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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





B. Slipping one past the goalie.




The house in the illustration is ridiculously expensive for a first house. Everybody I know started with a piece-of-shit first house, made a little money off of it, and went on from there.


Did you notice that the church has been wrong about everything and only has to be drug kicking and screaming into rationality? The earth was the center of the universe. The earth was flat. The human race began with two incestuous people. The universe is 6000 years old. Dinosaurs lived with humans. I could go on and on but you get the point. Now the church thinks that homosexuality is a decision that a person makes sort of like what color pants to wear.

Being gay is now the new witches and that kid's persecution is no more right than the persecution of so-called witches. 



One of the peak experiences of my life was laying in a hammock in my backyard when Paul McCartney was performing at the football stadium a mile from my house. At the very end, he sang Hey Jude and the audience joined in and it sounded like they were in my yard.


I seem to remember that in Sweden the fines were based on a percentage of your income which seems much more fair.


I've only done that a couple of times but it drove me up the wall. Are usually retrace my steps in an effort to find that "special place" but to no avail.


I once told my number one advisor that I wasn't too worried about the climate crisis because science would find a way to bail us out. She said that kind of thinking was pure faith no different than religion and just as foolish.


I've known hundreds of young servers and they do have their tricks to increase their tips. A few include: having a fake bandage as if injured, using a foreign accent, touching a man's arm, commenting on the beauty of a baby, asking where the woman bought her earrings, etc.


I read that one reason companies want their workforce to return to the office is that working from home depresses the real estate market downtown and also bankrupts local businesses that cater to that workforce.



Oh, I'm not trying to slut shame you ladies but y'all could definitely be sluttier. You need to step up your game.


Hooters but with goth girls and we call it Spookers.



Humans are such fragile creatures.


I would like to meet the guy.





27 years later and still amazing.

Classic hilarity…


How drunk do you have to be?


Do. Not. Kick. The. Men. Cab.


Happy 155th Birthday Wilbur Wright

It’s crazy to imagine a not-so-distant time when the flight was an unachievable spectacle. Wilbur not only changed history, but he also witnessed the morphing of the modern world firsthand. From being born in a time of kerosene lamps and horse-drawn carriages to seeing electricity, radio, movies, cars, aircraft, and modern warfare in his young to middle adulthood. His life would have ended witnessing commercialized flight,  world war 2, atomic weapons, etc.


And you, motherfucker, know who I'm talking about. Why don't you go harass somebody else?

*It's called venting and sometimes it is necessary.




The enemy of my enemy is my friend unless they don't dance and if they don't dance, well, they're no friend of mine.



What's with the obsession with calling recipes for food "better than sex". I tried your risotto, Karen, and frankly, I'm wondering if your needs are being met.



I was once told by a trusted art professor that I should become a city planner. How do I don't so I would've advocated for as much green space as possible.


I seem to remember a story about logs that have been preserved at the bottom of the dead sea (maybe) that were salvaged and used to make violins. There was something about the aging of the wood that enhanced the sound.


I'm gonna go ahead and assume that that is peat. What I want to know is does it catch on fire while still in the earth? Is there such a thing as an uncontrolled peat fire?


Atlantis docked on the ISS This photo was taken on May 17, 2010, by astronaut Garrett Reisman on the STS-132 mission, during extravehicular activity.

It looks a little beat up, doesn't it?


Walking on the Capilano suspension bridge


Gator feeding time.

This is not error-free.


The bathroom at the bug building at the ABQ Biopark in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s a two-way mirror and when you go to wash your hands, it activates a light behind the mirror so you can see the cockroaches.


Unicycle Football

The Pawn Shop



I want to see a movie about the CIA trying to murder Clark Kent and making it look like an accident. Not because they know he's Superman but because he's a really good journalist who dug up a story that they don't want to tell. Make it a comedy because the CIA assassins can't figure out why their attempts keep failing.


That song "We're Not Gonna Take It" came out almost 40 years ago but I feel like we have, in fact, continue to take it.



A 2000-year-old Roman dagger, restored.

Discovered by an archeology intern in 2019 in Germany, before and after nine months of careful restoration work.

*Verification Requested


A 900-year-old Crusader sword was discovered by an Israeli scuba diver off the Haifa coast


The Concorde had to slow down from Mach 2 for this photo.

Concorde cockpit




Nothing says summertime like some summertime nails.

I kind of like how the one on the left is so approachable.


Nobody rides for free.


Would somebody like to explain that to me?



Off-road electric skateboard with independent suspension and knobby tires.


"Rocking" the boat










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