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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 11, 2022

MONDAY #4856

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






This is a rather famous photograph depicting a bombed-out house with a glass chicken still in place on a shelf.

The Ukrainian president presented a replica to the British Prime Minister.

(MP4 backup - if needed)


 Today in Borodyanka, Ukraine. 


 Gear looted from Kadyrovites and redecorated 


A child at war



Like so very many people I wonder what he's going to tell his grandchildren when they ask him what he did during the pandemic that claimed one million Americans.


That is so fucked up. The man would never get my vote after that.


I'm really not in favor of allowing that. 

It simply isn't fair.


Here was a comment:

The key mistake can be found in the words "would wanna be". I assure you, nobody wakes up one morning and "decides" they want to be another sex.




Nothing can shock me anymore. After Democrats drinking baby's blood in the basement of a pizza shop, Jewish lasers starting forest fires, Bill Gates putting microchips in vaccines, etc, etc, etc, I just cannot be shocked.



Everybody in the world - except conservative Americans - knows that America's greatest strength lies in its diversity.


That reminds me of a cartoon where a man and woman are sitting on a balcony overlooking the most beautiful mountain vista during sunset and they are watching TV.


As you can see, it's not a new word but it applies to today's circumstances perfectly.


Little Girl In War

Please take the time to watch this in its entirety.

-sound on-



Have you ever wondered why the Ukrainians have every right to hate the Russians?



Since Scooby-Doo is arguably the most useless member of the Scooby-Doo team why is the show named after him?


My wife is the type of person who tries to do 14 things at once like a squirrel on cocaine.



I had a friend who would do writing workshops in public schools. One of his exercises was to display an object or a photograph and ask the students to write a story about it. As I recall he asked them to jot down three ideas of storylines and select the best. The first two were almost always rejected because they were obvious and lazy. So, give it a try with these prompts. You don't have to actually write the story but at least try to think of more than one idea for a storyline.









What if Spider-Man superpower was shooting a stream of spiders out of his hands?


For those who don't agree that we can return to pre-Salmonella normal, I ask what should we do? Perpetual refrigeration? Forever thoroughly cooking? Avoiding restaurants with poor hygiene, etc.? Virtually everything has risk, and zero salmonellae is not a viable strategy.



It's called humorous juxtaposition.


3D Wolf Underwear Is a Crime Against Fashion.






Then might I suggest wet wipes?




What the fuck did he think was going to happen?



The Drinking Game Winner

-sound on-


The Drinking Game Loser

-sound on-




Why is it "kill baby Hitler" rather than "make Hitler's mom fall in love with you" or "kidnap Hitler's grandfather and strand him in Nepal just before he meets Hitler's grandmother"? People lacking imagination should not have time machines.


Remember when we treated the flu with tea, soup, and saltines instead of anal sex?



I noticed things like that all the time. Drives my wife nuts.


I know a girl whose father bought her a yellow cab when she graduated from high school. She drove it all the way through college and at least 10 years after graduating. They just simply will not break down.


It looks like it even has a fireplace.


Holy shit that's well disguised.


I'm not sure if that is an alternative fuel producer or simply a heater. Anybody?


Lamp posts are being turned into dual-purpose electric car charging points in some parts of England.

They should put the transformer in the car and just use a simple extension cord. That way you wouldn't need any charging stations or special equipment. You could put an outlet on every street light in America.


That's why we can't have nice things.

My brother bought a Corvette and almost did that several times. With that kind of power, you can be going 55 miles an hour and stomp the accelerator and spin the tires - which means you lose control.


Earth from the space station.



When you ask for someone's name you are essentially asking them what noise you should make to get their attention.


Telling someone that they can't be sad because others have it worse it's like saying someone can't be happy because others have it better.




And to think, somebody has to maintain that. Remember the story about my friends who were hired to maintain the Appalachian Trail for months and months?


I'm pretty sure that is photoshopped but it's still a nice thing to look at.



Want to guess what this is?





Fingernail marks in the dentist's chair.


This chair is made of all wood.


Another guy with vision so bad he has 5/20 hindsight.


Oh my.


Chain Making #1

Little Girl and Her Skateboard

Bone Marrow Transplant





One of the products of atheism is realizing how very silly the stories in the Bible are.

"But the story of the flood is true." 

No. No, it is not true.

"But it can be proven." 
No. No, it has never been proven because it cannot be proven.




Larry said...

D5, burning wood to make producer gas used to fuel the engine

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Larry, Would you mind elaborating on that a bit?

Dr. WeTodd said...

At least Caitlin had the balls to compete against men! 😁 🤣😂

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: E - each color has each of 3 shapes inside one of three shapes.

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