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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




That child has to be related to somebody high up in the company.


Do you suppose that could be a pedestrian bridge?


Does anybody want to explain this?



All because a couple of men and women decided to go to college instead of becoming a roofer or a secretary like their relatives suggested.


What a remarkable photograph.



Faking a sunset where they have 24 hours of darkness?



Do you think that's a permanent structure or a moving barge?


The Himalayas, from space.


Remember when everyone was all upset about additives in food?

Granted, corporations would sell you poison if it meant profits...think Big Tobacco, but some additives keep food from spoiling as quickly. It is with these additives that we have been able to feed the world. All because some little girl or boy decided to leave the farm and go to the university.


It was stated that the little glints on the body are the eyes of the babies.


It’s all fun and games until fish start growing human faces.


The funeral procession of a man who drove an ice cream truck in London for 40 years.

Think of the joy he brought to all those children.



I've been spending so much time in bed it's as if I'm preparing for my grandson to take over a chocolate factory.


Heavesdropping: to overhear a conversation that makes you throw up a little in your mouth.



Is that just melted plastic?


We used tape on nuclear missiles. We called it "2000 mph Duct Tape".


It's not like he wasn't warned.


At night that could get you killed.


I hope he doesn't forget that load when he tries to go up under a bridge that he's been under 1000 times.


I like how they both look at each other with the same degree of confusion.


At least microplastics only fuck up your guts, and don't cause lower IQ and cognitive issues like lead does...right? Right? Please say yes.


"I know a guy who can tow it cheaper"...wait for it...


Let's take another look at this jerk-off…


"I Feel Good!"

-sound on-


The ‘Barbie Jeep Downhill Crazy Cup' goes to...

They asked one of the participants why he did it…


Butter Used Wisely


Butter Used Unwisely

-sound on-


The Power of Fear



If it's one or 1000 sins you're still going to hell so why not go for 1 million sins and go down there a legend?


A moment of silence for all the good books that were turned into horribly inaccurate movies.



This is J.J. Thomson.

125 years ago today he confirmed the existence of electrons subsequently and substantially changed our world.



Bird Dance

Here's the real expert...


Happy 89th Birthday Willie Nelson

A national treasure.


He died at 33, you witless wonder.

I hear newscasters lamenting about the fact that 20,000 Ukrainians have died in this war and yet people like the young lady above seem unfazed by the 1 million Americans who have died of Covid.


I seem to remember that pizza delivery was one of the most dangerous jobs in America.


Slashing homeless people's tents are a thing now.


I'm thinking they have that sign for the people that have squat toilets where they come from.

But in those areas that have squat toilets what happens when you get to be my age and you simply can't squat anymore?


I watched the Cosmos series on PBS every time it was a rerun, and it rewired my brain.

That's where my love of history, science, and archaeology began. Dr. Sagan was my introduction to science, discovery, and wonder.


I wonder if the young lady cost extra.


Do you see anything odd?

 (not the motorcycle)







As a man who appreciates the female foot, I spotted it immediately.

Go ahead and contort your toes in that position...I dare you.



I once switched most of the M and N keys in the computer lab. Some might say I'm a monster but others say I'm a nomster.


I just read that at this point there is no hope of stopping global warming. Then we may have to live without hope but there is always vengeance.




Putin’s effigy in front of the Russian embassy in Prague.



*That is from a parody site.


Lincoln colorized...



How the turntables.











Wait for it…




ponder said...


There's 10mm in a cm, the longer line in the middle between 5&6 is 55mm, thats 5 units, this ruler only has 4 units in places so it's fscked up and useless as a measuring device. Probably made in a backroom in china somewhere.

ponder said...

Faking a sunset where they have 24 hours of darkness?

Pollution, smog in Beijing, China.

ponder said...

Do you think that's a permanent structure or a moving barge?

It's a barge moved around Venice.


ponder said...

Is that just melted plastic?


ponder said...


Hello salmonella my old friend...

Anonymous said...

A2: Yes, pedestrian bridge.


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