About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*He didn't use the word "war".



Newspeople were told not to touch anything.


Have you ever wondered why Russian tanks have their turrets blown off?



It is my understanding that "Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain" is meant for people who use religion to justify malicious deeds and not just say "Oh my God" as I learned when I was a kid.


Sometimes God sends an ex back into your life to see if you're still stupid.





That still pisses me off.



Shut the fuck up. Who made you the arbiter of fashion?










My Viagra addiction was the hardest time of my life.


I bet it's my friend Danny.



It's interesting isn't it the way a husband and wife pick names and reject names of people they didn't like.


Imagine that 2000 years ago when the Bible was being written if they had the same space travel as we have now. And the apostles would tell them that the Angels came down from heaven and they would say but we've been up there and there is no heaven up there. Interesting that.




A Wild Visual Ride

*Viewer contribution

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Dear Life,

What the fuck?

- Everyone


When someone tells you that they are struggling it does not help to point out that other people have it worse.





So what?


3/26/22 was the 25th anniversary of the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide. 

Their web page is still up - LINK



A worker paints the Golden Gate Bridge with a fresh coat of its iconic orange color. 1956.

The color was selected by consulting architect Irving Morrow because it complements the natural surroundings and enhances the bridge's visibility in fog.

I read that it is being painted continually. That means that the painters start at one end and paint all the way across to the other and then it's time to start over.


There are thousands of rules in the Bible and many people just pick the ones that will harm the people that are different from them.


The Eagles doing warmups backstage.

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What a grand idea. I commend the man.



The Drunk Trifecta

1. He puked.

2. He fell down.

3. He spilled his drink.



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The Bride

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So, do you think this guy is the Best Man, the father of the bride, or the mechanic?


Radio Tower-B-Gon

Abandoned New York subway station from 1904

I would think that that space would make a wonderful bar.


Do dogs understand elevators or are they just like OK it's time to get into the world changer.


I shot a man with a paintball gun just to watch him dye.



And then he just drowns his prey and eats it at his leisure.


I wonder if she had to get rabies shots.


Have you ever seen a shark hiccup?




And a good time was had by all…


Had that been me you would have witnessed the birth of an outdoor cat.



Guilty Dog

Dog Just Following Its Instincts

"Animal rights" activists in Paris violently steal a homeless man's puppy.

The asshole activists were charged and the homeless man and his puppy were reunited.


Snow Dog

The Antelope and the Hippo
Wait for it...

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Woodland Sounds

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Dr. WeTodd said...

A3 that and the libraries that were burned by the Spanish soldiers and priests that believed Mayan and Aztec were devil worshippers.
Some but very little survived.


Anonymous said...

A3 - Some reality about the Library of Alexandra


Anonymous said...

I clicked on the link. Do you think the book is still available?
Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a happy ending. but we still have a homeless man and his dog.

Anonymous said...

^^B7^^ I have to say it pisses me off to have to give that asshat any credit at all, but there it is. That is a good law.

Anonymous said...

^^B7^^ oops, I meant ^^B8^^. The man is still an asshat.

Anonymous said...



Regarding the burning of libraries. You have people in authority who have just banned your greatest author, Mark Twain. What do you do about that? You could send them a letter, or find out BY NAME who they are.It's happening now...

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, I am against the banning of ANY book. I have stated that several times but you might have missed it. I am also against changing pronouns. I am against defunding the police. I am against open borders. I am against the offspring of presidents making money because of their accident of birth.
BTW my favorite author is John Steinbeck.


Good choice Steinbeck. Have you ever read the greatest twentieth century American novel? 'A Confederacy of Dunces'. by John Kennedy Toole. Don't start it unless you've got lots of time; you will laugh your cock off.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, CoD is fucking hilarious!! I have read it several times and listened to it on audiobooks just as many. I listen to audiobooks while I drive and a couple of times I've had to pull off the road due to my guffawing.
Did you know that the young man who wrote it died and it took his mother decades to find a publisher?

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