About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




There are people trained to help you find another way.

Please don't be too proud to seek help.


If you think you might be losing your grip, just remember that there are millions of us in exactly the same boat.

The whole world is asking the same question: 


I used to recall an embarrassing event in my life and moan aloud to the point my wife would ask me if I was okay. I finally reevaluated my life and realized that everyone has events like that and mine didn't warrant embarrassment.


What about a cop killing an innocent man?


As mentioned before I gave up on Netflix. Every change they have made to their platform only seems to make it less user-friendly. Plus the movies sucked.

Not yet: My blog host has made dozens of changes since I started Folio Olio and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has made my blogging more difficult and time-consuming.


Sadly true.


*Verification Requested


Most anti-science morons don't even know what "Peer Review" means. My #1 Advisor (who is a scientist) tells me that nothing satisfies a scientist more than debunking another scientist's article - thus the phrase "Peer-Reviewed Article". And they pull no punches when they spot sloppy or misleading information.

Don't be stupid on purpose.

And now the people who don't understand science vote for politicians who oppose any climate change mitigation.

But not to worry - many scientists think we no longer have time to do anything that will avoid worldwide suffering.

And to give ourselves a fighting chance there is only one solution...


Please guess a percentage.


We have politicians who don't want to catch tax cheats because tax cheats make very large campaign contributions.


The super-rich wants you to blame anybody for your ills other than them. And from the looks of it, they have been very successful in their manipulation.



The irony of catcalling is that women would wear less if men didn't do it.


I'm not saying I want to experience demonic possession but it might be a nice little break to let someone else steer for a while.







I recently wrote a gag about that very thing!



If you can dodge a book, you can dodge a ball.







When I heard that joke in the 1960s the punchline was "When they stuck the tube up my nose and sucked out half my brains."




Coffee Machine



Have you ever listened to someone's story but you can't relate because you're not stupid?


I had my healthy appendix removed just to show my other organs I don't tolerate no bullshit.



The Ukrainians call him the "General Eradicator".


I can’t believe he didn’t get kicked into the afterlife.

The backstory is that this guy is a ringer (pun intended) who is an ace at tossing rings. But I pared down the clip to show you that in China they let you toss the rings for a goose. This guy won 10 but refused to take possession.


Rob Reiner quote:



If you need prosthetics, why not be 8 feet tall?

Why indeed.


*Verification Requested


I've stood on horizontal ladders sort of like that but I had the sense to put a 1x12 across it so I didn't fall through.


T-Rex Riding Bull


Cyclist 1

Cyclist 2

Sing Drunk

That is one angry man.


Lava Toss

Can anyone explain that to me?


This Woman's Voice

Is that traditional or did she just invent it?


Mr. Mike Tyson doesn't agree.

How very prophetic...


Trump On Vaccine


When biting your lip to look sexy make sure you bite the bottom one.


I like how Amish people refer to all non-Amish people as "the English". It's such a devastating own.



That scene made me cringe.


Egypt At Night From Space





I find this scale of engineering very exciting.


Stage Chase

How very, very clever.



You can do the same thing with a handkerchief. I used to keep a wine bottle with a cork push down on it behind my bar. I made a fortune off that trIck.








Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: 8
NAND column a and column b to get column c. In other words superimpose column a over column b and remove the lines they have in common.

Anonymous said...

C9: Looks more like a horse.

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