About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





From an alert viewer:

"I'm not a fan of him but that Tucker Carlson "quote" is not real. There are plenty of real quotes you could use instead."


A hero. Russian activist poses as Bucha victim in several Russian locations.


Just Javelin things



Combat footage shows a single Ukrainian tank (well hidden) engaging a large Russian convoy consisting of several tanks and BTR-82A. Several Russian vehicles were destroyed.


If you say Jesus backward it sounds like sausage.


In the same week, I found my wife's glasses and car keys in the refrigerator. It’s a goddam wonder the government lets us live unassisted.



I wouldn't buy a used car from this man.



*That is painfully true in my house.


I can't help but picture the young children tying those twelve hours a day just to have something to eat.


The demonization of Differences Illustrated

You can always count on middle-class white people to go bat shit crazy over the slightest change in clothing.

Most of the time this disdain is aimed at young Black people. The same young Black people who don't give a flying fuck what we white people wear.


I love the ocean and I am thrilled to announce that I have a beach vacation schedule in a few months. My grandson will be there and I can hardly wait.




I have never understood the need for VA hospitals. Anyone honorably discharged from the military should be given a card that they present in a medical facility in the country and get free medical care for their entire life.





H. Ford on Global Warming


At this point, the virus has more names than a guy hiding from his wife on Twitter.


Is it lovers quarrel or lover squirrel? Either way, couples therapy is going great.



That photograph so intrigued me but I had to turn it upside down.


I've had several broken arms and I just carried a little satchel wrapped around my shoulder for such things as beer.



Well, that kind of bending is not so unusual...


Those are the fans who pelted Santa Claus with snowballs.


The first bar and grill at which I worked had one of those and we had a lot of fun with it. It's just a piece of yarn with a big knot to keep it from coming out of the bottle.




I think he's trying on shoes in his den. What a strange time to have a photo taken.



The stuff of nightmares...



Rotating Head Backup

Stone Moving

I think they are trying to prove very large stones could be moved by men and ropes and a sled. Think pyramids.


Dune Skiing Shepherd

Barn Moving

Why would that ever be necessary? It looks as if they built the foundation and they built the building elsewhere and had to transport the building up to the foundation.


Caving: Another nightmare producer...


I like to keep my New Year’s goals simple and attainable so this year I have resolved to neither fly in a hydrogen-filled dirigible nor become an ordained rabbi. I’m placing my chances of success at just north of 62.5%.



If Australia had a sense of humor, on New Year's Eve they should have killed the power at midnight for like 10 minutes to freak everyone in the world out.





 "Got any plans for the weekend?"



Where even the roads are carpeted.



I live in the city and once I had a teaching gig out in the suburbs so that while I was driving out everyone else was driving in and the roads look pretty much like the photo above.


I am a big fan of reuse.


God bless America.



That was said to be an award-winning photograph. Look closely and you can see the zebras.

And then there's this...

I found that delightful.



Don't you know the headline writer put that one in his scrapbook?


Ancient Egyptian Child's Ball

Buried 4500 years ago by Egyptian parents for their mummified child to play with during the afterlife.


Stone polishing advice

My grandson is really into rocks. For his birthday I'm going to buy him a rock polisher and I need to know if any of you fine people have any recommendations or warnings. The machine above has a little window to indicate the days of polishing that you select. That worries me.



The Ditch

Donkey Stairs

Pearl Harvest





Some of you have been brainwashed to believe that an all-powerful being can only be praised for the good times but never cursed for the bad times.





ponder said...

God bless America.


It's not selling guns or ammo. It's a vending machine at a hunter meat shop. It only sells spent shell casings.

Anonymous said...

C14: rock polishers are very loud. You need to have a place to put them away from living and sleeping spaces.
At night, even a rock polisher in the garage will be able to seep it's noises under bedroom doors upstairs.

Anonymous said...

Must be nice to post untruths about Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, and any others who don't think like you. And then when called out, merely post a "Aw shucks non apology".

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Anon, Please don't cry. I will try to meet your standards in the future.

Crashsq said...

^^C14^^ https://www.911metallurgist.com/blog/rock-tumblers

Anonymous said...

A12: Your party of “science” can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman. The “science” you are old enough to remember:
1960s Oil gone in 10 years
1970s another ice age in 10 years
1980s acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years
1990s The ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years
2000s The icecaps will be gone in 10 years
But no fear, I have a “progressive” answer: Groom the oil rigs to identify as trans-wind turbines.

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