One Of My Very Own
Henry Fonda, Cardinale, director Sergio Leone, Charles Bronson and Jason Robards
“I’ll say gay if I fucking want!”
My mother was a wonderful person but she wasn't all that smart. I loved her dearly but at a young age, I knew dinosaurs didn't exist alongside humans. Think for yourself...please.
Here is an extreme example of what happens when you don't think for yourself. Please watch it.
-sound on-
^^A3^^Based on actual actions taken, the Democrats don't seem to want to govern. If the senate made up the filibuster they can un-make it up.
Just another example of how easily language morphs.
Greek Mythology in a Nutshell
Zeus: I'm going to put my dick in it.
Everyone: Don't put your dick in it.
Zeus: Too late.
The fact that I procrastinate and still get the job done is the reason I still procrastinate.
I would have written: E=mc² next to a mushroom cloud.
Lutherique pronounced Lequintheous.
Apparently, the homeowners association has issues with his new vinyl siding.
(Insert mandatory moans here)
My biggest fear is slipping in the shower and somebody finding my naked body.
My wife stopped drinking but she still puts tequila in the humidifier for the ambiance.
An airless sprayer is a great tool but you can't use it like that on brick, block, or other textured walls. You have to move your whole arm to keep the gun shooting straight in or you will get a "shadow".
I look at that and give it two weeks before it malfunctions.
We are used to competitors foiling the other's efforts...
But this is just sad...
2200-YEAR-OLD MOSAICS (ancient Greek floor mosaic), in the Turkish city of Zeugma, located in modern Gaziantep Province, southern Turkey.
The colorful mosaics were integral parts of homes thousands of years ago. Depicting various mythological figures such as gods, goddesses, and ancient heroes, the mosaics were installed in a room so that guests could admire them while chatting and drinking. The nine Muses, are the goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science, and the arts. For several centuries, the town of Zeugma served as one of the most important centers of the Eastern Roman Empire. So these works of art are a very important aspect of the town’s history.
I would have named it the Superman Bird.
My medical doctor's husband worked on Hubble. She told me that they moved the whole imaging team over to Webb.
First time I've seen this actually used in these car chases, but I don't know how often they use it in the USA.
Yeah, I'm nervous. Many men's wives watch murder documentaries but mine takes notes.
How long does a cat hold a grudge? Asking for a friend.
That is my example of a faked video. I try to avoid them but in the event one sneaks in I apologize beforehand.
One simple procedure and now I'm well again. Thanks to all those people who decided to go to college.
"First time anal?"
I almost put this in this post:
But that is the total opposite of how I feel. I am so thankful that I have lived this long that I cherish every day.
*I so love the absurd.
The Proposal
I am fearful that this won't load properly so I have loaded it twice. Enjoy.

What common phrase?
1. It's compulsory by law. Gov pays 70% and your health insurance is to cover the remaining 30%. If you doon't have insurance you are liable for 100% unless you're poor living on subsidies.
4. They also live healthier, their food is healthier, they walk & cycle to get around. How often does one see a fat Japanese person?
Reading this they seem to be doing a very good job.
They're just pandering to the social media echo chamber, the amplified views of 2% of the population.
"Think for yourself...please." Which is the precise opposite to what you do every day in your blog...
I wish I was as woke as Mike Harris. He thinks that "think for yourself"means "think like me".
My turn:
You hit the nail on the head all our politicians are bought and paid for.
(Where else can you make 174,000 a year and still bank 1.5 million)
You're not going to like my solution.
Trump should not run again, he is too divisive. He should however, go to every state and find someone who would support a specific platform.
1. Ban lobbying completely.
2. Put an age limit on members of congress. I'm thinking 58. Full retirement
age is 67. We shouldn't be governed by people that should be in rocking
3. If we still have to use private insurance put a dollar limit on how much an
individual would have to pay. Say 5% of gross income.
This is just my start, add your own.
Agree with Harris 100%
"2. Put an age limit on members of congress. I'm thinking 58. Full retirement
age is 67. We shouldn't be governed by people that should be in rocking
They should all retired at 65, anybody in public office. The same goes for judges, that thing you guys have where judges sit until they die is bs.
A8: Biden is desperate. He wants to use my and my fellows citizens savings to buy midterm votes. Rewarding people who do not honor their financial commitments by taxing people who do is simply wrong and will create a huge wave of resentment. A majority of these college freeloaders would vote for his party anyway. It will back fire on him horribly and he and his party are to dim to realize it. My suggestion is that the freeloaders smoke as it is said that every cigarette will take 7 minutes off their student loan debt.
A11: Probably won’t result in a Pulitzer but looks good to me.
B1: No thats a picture of a couple of biden’s new appointees. Did you know that Pete Buttigieg
qualified as the Secretary of Tans portation because he once rode on a city bus.
B3: Me: “We have no record of you obtaining the necessary Building Permit. You are hereby fined 3 saber tooth tiger teeth.”“Please be sure to obtain the necessary permit from the Department of Animal Control”.
C5: Maybe, but a lot slicker than the “lazy Susans” and probably 5 X $. An example of what Norb from This Old House would encourage you to build.
C7: And all without an Art History degree from Harvard.
C8: “For uncooperative altar boys?” an atheist would say.
C11: In dem cities probably used for parents attending the school board meeting.
C1: Being installed on pumps across the nation by the Biden administration in response to the mortgage defaulting gas prices. Who says he is not doing anything about the price of gas?
D2: You should be tankful they didn’t get degrees in Art History or Gender Studies.
The new american dream is surviving the next 2 1/2 years.
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