About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com












All things Ralph...


Memories of such things as this...

Is the reason Grandma smiles when sitting alone.


Andy Griffith Adaptation

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Fake Skin Peel

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Some of the best moments in life are the ones you cannot tell anyone about.


Adulthood is wild because one day you get a little tired and then you stay that way for the rest of your life.



Iranian women protest against the state of gender apartheid in their country.



People on the political left often times pick the wrong battles. The goal of the non-straight community should be to be treated as human beings. But they got all tied up with pronouns and which bathroom to use, etc. which only muddied the water. And don't get me started about "defunding the police" which is a complete misnomer for the goals they sought.

And I assume this bumper sticker is making a statement but I can't figure out what it is. Anybody?


How is it that the rod even operates with restraint, not in place? A half dozen microswitches would've solved that problem.


*Verification Requested


There was a famous baseball player who was criticized because every time he struck out he grinned broadly walking back to the dugout. Now it may have been a grimace that looked like a grin but many people - including myself - smile when things go south.



A very large man followed a friend of mine back to her apartment and as soon as she unlock the door he pushed her in and locked the door. Then he proceeded to rape the woman. The woman acted like she enjoyed it and when the deed was completed she asked him to come back the next day and do it again. And of course that stupid motherfucker did exactly that and was promptly arrested. True story.


It's Gump! Forrest Gump!



The answer to Yesterday's baseball question about the score that happens most often is 3 - 2.

Now guess the most number of foul balls at one at-bat.


But the people who do that don't believe in science.


Manhole explosion causes panic in New York's Times Square

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I imagine you have to pay extra for that perch.



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We've all heard that if a tornado looks like it's not moving it's coming right at you.


Elephant Facts

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Oil Hair

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Human hair can absorb five times its weight in oil and, though unconventional, is one of the most sustainable and eco-friendly methods for aiding oil spills. Matter of Trust repurposes human hair, animal fur, wool, and fleece to create absorption mats that clean up oil spills, accepting donations from salons, groomers, and farmers.



It doesn't take much to make me happy. Six meals a day, 10 hours of sleep, a pair of sweatpants, complete solitude, and no social obligations whatsoever.


Me at home: Why isn't there more kindness in the world?

 Me while driving: I hate every one of you motherfuckers.



I really like this image…


This is one of my favorite all-time murals.


And it only sticks the very tip of its nose out of the water.



And many other countries the larger denomination of the bill the larger in size the bill is. We do that with coins in America (dimes notwithstanding) but not paper currency and I don't know why.


This took me much too long.







Time-lapse of Port Amsterdam during a festival

They all seem to more or less know what they are doing except for the medium-sized white-topped boat. It goes across the grain for a while and then just gives up and goes with the flow.



More Ducks


The back of the bottle literally says "refrigerate after opening" and y'all still put it in the cabinet. Y'all don't follow directions and that is why y'all keep getting pregnant.


"You wouldn't have a job without me."

"You wouldn't have a company without us."


Have we tried hiding vaccines in a little bit of peanut butter?



Imagine how much courage it took for her to attempt that. I commend her.




Blender Rule #1 - violated.


This is the way the stores look in South Carolina when there is a forecast for even a trace of snow.

Shortages are caused by people who fear shortages.


Do you believe him?


I don't understand what happened. Does anybody know what the PVC pipe has to do with anything?








*No babies were harmed in the making of this video.


What about the Romans?




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