About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 18, 2022


One Of My Very Own

Let's try that again...


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com







I'm a face guy.

But the face must be smiling.

I'm also a boob guy.

And a butt guy.

As a matter of fact, I love almost every part of a woman's body -  feet, shoulders, calves, nape of the neck, hell, a well-shaped ear will take my breath away. The only body part I can't stand is the knees. Women have such ugly knees. If I crash-landed on a mountain top or found myself on a deserted island and had to turn to cannibalism to survive I would surely eat the knees first so I wouldn't have to look at such abominations.


I have a racist Anon commenter who insists that this doesn't look like a noose:

"The knot...what an imagination you have. It's all BS and propaganda. Admit it."

This is the very first image when I did a Google image search...


One of the reasons I voted for Biden was to lock up every child-raping scumbag involved in the ugly matter. Boy, did he drop the fucking ball on that one?


Arming teachers is the most stupid idea to come out of this tragedy.

We expect far too much from teachers already.





I saw this map and if it is accurate it confuses the shit out of me.

The tribes cluster in the north where you could freeze to death every winter...

Or in the desert southwest where it never rains. All the while the southeast is relatively uninhabited and it has a temperate climate and you can grow just about anything.


Speaking of...

People who cherish traditions had no qualms stripping traditions from others

Over and over people tell me: "You just don't understand how Capitalism works." 

Well, I understand working 40-50 hours a week and still not being able to afford rent. I understand not having health insurance.

And now to better your job prospects with a degree can put you a half-million dollars in debt. Don't try to convince me that the system isn't broken.


Half of the country votes against their own self-interest.


On a related note, the first time I met my brother-in-law - the soon-to-be Rev. Dr. - he rushed up to me and said, "You son of a bitch, how the fuck are you?" We got along very well and he let me sit in on one of his seminary classes. There were a dozen or so future preachers in the room and the instructor asked: "How many of you believe in the virgin birth?" And not one person raised their hand. I think about that often.


What movie are these two perfect lines of dialogue from?

"Friend, some of your folding money has come unstole."

"George, not the livestock."



Did you know you can't breathe in when smiling?

Just kidding, I just wanted to make you smile.


The worst day of fishing beats the best day of court-ordered anger management sessions.



As I recall a king was presented with a lion hide but nobody had ever seen a lion so they mounted it the best they could.


Do these breasts look a little odd to you?




My brother-in-law was a hardcore hoarder. When he committed suicide my brother and I directed a garage sale to get rid of all the shit. At one point a customer asked me how much the garbage can was and I said he could have it for free if he took the garbage with him. He accepted.

When my brother and I arrived, my sister wasn't home, and as we waited a 3-legged cat came from up under the porch. I told my brother that I had never seen a 3-legged cat and as soon as the words escaped my lips ANOTHER 3-legged cat emerged. I found that a portent of things to come.


Doing exactly what's on the work order.


Some guy does this to every water fountain he finds.


My old friend juxtaposition...







Killing them with kindness is taking much longer than I expected.


When Joe Exotic said, "I am broke as shit. I'm not changing the way I dress. I refuse to wear a suit. I've had some kinky sex. I have tried drugs." 

I felt that.



I bet his day only went downhill from there.


A $7.6 million superyacht caught on fire while moored at Torquay Harbor in Devon, England, and sank after several hours, during which time the blaze totally consumed it.


This would terrify a normal camper...

But, of course, that might be the horse he rode in on.


Winslow Homer's iconic "The Gulf Stream"

I read that when that painting was first exhibited that women would faint at the hopelessness depicted. The gallery owner demanded that some hope be added and Homer added the ship on the horizon.

Many people think that is an anti-slavery statement of which there were many.

J.M. Turner's 1840 painting "Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On)," a nightmarish evocation of the murder of 130 sick or dying Africans — thrown overboard in chains, to drown or be devoured by sharks — by the captain of the British slave ship Zong so he could file an insurance claim for human "cargo" lost at sea.


Rule followers confuse me. Some people spend their whole lives learning all the rules and look down on anyone who dares not to care about such bullshit. The rule followers all know exactly how to tie a Winsor knot; they know the proper fork to use at a formal dinner; they are slaves to the latest fashion, and they are strict adherents to "proper" language usage.

Is it any wonder that there are so few original thoughts in such a group?



"Let's go in here, Honey, I heard they have a great band."



That tells me that he habitually picks the phone up with one hand and lays it down with the other thus twisting the cord once per phone call.




White Cliffs of Dover?



Do you know when everyone has to stay quiet in those scary movies to stay alive? If my wife was involved we would die immediately. Like before the movie even starts.


When your wife starts a sentence with "when you get a chance" just go ahead and put on your shoes. She means now.






I've shown you "4 shades of blue in Antarctica" before.

I find photographs like that delightful.


