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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

SUNDAY #4869

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




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I usually avoid zombie books but I'm listening to one now that is different. A young man is writing a history of a zombie infestation and he interviews people all over the world. And for this audiobook he has dozens of people from all over the world read the different individual stories chronicled in the book.









I have opted out of the whole "we've always done it this way" bullshit.


When he was still alive I used to have a lot of fun with Scottish Eddy by asking him questions like that about Scotland.


Quickest Way


A lot of people wonder if you have to choose between a creative career and making money, and I just wanna say stick with it long enough & you can have neither.


I only Googled how to make a bomb so I can be sure I don’t accidentally have bomb making equipment in my house that would get me arrested in a surprise police raid.

Cop: And yet, here we are.



If I'm not mistaken that's called "just desserts".


Chocks - use them. Especially if you had the back up ramps to offload.


He was facing the approaching blue car. How could he not perceive the danger?


There is always one religious nutcase in the crowd who attempts to make you feel guilty over the most basic human instinct.


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That MUST have been more difficult than just aligning them properly.



Said to be a celebration of Soviet tanks leaving an occupied country.


Hell, I just want somebody to explain to me how a person can legally become a millionaire while being a representative or senator.


Look at that poor cop.



On your first day in jail, when they ask you what you’re in there for, say “the food” so all the other prisoners know you’re a loose cannon.


At least one time somebody must’ve thrown a baby out with the bathwater, otherwise, people wouldn’t be so worried about it.






Note assault rifle.


Security for a high-level client or shotgun wedding?


More matrimonial violence…








Anesthesiologists are doctors who don’t like having to talk to people.


I remember the time my science teacher couldn’t detect my heartbeat and got angry at me as though I was deliberately withholding my pulse to bolster my bad boy credentials. 



I so fear that is photoshopped.


Before you get angry over the mutilation remember that the utility companies own the trees on the right of way.


That call this R2 FUCK YOU.



Mine says "From one Boo-boo to another".


Standing, from left to right: King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, King Manuel II of Portugal, Kaiser Wilhelm II of the German Empire, King George I of Greece, and King Albert I of Belgium. Seated, from left to right: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King-Emperor George V of the United Kingdom, and King Frederick VIII of Denmark.

*As I understand it it's almost like a family portrait what with all the inbreeding and shit.



The ceiling of the 4,200-Year-Old Hathor Temple, Egypt



I think the key to personal aerial transportation is to have them designed to fly low enough to reduce the chances of fatalities in the crash.



“Let’s run the bell commercial we’ve been playing for the past 17 years and take the month of December off” – The Hershey Kisses Marketing Team


Mark Zuckerberg is so rich that if he gets hit in the face with a cream pie, it is not worth his time to clean it off. He just walks around like that all day.





Give that dog an Oscar.


Farm Mosh Break.


I read that most people don't know just how big wolves are because they use Huskies in movies.


Tea Harvest

I had no idea. Is that the way they harvest all tea leaves?


It is called communing with nature and it's a good thing.

^^E 7-9^^







Nice little toe spread at the very end.




ponder said...

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Dr. WeTodd said...


This is crazy

Anonymous said...

20 seconds with google would have found this, but no, because it meets your pre-conceptions, you post it with a mealy mouthed MNBT

Which is enough reason to show why socialism wont work.

Puzzle time 6.

Anonymous said...

Everyone was after Trump to release his tax returns. He could have stopped that with one sentence.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Everyone one in Congress should be required to release their tax returns while in office.

Fardygardy said...

re: ^^ D6 ^^

check out https://allthatsinteresting.com/habsburg-jaw

on my European trip I learned about the intense inbeeding of the Hapsburgs. If the ascend to royalty by birth, they married into it in other countries

if it's any clue, you can find these links by googling "ugly royal family in Europe"

Anonymous said...

A12:With those two idiots....a good idea. You know even if you won't admit it.

Anonymous said...

A13: Oh so clear you won't learn from the past lessons learned.

Anonymous said...

B1: Says a whole lot more than"just desserts" you the truth seeker you.

Anonymous said...

B9: Egads man, it appears you are catching on....both sides in DC corrupt and morally bankrupt. When you post a few of other than your usual bias we will applaud your new real wokeness.

Anonymous said...

D2: So your usual reader is out there going "Oh, the humanity" Says alot.

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