One Of My Very Own
I know how ridiculous that sounds but sometimes even I am aghast over how young people spend their limited resources.
Cheese snobs. Everybody hates cheese snobs.
Some of the ugliest landscapes on earth.
The last time I brought my trophy home my wife got upset with me but I told her I only pulled out enough to win.
The female version of tea bagging is called clam slamming.
I'm experimenting with how many apples I need to eat a day to keep everyone away regardless of their profession.
That is a ringer if I've ever seen one.
What's with #8? That looks like my wife right before she tells me I'm trying the wrong hole again.
Another example of the instructions not being crystal clear.
The stuff from which nightmares are born...
It sure took the driver a long time to stop and see if his whole fucking family had survived!
I knew a golf pro who besides giving lessons was also in charge of cart rentals. Whenever there was a foursome who was known to drink a lot he charged each of them for the cart and they never caught on. He quadrupled his profit with a swish of the pan.
Say 5
I'm gonna pull that on my grandson at the beach in June.
Sex is cool but have you ever guessed an old password first try?
Some people are reminded that English is a flawed language every time they are forced to use "that that" in a sentence. I suggest this is a better example: All the good faith that I had had had had no effect on the outcome of that sentence.
Yeah, the Disney princess squirrel thing was cute but what the hell is this?
The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was born in Rome, on April 26th, AD121. His real name was Marcus Annius Verus, but he changed it when he succeeded Antoninus Pius in AD161. He was the last of the so-called 'Five Good Emperors'.
*Smart man.
I hired a young man who was a self-proclaimed "color theorist" and he could match any color in a matter of seconds. I ended up making him my partner in my mural business.
"Never get out of the boat."
We could learn a lot from babies: Never fear what you don't understand.
The Slide
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Ukraine Talent
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A Couple In Love
The fact that I am at risk of seeing a 14-year-old's opinion at any point during my day is a human rights violation.
To avoid straining your eyes when you're continuously working follow the 20–20–20 rule. After 20 minutes of work, look at something 20 feet away, then spend 20 years on a beach selling suntan lotion to half-naked women.
Find something that makes you as happy as this new device makes this dog...
The sand dunes behind Barril Beach on Portugal’s southern Algarve coast are home to over 200 rusty anchors abandoned there almost 60 years ago by the local tuna fishing community. O Cemitério das Âncoras (The Anchor Cemetery) is one of the most iconic Sights of the Algarve Coast, yet not many people know its history and meaning. This isn’t just a random place where old ships abandoned their anchors many years ago, but a memorial to a now-defunct trade going back hundreds of years. In 1964, the local community decided to commemorate the death of traditional Bluefin Tuna fishing by burying the anchors that once formed the backbone of the complex tuna traps known as armações. They’ve remained there ever since as a reminder of the effect of industrialization and over-fishing on the locals.
Why not?
When your nipple piercing goes so terribly wrong that the emergency room doctor keeps it on his desk as a warning to others...
About $100 at Amazon
Soviet-era 'racial identification' guide to help government officials.
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String Art
Several weeks ago I mentioned each of the next three items without knowing anyone else had ever thought about them.
I wrote a full description of full-contact golf where you not only try to hit your ball but you try to keep the other players from hitting theirs.
Food technology company Primeval Foods plans to launch an entire menagerie of exotic meats that didn’t actually come from animals, including lion burgers, tiger nuggets,, or giraffe ham. As the meat-alternatives market becomes increasingly competitive, food tech companies are coming up with new and ingenious ways of making their products stand out. Primeval Foods, a London-based startup specializing in cellular agriculture, plans to start selling exotic meats cultivated in a laboratory. And we’re not talking expensive and hard-to-come-by beef either, but the types of meat most people never even imagined were edible, like a lion or tiger meat.
I wrote an entire humorous exchange between a customer and a waiter that involved dishes like that.
Game Show
That parody is an exact replica of how my newly retired father reacted to game shows - only my father did it with many more decibels.
I once thought about making art out of bricks similar to those above and I even devised a way to separate the damp bricks for the thickness of the mortar. I was going to use half-inch sheets of Styrofoam. That way, when I carved into the brick I could carve into the Styrofoam with ease.

*To millions of people, that kind of behavior is absolutely normal for a grown-ass man.

Muscle Memory
OOMVO - kudos to you to teach me something. I had to Google what the 3rd amendment was
C-1 bananas
^^C1^^ He's carrying a bunch of bananas.
Puzzle time: The cat is looking to the right. It takes up about 1/3 of the doodly drawing side. Just look for the straight lines of the ear. The outline of the cat has the only contiguous blank spaces in the entire doodle.
A4:Yep...fact is most are not very smart. But wait, they probably figure their hard working fellow citizens will pay off their student loans. So yeah, they can easily afford it. The really dim ones are those convinced that this is somehow fair an just.
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