One Of My Very Own
*Yes, we really do talk like that.
As a kid, I thought karma would drop more pianos on people’s heads, and now I’m very disappointed.
I like putting my socks on the hot dog spinner at 7-Eleven so they get toasty warm and so that I attract dogs when I walk down the sidewalk.
*Verification Requested
Seriously, Voyager has left the solar system - and heaven is nowhere to be found. So, where is God sitting on his throne? Or have you decided that part of your holy book is just bullshit also?
Not everyone was dancing in the moonlight. Some of us were trying to sleep.
When the teacher told my 5yo that America was below Canada, my daughter thought that if you dug a hole deep enough in Canada you’d get to America.
Whatever blows your skirt up.
That looks just like my wife's desktop except she had it set to stack the icons and there were a dozen icons on top of one another. True.
Yeah, he shot himself.
I haven't a clue.
She looks just like the thousands of us who think about not going back to work when on our lunch break.
Goldfish memory actually lasts for months not seconds so don’t play that “I forgot about the rent” shit with me, Bubbles.
I met my step goal by stirring Hersey's Chocolate Syrup into my milk.
I don't get it. Anybody?
It's a bong!
This guy waters his garden with his urine. Brilliant!
That looks very similar to the Pee Pipe I put in my studio.
They probably had a problem with them amassing on the ceiling.
What do you think all those people do for a living?
This image always leaves me in awe.
Well, damn.
I'm way ahead of you.

Put me in the game, coach!

There is an explanation.
D1...its a car suspension spring compressor.
D1 that is a compressed coil spring from a vehicle. That method of compressing a coil spring can be very dangerous. I've done it several times.
D1 That is a spring compressor when you are changing the struts on your car's suspension. If you are careless, stupid, or unlucky, they can 'un-compress' violently
I don't get it. Anybody?
Compressed coil spring from car suspension. There is a lot of potential energy stored in that compressed spring, if the compressor fails things could go horribly wrong...
C9 Fohm is a product that turns your toilet paper into a wet wipe.
D1. Automobile spring compressor for spring installation, if the compressors slip off after it’s compressed they can kill. Ask any auto mechanic....
^^B4^^ I can't believe... That's the best joke I've seen here ever. Thank you. I can die in peace now.
^^C2^^ And he got a strike! That's some good bowling.
^^C5^^ if that shit's real it's gotta weigh 100 pounds. Is that a workout thing?
^^C8^^ LOL
^^C9^^ I'm checking back tomorrow to see if anybody knows what it's about
^^D1^^ checking back on this one, too
^^D6^^ except they're not tugging, they're pushing
That object in question is a compressed coil spring out of some vehicle. If it escapes those two clamps it could possibly kill some one.
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