About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 7, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






*No laws were broken in the making of this meme.



I will ask again: Why are airlines feeding passengers on relatively short flights?


Another tradition that makes no sense.








I tried to live in such a way as to piss off every single white nationalist.


The secret to being weird is to be really confident about it.













I wonder why the need is not there.



Sure, Buddy, feminism is the reason you can't get laid.


I've started cooking all foods twice to make sure I'm not missing out on some potential bread/toast sensation.



We have all heard about how wonderful Five Guys burgers are.

Well, I had to take my wife to the computer store which was right across the street from Five Guys and we ate there. Please notice that the fucking patty is thinner than the tomato! We will never eat there again.


My wife when I told her to look on the bright side after her computer was hacked. True.


I really like his breast and back protection.


Somebody somewhere thought this would be a good idea.



And the driver is the only one wearing a helmet.


I'm wondering if that would affect the ride.

This could explain it...

*That's not the same car. I just thought it would be funny to put them together.


You dance with the girl what brought ya.


Are these soldiers playing war games?


Photographic proof that we have always been this stupid.


"That looks pretty icy."

 "Oh, I've driven on ice before."


Another example of "I have your lawyer call my lawyer".




What the hell are they doing?


*Viewer contribution

I'm sorry but I just don't get it.



Yesterday I learned that Minnesotans call "doing donuts" in a car "whipping shitties" and I again must insist we shut down that state until we can figure out what's going on.


I think that ultimately you become whoever would have saved you that time no one did.



Time-lapse of Allied Armies landing at Normandy and the 87 days that followed.

Did you notice how the red team zoomed out to stop the German retreat?


Irrigating using a bag of water so that the soil absorbs as much water as needed.

This is done to give the soil enough time to suck up enough water. In hot regions, the first layers of the soil are so thick that water needs a little time to get into the soil. If there wasn’t a bag like this, the water would be too fast and the amount of water in certain parts would be too little.


Years ago in Boston there was a department store that in eight or nine windows had a large board and affixed to each board were various objects to denote a "board". For example one board was decorated with the faces of various governors and stood for "board of governors". Another board had the names of prominent universities and stood for "Board of education". But there were several more and for the life of me I can't remember what they were. Anybody?


That is the result of hate plus too much leisure time.


No gas, no problem


Could that possibly be functional?


If everyone was armed to the teeth would you feel safer or in greater peril?


I'm just going to go ahead and guess that the driver does not know the dog is on top of his car. But why wouldn't another driver alert him to the danger?



People are far, far too judgmental these days. I can tell just by looking at them.


I thought about buying my wife a car for Christmas but then I remembered I don’t live in a commercial.




And they wonder why boomers are screwed up.





"What am I chopped liver?"







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ponder said...

*Viewer contribution
I'm sorry but I just don't get it.

American kids have holes in them, school shootings...

Inchworm said...

A is odd. See the 'heat waves' rising from the toast

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