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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 25, 2022

MONDAY #4870

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






*Viewer contribution








The chances of that being random occurrences are astronomical.



Some people call it holding grudges but I call it "I saw who you are and I'm not unseeing it."


Call me childish but beating the GPS time is an extreme sport for me.



In 1996, someone at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) facility in Fort Worth, Texas, must have been snacking on a banana while working. The $20 bills they were printing go through three different stages of inking, and somewhere between the second and third stage, a banana sticker fell onto a bill. The third stage of printing was printed over the produce sticker. This left a very rare mint error, called a retained obstruction printing error. It came to be known as the Del Monte note. A student noticed the sticker in 2003 and sold the bill for $10,000. It went up for auction in 2006 and drew $25,000. Heritage Auctions sold the Del Monte note again in January of 2021, expecting to get $25,000 to $50,000 for it. The bidding went up to $396,000, setting a world record for an error note.


Chinese Christian Cemetery on Hong Kong Island

In my opinion that is such a waste.


I ran across this example of bad design and it reminded me of my friend Bill Roberson who was the "fat man on the bench" in Forrest Gump.

Bill told me that the original design was for the park bench to sit on the ground but there were so many microphone cables and such that they put it on a platform that would hide all of the wirings.

Bill also told me that during the hours that he and Tom Hanks spent sitting on that bench waiting for this and that to be done all Tom Hanks wanted to talk about was Bill's stained glass window business.

Bill is the one who made my beautiful glass back door.


2 years from today, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America.

It is damn near going to fly over my daughter's house.


*I'm pretty sure a regular gun will do that too.


*Back home after a successful world tour.



A young girl taking in the scale model for the newly planned World Trade Center. The late 1960s.


You might spot these CoastSnap points around Australia and the world.

They make contributing to coastal research easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Put your phone in the cradle

2. Snap a photo

3. Upload it to the CoastSnap app. 

CoastSnap relies on repeat photos at the same location to help researchers monitor how the coastlines are changing over time.


That sounds very plausible to me.

Ant Hill

This colossal anthill covers 50 square meters and goes 8 meters into the earth. Scientists calculated that the ants had removed ~40 tons of dirt to build these tunnels.


The Interlace in Singapore

And it looks like they have gardens on the roofs which thrills me.



So technically when porn stars take off their clothes they are getting dressed for work.


I don't think I'm getting enough credit for simply not being batshit insane.





That would make a hell of a live TV event.


So you agree to go to a place with a scantily-clad dancer and then get angry when your man looks at her? Get a fucking life.


He may not drive worth a shit but he can certainly secure vehicles to the trailer.



This one fooled me even though I had seen it before.


Why are you banned from the dinosaur exhibit?


I do exactly that.


Would you like to guess what is going on here?

(this is backup in case that large file didn't load as a GIF.)


Superglue in the lube. Classic prank.

(no that was my first guess.)


Blind Soccer



People need to stop putting flyers on my car. I don't want to see a band called "Parking Violation" at the "Courthouse".


Your tired brain and the snooze alarm are two opposing forces but your bladder breaks the tie.



This Mother Goose has 47 goslings.

I would assume that many of those are adopted.


I didn't know that big cats had that large of litter but some of them may be adopted also.

Regardless, it must be trying...


Someone said that the fish are reluctant because they think she is a predator.


Notice the sign at the top of the hill which means the trucks could have pulled off and turned their rigs to face the wind.


A gorilla with vitiligo looks rather human.


Not only do tigers have striped fur, but these felines also have striped skin. In fact, their stripe pattern is so special that it is unique to each animal. This means that no two tigers in the world have the same stripe pattern on their fur or skin.


Who Let The Dogs Out

-sound on-





*Viewer contribution






Anonymous said...

*D2* Cheetahs averages 3-5 cubs, but may vary from 1-8 cubs. Pretty much the same as a domestic cat. In the 2nd picture, the mother is yawning. If it were growling, it would detract it's tongue.... not have it hanging out. But funny picture.

Anonymous said...

See Chekov's gun

Crabs are even more interesting. Evolution has created crab like creatures 5 times

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: 3

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