About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 30, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I have never understood why masturbation is such a hush-hush subject even though it's a universal phenomenon.


As I've stated previously I feel sorry for sexually active young people in this day and age.


One of the biggest boondoggles in history is how management has convinced so many workers that unions would be bad for them.

Unions are like condoms – if someone is determined to convince you that you don't need one, 

you definitely need one.



Climate protests: Many more examples here:


Please don't hate people just because they are different than you.


*Do you mean like every other developed country on Earth?


Please ask yourself what could be the motivation for someone to lie so very blatantly?

Well, this is the motivation…


One of our political parties demonizes pole workers, teachers, non-street people, etc., etc., etc. Why do they feel the need to do this?


Fuck those homophobic bastards.


She just needs to find someone who prefers black paper.


A very famous artist (I forget which one) said, "There is nothing so terrifying as a blank canvas." I concur.


The proudest moment of my life was when my daughter got her Ph.D.



I remember the day my mom finally got up the courage to bring my dad's turn into the living room and put it on the mantle. It was bittersweet and caught everyone a little off guard, including my dad who was just sitting there watching a Wheel of Fortune.


I can't believe we used to go to the bowling alley and stick three fingers into a bowling ball that countless other people touched with their fingers that had just been in their noses, mouths, ears, or just held their dick. Then we would use our fingers to eat fries and wings and pizza like God couldn't touch us.







Well, I consider that just plain rude.




How long do you suppose it took him to teach that horse to do that?




You won't believe what I thought that was.






Many people ask what you do for a living just so they can calculate the level of respect to give you. I once had a suit ask me at a party what I did and when I told him I was a painter he ask me what I painted. When I told him "buildings" he just nodded and walked off.


We got a sizable tax refund yesterday and today my wife bought name-brand aluminum foil.



Knowing my wife's proclivity for baby doll heads someone sent her a photo of Peter Lenzo's latest piece. I have several of his pieces in my home.

Is it just me or does that guy look like Putin?


Did you notice that the young man assists the dog?


Coke and vinegar for 24 hours.

I'm gonna show my grandson that at the beach in June.


Spin-stabilized magnetic levitation


Can we assume the pot and pole were designed for that very purpose?


Wave action


Wave, frequencies, and satisfaction

Did you notice that periodically they all get in sync?


Navajo "hogan" homes

I have always been fascinated by the fact that people all over the world make their homes out of what is readily available. You live in a forest you make a log cabin, you live on the snow you make an igloo, you live where there is only dirt you make one of those.


I have been crabbing often and from my experience, those seem rather small.



I have always felt that the bison should be our national symbol. There are large eagles all over the world with the bison being pure Americana.



I just saw a piece of jewelry made in 1982 described as "vintage" so I guess I'll be lying down for the rest of the day.


It's all fun and games until your arm fat starts flapping around aggressively when you're waving someone goodbye.




Do you think he jumped or is it a parachute landing?


Rest In Peace you goofy bastard.


Do you remember in Jumanji when you made this realization?


Another guy testing superpowers


I wonder if he even noticed the massive crack in the snowcap that he's standing on.


I work in mosquito control. Every day I have to go into vacant lots, holding ponds swamps, low areas, woodlands, and onto residential properties. This it's typical of what I find. I've lost my faith in humanity. What we do defines us and this is what we do. We are not stewards of the land or caretakers. We are a blight. We are just vultures picking at the carcass of a dying world.


But it's not just the US. The whole world is guilty.


As a school teacher I never had to do this…thank God.


🎶I felt the Earth...move...under my feet...🎶






Beware of Fucking Around with the Refrigerator




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