About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




This man's future most likely lies at one end of two extremes.

If Ukraine loses, he can expect to be captured and murdered by Putin. Putin cannot have him around in a post-war Ukraine. Too risky. Remember what happened to Trotsky.

If Ukraine wins, he will be touted like Churchill. He will win the Nobel Peace Prize and many other prizes. Movies will be made about him. He will be received by every leader in the West. He will be taught not only In Ukrainian history books but in the history books of the West as well. He will become a symbol of freedom and standing up for what is right.


The more things change, the more things stay the same.


The professional comedian Diane Ford is a good friend of my wife. When Roseanne Barr first moved to LA trying to break into the business Diane let her stay in her apartment rent-free for a year. Then after Roseanne made it big time Diane called her and that bitch just said "I have no friends now". And hung up on her.


I once wrote three pages in one of my novels describing how to make turtle soup. My wife hated it. I tried to explain that it was necessary to authenticate the character's "country-ness" but she said she just skipped it. Thus are the risks.





*For context, a Day Law is a law that outlawed blacks from entering or staying in a town at night.


And if your father or mother or one of those standing in the protest line above I can understand why you would not want your children to learn about that side of their grandparents.

But let's give Donald Trump credit for one thing: he brought all of the racists out from under their hoods so we could all see who there are.




Not one conservative has taken me up on my request for their rationale for opposing Medicare for all. Not one.


I like to say that my wife doesn't snore - she purrs. And when she is purring loudly I synchronize my breathing with her purring and that helps me get back to sleep. You might want to try that.


I'm the guy who always thinks about the worst-case scenario. Then when I see that the worst possible thing to happen isn't really that awful I get to work.


Get help if you need it.



If you believe the story, then you must also believe that Jesus could have ended all blindness for all of mankind forever...but he didn't. I would have. Hopefully, you would have. But he didn't.


That reminds me of that one commenter who thinks I am the dumbest communist piece of shit in the universe but he reads every word of every one of my blogs. Go figure.



Christian nationalism is making its play to impose a religious fascist rule on the nation in 2022 & 2024.

*Viewer contribution

Remember when conservatives were for limited government interference in our lives? That was the good old days.


Boy, that sounds familiar.



What haunts me is that I am just not smart enough for so many people to be this much stupider than I am.

*I had a guy tell me that all I do is talk about anal sex and women's feet. I hate to break it to you people but I don't make all of this stuff up myself. I steal it from other places on the Internet and show it to you. If the Internet is full of pictures of dolphins then you get dolphins. If it's full of anal sex jokes you get anal sex jokes. I thought you guys knew that already.

The best part of being a flight attendant has to be when you walk down the aisle saying "trash" to everyone's face.







What fun.



I've painted naked before. Not for anything other than breaking up the monotony.

(That's not me in the photograph.)


You have to admire actors who can get a laugh with facial features only.


The Accordionist

-sound on-

To each his own.


Flower Boy

-sound on-


*I only posted that because it was yesterday.



The early bird gets the worm but the late bird just gets a slightly worse worm. There are worms everywhere. Who cares? Sleep late - do not let worms dictate your lifestyle.


Vaccinated and ready to fuck…ing stay at home because it turns out I love it here.




There are two types of dogs.




After watching that last mishap I bet moves like this create a lot of puckered assholes.



Took me a second to realize he’s trying to shoot spider webs! Quick reflexes, lad. But not that quick.


His girlfriend's father...


This is what happens when you use a fire blanket instead of an anti-fire blanket.

I would have thought a professional kitchen would practice that.


Mascot Prankster

The mascot was being a douche, but the fan probably could've gotten a free beer had he behaved like an adult.



Game Show

"Name an animal with three letters in its name."

Actually, most animals have three letters in their name. It should have asked "only three letters".

It's like the old gag "How many months have 28 days" and the answer is all of them. But the reason I posted that was that it reminded me of my father when he first retired and would sit and watch game shows all afternoon and scream at the screen.



Kite Mishap



I'm not that old but I am at an age where if I fall in the shower it's gonna be real bad.


All I ask is for you to get to know me on a deep, intimate level while I resist and obstruct your every attempt to do so.





Ancient Roman faucets from Pompeii 

(1st-century BCE-1st century CE)

That's fucking amazing! And the concept hasn't changed at all.




Baby Gator

Tempo Practice

Are any of you people able to do that?


Duck Nest

The wife and I were driving back from our favorite place to eat our delicious barbecued sandwiches and I spotted what I think is my oldest remaining installation.

It has been there for over three years and it still has the dollar bill attached.



If you ever have to check a wire to see if it's live use the back of your fingers otherwise the current will cause your fingers to grab the live wire.








Anonymous said...

The comment after B12 regarding the early bird getting the worm.

My favorite saying goes like this, "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese".

ponder said...



appose / oppose
These two spellings originally meant the same thing.



"Not one conservative has taken me up on my request for their rationale for opposing Medicare for all. Not one." Ralph, you really are a sucker, rather, a useful idiot. You implicitly lend your support to one political side in the health debate; can't you see that they are equally bad. Both sides are on the take and neither intends introducing a National Health Service.Go on delete this; it's what you usually do with inconvenient comment.

David said...

Women younger than your wife-
I would still follow that beautiful woman into the closet and accept my fate. Wow.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, Fair enough. Let me rephrase it: "No one has taken me up on my request for their rationale for opposing Medicare for all. Not one."

Anonymous said...

Militarily the US. Political, the VC.

Actually the Day law was a law to prevent black and white scholars from attending the same schools

Parties of the right <> facists, just like parties of the left <> communists.

Maybe you need to define what Medicate for all entails, i.e. what is your ideal healthcare system is before someone can debate it with you. I know you are US-Centric, but the world of healthcare is not divided between US and the rest of the world

Arrested on 7-Apr, charges dropped 10-Apr. “In reviewing applicable Texas law, it is clear that Ms. Herrera cannot and should not be prosecuted for the allegation against her,”.
Conservatives are for limited (not no) governance interference. However many agree that one of those limited areas is the criminal justice system

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