About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

SUNDAY #4890

  One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






*Viewer contribution


Why has no country voted it out in favor of the "pay up, die, or go bankrupt" US version?




Or maybe he did.

Musk sold 5,044,000 Tesla shares worth that amount and gave the money to charity between Nov. 19 and Nov. 29,  according to an SEC filing. The recipient is anonymous.








Ladies and gentlemen, the loyal opposition...



A candle is like keeping fire as a pet.


For years I thought I was lactose intolerant so I tried Lactaid and guess what? No difference. Turns out I just shit my pants a lot.




I heard it this way: Did you hear about the sadist who married the masochist and on their honeymoon, she said "hurt me hurt me" and he said "no".




What about the phone?




It's a food truck!




I'm going with Wallace since he will be napping half the time.


Did you actually read the watermark in question?




If by meal prep you mean spending a lot of time going over the menu before ordering delivery then, yes, my wife meal preps.


Remember, if things get really bad and we have to resort to cannibalism - vegans first.



Tattoo removal the hard way...



The embarrassment threshold is high for this one...


Maximum use of the resources you have.


Pineapples? He's going through all that trouble to cook pineapples?


Of course, that is a dummy but let's take another look at what that guy does in an effort to stop the horse.


Many rescues are fraught with danger...



Blind Spot

-sound on-



Today I read that ducks don't actually float. Their legs are just so long that they can walk on the river bed.


There are only six months between Christmas and Easter which means Jesus was some kind of prodigy “super baby”. Most people don’t consider how much he accomplished in his short lifetime.



Oh hell yeah.


I imagine that is cool(er) at night.


Speaking of staying cool in an urban environment...



If it works it's not stupid.


I know it's just me but don't you think that he should turn the table so that both people could glance over and see the view instead of one person having their back to it?


Before and after pic of a polluted canal in Board Bazaar, Peshawar.

We need more pictures like that to shame other cities into following suit.


Try to think of a humorous caption for this photo.

I'll go first: When the headboard is too close to the wall.



I like to compliment strangers on their T-shirts just to make them look down to see which one they’re wearing.

*Every time my wife wears her "I Love NY" T-shirt I ask her where she got it and she looks down every damn time.


I used to side with Chief Brody but now I’m team Mayor because the shark’s only gonna eat 1-2 more people & he’ll be stuffed then we’ll sell tons of shark toys and make a fortune.



More fun with corn...






Bottle Making

This is called a blank and they use them to make 2-liter bottles. I used one to display the water from the ice I broke off a glacier in Alaska.


Carbon Trap

I would love to make art out of that ink.










ponder said...


Not the first time either.

ponder said...

Push the cork into the bottle and shake out the coin.

ponder said...


Yes, ignore the guy in the ladies room about to rape your daughter, he knows he's in the right place.

Why are you so keen on having women's spaces encroached?

We have men in locker rooms exposing their genitals to females which they are not happy about, we have men in female prisons raping woman which I'm sure they are not happy about etc etc all in the name of transgenderism...

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder, Do you honestly think women are being raped in bathrooms by men pretending to be trans?

David said...

Dear ponder, are you saying that sexual assault didn't exist before? That's like saying bank robberies didn't exist before people were allowed to conceal carry guns

Anonymous said...

In regards to

First off, welcome back, I wondered where you went.

Has any one seen the proposed budget the U.N. gave Elon Musk? I bet they were taking a pretty big chunk for administrative purposes.

I also heard the U.N. thought this was going to be any annual donation.


ponder said...

"Dear Ponder, Do you honestly think women are being raped in bathrooms by men pretending to be trans?

You would not know if the man was transgender or not, it could be a straight guy in a dress on the prowl seeking a victim. But now you should just ignore it else be accused of transgenderphobia. You don't want men in the ladies room period as you can't tell their intentions and it would be safer overall.


Why increase the risk for women?

ponder said...

David said...
Dear ponder, are you saying that sexual assault didn't exist before?

No, please show me where I said anything of the sorts. The risk factor is being increased.

David said...

I honestly don't believe that womens safety is why you're against transgenders and bathrooms.
There's millions of interactions with police everyday and you hear only the bad sensational things. Same with this, you have plenty of stories as proof, but that is not every time a man uses a womans bathroom.There will always be bad people doing bad things. If he's willing to put on a dress then he was going to do something else to achieve his goal.

Inchworm said...

either push the cork into the bottle,
or carve a coin slot into the cork (not removing the cork) and remove the coins that way.

ponder said...

David said...
I honestly don't believe that women's safety is why you're against transgenders and bathrooms.

You are free to believe what you want.
I'm also against transgenders in women's sports, must be transphobia...

ponder said...

Anonymous said...
Wouldn't that "in a dress" argument be like the gun control argument; only criminals commit crimes?

Not from the US so not familiar with that argument so please elaborate. What I do know every criminal has to start somewhere, so they weren't always criminals.

Criminologists will tell you that men commit violent and sexual offences at far higher rates than women and they'll back it up with evidence from here to the moon. Knowing this people still think it's all good.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Everyone,
Let's take the "Can't allow it because someone might commit a crime" argument and apply it to gun control where we have more than ample proof that the privilege is tragically abused daily.

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