About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I'm not much for jumping on fad bandwagons but sometimes people have to come together to create a collective work. This is such a time.

It was stated that similar installations can be found in 20 cities around the world.



Yes, I have daughters and yes I have done that.


I thought small children for 20 years and never came across an example of racism. Their humanity is not warped until middle school.


Anything you can do in nature is rewarding.




Every time DeAndre Hopkins scores, he finds his mom, who lost her sight 17 years ago, and gives her the touchdown ball. One of the best traditions in sports.








You know how I feel about children having a pet to love.



My sense of humor can be described as "inappropriate with a chance of ruining a family dinner".


Rage Against The Machine never specified what type of machine they were furious with but I reckon it was probably a printer.



What may have been perceived as wonderful for you was absolutely miserable for some others.

You don't have to let the evil win.

Maybe homo sapiens feared/hated Neanderthals just because they looked and acted differently and that worldview just stuck. I for one cherish diversity in all things. Imagine how boring the world would be if everyone looked and acted the same.



Fools all.


Imagine if we the able-bodied had to struggle to gain access to a building. We would demand - justly - that changes be made. Now imagine yourself in a wheelchair.


We are such poor custodians of our home planet. It embarrasses me.

pure aesthetics 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we need government regulations.


Everyone is searching for "meaning" without even taking the time to look around.


Biological Whorefare


How nasty?



At what age do you get to add those rails to the side of the toilet to help you get up? I'm thinking tomorrow.


If a girl says "I'm not trying to be a bitch, but…" She is trying to be a bitch. She is trying to be the biggest bitch that ever bitched about bitches.



That took me too long but it's what happens when you leave you car window down during a snow storm.

Now look at this... 

It looks as if all the drivers park their cars close to the street to minimize the amount of shoveling they will have to do to get their car out. Am I right?


Yeah, I've hired crews like that.


Several years ago my city paid building owners to restore stuff like that.


The reason attackers have such a hard time in urban warfare is that the defenders know every alley and shortcut through backyards.


Think about how many smiles that generates just by driving around town.


Can we safely assume that is a junk yard and not a catastrophic accident?


My friend Dave placed one of these containers in his lap while he counted his money. Then he drove off and took the container with him by accident. He realized it was in a couple of blocks and he returned it but because the drive-through window was so crowded he walked it inside and handed it to a teller. The bank personnel went nuts. Even the manager came out of her office to berate him. He told me the next time he would just keep it.


How does a ship on display just sink?


Now that an old blind grandmother with only one leg made it to the top of Everest maybe it's allure will subside.


Snake Pest Control


If I were a fashion designer...



Back in my day "butt licker" was top-shelf, break in case of emergency, schoolyard insult. Nowadays it is a selectable option on most dating sites.


I want to upgrade my creativity to the kind that makes "Starry Night" and not the kind that has me lay in bed and try to eat a bagel without using my hands.




But it looks off-center.




Cynthia Plaster Caster, sculptor of rock star penises, RIP

Did you see what I saw?



The clay is too wet.



Conair Reboot


It used to concern me about how many movies were about being in great peril. But then I imagine caveman sitting around the campfire and they did not tell stories about watching the wife cook a stew. The earliest stories or of them and great peril.

But let's face it, we have a real gum problem in this country.


No other country on earth would witness the murder of hundreds of school children in their classroom and do nothing.









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