About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I made the same observation the day it was announced.


I couldn't have said it better myself.



After every election, there are maps like that showing the land area of the electorate. But land doesn't vote. People vote.


For the love of God man, it's an airborne pathogen that is highly contagious.

But I'm just going to fall back on my mantra: What. Did. Your. Doctor. Recommend?


And the 2022 Fuck Around And Find Out Award goes to...

That news is dated so here's a tidbit that's more up-to-date.

You'd think that after someone loses a loved one or two to COVID, they'd do everything in their power to protect themself.

Three members of one family – one right after the other – die from Covid and yet they still claim to know how to navigate its peril.

I actually had an anti-vaxxer tell me, 

"You just believe different facts than I do."


Please read this in its entirety.


I need help.

I need a real "I want government out of the way" Capitalist to explain to me why a shortage of baby formula is in any way Biden's fault. And while you are at it the same goes for rising prices from corporations with record profits. And as a bonus question - what should Biden do about gas prices?




Why is it that we are all so good at doing what we're not supposed to do?


Best friends are basically therapists who get paid in margaritas.



Precise building demolition.



Safety marshal doing safety marshal things



There's something strange about that perspective.

Here's the modern Way they do it…


Fast Boat

-sound on-


Wood Burning

I stopped my car and watched a young man do something similar while sitting on the sidewalk in my hometown.



Imagine gossip in the ancient world. Like your neighbor, Agrippina shows up in your window and says, "Bitch, they just assassinated Caesar!" And you drop your ration of grain and be like "Whaaaaat!"



I spend so long in bed that I'm starting to feel like the grandparents from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.



They pulled up their carpet and found this...

This lady made a Monopoly quilt...


The upside of having two jobs your whole life is that you don't have time to do shit like that.


Speaking of...


I frequently think about that man in my bar who refused a beer because "I am a Christian". I reminded him that Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine and he said "Well if Jesus made it I would drink it".




I know that I have shown you that before but I still find it hilarious.


I have joined the rest of the human race in detesting phone calls.


*Someone should introduce them to an Abrams tank.


I'll see your phone in bed and raise you this…






Some guy once sent my wife a dick pic and after knowing me she sent him a sympathy card.


Figure skating commenters should be required by law to tell us whether the pairs skating or dating, married, exes, siblings, or something else.



I came across a penny that looked just like that and gave it to a friend whose son was collecting coins. I now wish I had it back to give to my grandson. But when I looked it up I discovered it was only worth about $.50.


That cat would not get another chance to do that. It would be thrown so far down the block that it would never find its way back to my house.


"What did you do during staythefuckathome?"


This came to me with no other explanation.

*Verification Requested


But do you remember growing up and thinking about what it would be like in the 21st-century?


One of the greatest mealtime experiences I have ever had involved my wife, both of my daughters, and myself going to an upscale restaurant and each of us ordering a different meal. We then placed all of our plates in the middle of the table and shared each dish sort of like a buffet.




We call it "Dark" because we have no fucking idea what it is.


District 6 is an excellent movie.


The only clue about this photograph is the caption that read: "Abandon Property". I tried to Google search it but came up with nothing. Do any of you Gentle Readers know anything about it?


The fucker has hands - on its lips!


Speaking of...

🎶When a Manatee Loves a Womanatee...🎶



Until yesterday I thought "ghost me" meant putting your arms around me and teaching me pottery.


Coming soon - emerging technologies that will improve and/or ruin everything.



Ukrainian sniper


I think they should add googly eyes for the psychological effect.


The tragic backstory is he found an old lamp with a genie in it and used his one and only wish for a dick long enough to touch the floor.



Balinese Dance Instructor

-sound on-

The eyes are strong with this one.


Magic Dresses


Sound Effects

-sound on-


Workers Sleeping






I seem to recall Jesus saying he'd be right back:

 “There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”


Remember this classic...

Look what somebody did to it...




Anonymous said...

A10: Your unlimited bias is showing. Protesting outside of any judge’s residence is illegal and intended to prevent coercion that could unduly influence a court decision. As far as I know there are no court decisions made at abortion clinics.

Anonymous said...

>>D2<< Cats are a lesson in consent and so many controlling people hate cats because they can't control them. The cat did nothing but teach the child that there are boundaries. He didn't even hurt the little poop machine.

ponder said...


Not close to even being the same thing. The reasons are very valid, do you really want a justice system where judges, jurors, witnesses are harassed or threatened by the public and nut jobs?

The 18 U.S. Code 1507 reads: "Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."


Anonymous said...

I remember drinking with a JWS in a bar he mentioned it because he was talking about the bible, like making references to it so I says to him, I thought JWS couldn't drink? He said, see a lot of people get that part wrong - I was thinking, Oh boy here it comes; he then says the bible says being a drunkard is a sin not drinking alcohol I was BLOWN away by his rationalization

Burgervan said...

B4: Water-hazard at a Driving-range. Lol

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A10 Commenters,
They are not protesting. It's just a tourist visit.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:
Without getting into a formula that the minions would not understand, this is simply a number divisible by 7 that ends in 1(can't be even or you wouldn't have a remainder of one for the first scenario).
21, 91, 161, 231, 301, ...

The answer is 301.

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