Taking great photographs is less about being in the right place at the right time and more about putting yourself in the right place at the right time.


Happy 84th birthday Morgan Freeman you glorious bastard. How many of the movies can you name?


Everybody: There is no perfect name.

This guy:


People have done that to rock formations all over the world.


I'm thinking the ball is very underinflated.



In my youth, I was very good at such games.


Another Ball Game

That looks like fun. I think trying to grab the ball is in itself a reflex.


Rivian Automotive, Inc. is an American electric vehicle automaker and automotive technology company founded in 2009. Rivian is building an electric sport utility vehicle and a pickup truck on a "skateboard" platform that can support future vehicles or be adopted by other companies.


Arrow Add-ons


Chimp Behavior

I thought protecting the babies was a species imperative.


Jewish Dance

And to them, that is "normal".

The question, of course, is Where are the women?










ponder said...


If people are so dumb as to not recognize a garage door pull rope for what it is then that's their problem. Every second garage door has them and they've been there for ages, but let's turn this into a hysterical media frenzy. And when a team of 15 fbi agents & US attorney tell you it's all a load of crap nascar, bubba & the media double down. Juicy Smollet would be so proud.


Look at all the 'nooses' in 2017 already

The craziness is real,

What's next, charging fishermen for making slipknots?

ponder said...



ponder said...


Expanding black hole.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder, I've tied dozens of pull ropes in my life, and not once did I take the time to form it into a noose. I would bet money you never took the time to form a pull rope knot into a noose. I'm not even saying that the not was nefarious - but it was a noose visible to the only black driver in NASCAR and it made him uncomfortable. Subsequent investigation found no evil doings. I think your enthusiastic denial that a noose can legitimately cause a black man concern says a lot more about you than it does him.
Also, I'm going to ask you again to put ALL your comments together. I do not have time to open half a dozen comments individually.

Anonymous said...

Recycled bottles
343/7 = 49
49/7 = 7
7/7 = 1

57 bottles can be made

BillR said...

^^D15^^ Chimp behavior: It's very common behavior in chimps, other primates, and a whole slew of other animals, for adult males to kill the offspring of other males borne by the mother of their own offspring. Including humans, of course. Humans even kill their own offspring if they get annoyed enough.


You've got Biden as President and you criticise Trump's mentality? Some people are easily pleased I must say...


"Rule followers confuse me." If you want to see somebody really daring, who stands out in a crowd, look at the man who is clean shaven and wearing a tie. They're virtually extinct. Who is being outre and daring here?

ponder said...

Ralph Henry said...
Dear Ponder, I've tied dozens of pull ropes in my life, and not once did I take the time to form it into a noose. I would bet money you never took the time to form a pull rope knot into a noose. I'm not even saying that the not was nefarious - but it was a noose visible to the only black driver in NASCAR and it made him uncomfortable. Subsequent investigation found no evil doings. I think your enthusiastic denial that a noose can legitimately cause a black man concern says a lot more about you than it does him.
Also, I'm going to ask you again to put ALL your comments together. I do not have time to open half a dozen comments individually.

He never saw the noose, someone else decided to stir the pot and then it blew up.

"A crew member for Richard Petty Motorsports discovered the noose Sunday at the Alabama racetrack. NASCAR was alerted and contacted the FBI, which sent 15 agents to the track to investigate."

Anonymous said...

The isralies arm all their teachers.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Gun Guy, The Israelis arm everybody. What's your point?

Anonymous said...

C9: how in the world did you come to that conclusion? I want you to show me one person on the planet that answers the phone with their right hand and then hangs it up with their left hand. I mean, think about that!

This is caused by getting up and walking around and pacing while you're on the phone. Or... Switching ears during the conversation. But I can guarantee it was hung up with the same hand that answered it.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear Phone Expert, I'm deaf in my left ear. I answer the phone with my right hand but halfway through the call my right arm gets tired of holding the phone so I switch to my left arm across my chest. Call over I hang up with my left hand. True story.

Anonymous said...

A3: Your hysterical misinformation continues. The so called noose at the track had an ~ 4 inch diameter which is hardly noose size. The pic I sent you gave prospective . Yours are obviously selected to deceive. I am not racist but you are a left wing-nut.

Anonymous said...

A11: That would be the dems, right?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Noose Expert, "I am not a racist BUT..."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B12 Anon, She just thinks they are all trolls trying to get a rise out of me. And remember, you read only what I allow to be posted. You would get a good laugh over the Trump Cultists shit I read every day.

Anonymous said...

<> And now a senile angry old fart has the nuclear launch codes. We will be lucky if he doesn’t get us into WW3.

Anonymous said...

A2: After reading your blog for a while now I’m convinced you would do a snake in a wood pile if you weren’t afraid of getting slivers.

Anonymous said...

No Trump Cultist here. He was just another turd in the punch bowl, not so different from the rest.

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