About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 14, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com







Guys who knows what's up.

Presidents of Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia and Estonia.

The new Western Front. 

Salute the brave.






*Verification Requested



 A village on Donbas was shelled by Russia and a puppy was under the debris. Rescuers were able to save him and give him back to the owner (who himself narrowly escaped death from shelling).















The next time that your wife is complaining just say "less bitchin' more kitchen". Women love when guys rhyme.


Why are plants green? Well, they soak up the blue sky and mix it with the yellow sunlight. I fucking love science.



Did you notice that the cartoon showed a mixed-race couple? I know a lot of young people and none of them give a shit about somebody dating a person of another race… Not one.


Have you noticed that men and women both like looking at lesbian porn?

But only gay men like watching male gay porn.

I think it's because of the boobs. Everybody likes boobs.


Giant hands emerge from the Venice canal to raise climate awareness.

Despite overwhelming evidence from scientists all over the world, there are still people who simply don't believe climate change is a problem. How is that possible? Maybe this comment I received explains it:

A12: Your party of “science” can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman. The “science” you are old enough to remember: 1960s Oil gone in 10 years 1970s another ice age in 10 years 1980s acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years 1990s The ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years 2000s The icecaps will be gone in 10 years But no fear, I have a “progressive” answer: Groom the oil rigs to identify as trans-wind turbines.


What the commenter forgot was that in the 60s when science predicted that oil would be gone the world demanded high mileage cars, introduced ethanol, and science discovered fracking. To combat acid rain smoke stack scrubbers were installed. The ozone damage was mitigated by outlawing a certain aerosol propellant. 


I have heard people say that you have to know where Ukraine is on a map before having an opinion about it. That's a crock of shit. 

If you heard about a child being abused in your city you can have an opinion without knowing exactly where the house is located.

My love of ducks started late in life. I miss so many good years without them.



"… Has a relaxed attitude towards grooming and wardrobe."


That guy ought to think about using wet wipes like I do. And now that I've lost my beer belly my wife insists on using them on me herself, sometimes "mistakenly" letting her finger do a little penetration and then we both giggle like school girls. She calls it "Studying for my prostate exam" and we giggle some more.


*I only wrote the gag for the guy who thinks I'm obsessed with anuses.


One of my best friends when I was in the Air Force in Germany died. He was a very funny man.


When I had children my only rule was to be a parent that was exactly the opposite of my father.

Young members of my mural crew have thanked me for how I affected their lives. That means a whole lot to an old man.


I believe in the healing power of college baseball.


Due to the ridiculous gas prices, I will no longer be stopping at stop signs or red lights. I can't afford to idle. Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.












Grand Theft Doggie

Big Cat

The Displeased Choir Teacher


When reading your kid Little Red Riding Hood you should specify she was wearing other clothes in addition to the hood. I know that now.


I found an old cable in my house that I know I should throw out but then I was thinking I should keep it in case someone comes around with a Nokia N 95 and needs to connect it to a fax machine.




Ship in a Bottle

That took me a second look.







I have cut through Fort Stewart in Georgia dozens of times and on one search trip, I was stopped by an MP on a two-lane blacktop right near a dirt road that crossed it. As I waited the ground literally shook under my feet as dozens of Abrams tanks bounced over the blacktop at full throttle.


Could that be real?


Facts I didn't know yesterday.

Other facts...



The Cruiseliner

Snow Parking

Somebody's Got To Do It

The Street Vendor

During my three years in Germany, I would've starved to death if it weren't for street vendors.






*I find the whole dick snipping thing hilarious.





Anonymous said...

A5 - Cheap inaccurate dig. I could cherry pick some recent rap songs and claim that all modern rap is misogynistic.
A9 - They are gooselegs
D15 - Looks like South African pap 'n wors on a bun

Anonymous said...

Re: healing power of college baseball. Except for the damned aluminum bats. That is an unholy sound. There's a local college-age baseball team that's part of a regional league that plays an 8-week season in June and July. They use wooden bats. The league recruits players from college programs around the country but most of them are local. (Local is relative out here in the West.) They play on a town field, tickets are $5 ($3 for seniors), kids chase down and shag the foul balls and return them for candy. (Bring back 5 balls and you get a broken bat used by the players.) We call them the ball posse. Our local team won the league championship in 2019.

Anonymous said...

^^C3^^ He's only a candidate (at best) if he dies doing stupid shit.

ponder said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
D15 - Looks like South African pap 'n wors on a bun

Based on the writing on their shirts, nope. Either Spanish or Portugese and that white stuff looks like cheese.

Anonymous said...

A5: You are one sick libtard.
no retort on the ice age?
ethanol comes from gains produced by farmers using gas & diesel tractors.
So if scientific advances were so effective, why the climate change panic?

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