One Of My Very Own
Remember, China didn't "take" your job. Your corporate master gave it to them and fired your ass because you cost too much.
Somewhere in Ukraine.
God Save The Queen
If you don't open your butt cheeks to the water while showering you shouldn't be giving any type of life advice.
In my experience, people get really upset when you Google in front of them the thing they told you to Google.
Has the internet ruined you? Here's a little quiz.
I'm not sure why but I was really disappointed to learn that they lied in the stories that were chronicled.
I wonder if that's where they filmed "Last of the Mohicans"?
I bet that sign gets much more attention than just writing it normally.
I never knew they got that big.
Could that really be a thing?
In that environment those ugly-ass Walmart plastic chairs. Jeez.
Who has that kind of empty space in their home?
That reminds me of the vibrating football game we used to have.
Lithium battery danger
When I was eight I found a cool rock on the beach, named it, made it my best friend, and took it everywhere with me. Then one time I took it in the bath with me and it started dissolving. Turns out it was just a dried-up dog turd.
Elon Musk is a dumb guy's idea of a smart guy.
Lady from Alaska removes possum from NYC bar
I bet the Lord is impressed.
One of those people is showing much more commitment than the other.
They've been Türkiye to themselves since the 1920s, the rest of the world just didn't bother.
Watch the belly dancer...
That story has more plot holes than any story ever written.
Everyone is obsessed with physical appearance but remember: true beauty lies in your boundless, untamed fury at the absurdity of existence.
How does a Matrix movie work in 2022? I'm supposed to be scared of living in a fake reality trapped forever in 1999? Shit, log me in.
When I look at things like that all I can think about is how much maintenance it would require.
"Just paint it backward."
I think they are simulating a 5mph collision.
🎶Then one day he was shooting' at some coon...🎶
She lived. Jumping off the front of a boat she lived.
She didn't get so much as a skinned knee.

The creation of life is in the domain of females...think Mother Nature.

D2 - Just paint it backwards. This has the advantage that when you see it in your rear view mirror you immediately know there is an Ambulance behind you, and can you please get out of the way.
A1: Are gender-neutral bathrooms as important to the left as pronouns?
Dear D2 Anon, But the letters are not reversed - only their order.
You are assuming plastic Walmart chairs. There are some people (note, nongender specific) out there that work wonders in wood.
D2: Tawanda would have picked up on that....I think.
D2 anon - that doesn't work with the way this is painted. If you don't believe me hold your phone up to a mirror and see what it says.
The letters aren't backwards like they're supposed to be.
OOMVO - That's a self-portrait I took during the snow apocalypse. We were outside preemptively cutting limbs before they came crashing down from the weight ice.
We had helmets on because things were falling on us as we were working.
A new poll has shown that a majority of Americans don't want either Joe Biden or Donald Trump to run as President in 2024. The poll, conducted by YouGov with Yahoo, was taken between June 10 and June 13, 2022.
On the question should Donald Trump run for President in 2024, 55 percent of people said no while 31 percent said yes.
I'm with the 55% ----THE RACIST
"Elon Musk is a dumb guy's idea of a smart guy." -- so true, may I steal this one? Many of my friends think that Musk is some kind messiah. Most of them learned sciences from Futurama cartoons and Steve Jobs biography. When I'm trying to bring similar jokes to them they are saying that I'm an asshole just being jealous.
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