishap

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What is it about some people that make them fear anyone who doesn't look like, eat like, drink like, or dress like themselves?


This was me following my reading of that research...

So, I looked it up.


Beaches are so beautiful this time of year...






All praise, no blame.





ponder said...

That is one sharp-witted woman.

msnbc is almost as bad as fox, no idea how people can follow that crap. Jen will do well there seeing how evasive she is and at times never answers a simple question but diverts/deflects.


You have the most efficient wealth producing system in the world. All that is missing is universal health care. You should subject BOTH parties to non stop criticism for not introducing such a system while enriching themselves with "donations". You seem to think the Democrats are different on this issue; substantially they are exactly the same, and just as uncaring as the other lot. By supporting them you are giving them a free ride to continue...

Ralph Henry said...


Anonymous said...

the affordable care act didn't fix much. Mostly it made it worse.

Ralph Henry said...

At least he tried. Please list all the things the Republicans have done in the field of healthcare.

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