About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



A trick to tell the Hubble Telescope pictures from the James Webb ones at a glance.

The bright stars in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) pictures show 4 spikes, due to diffraction effects, while those in the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) show 8 spikes, 6 big ones, and 2 small ones. Simple.

Much more information here:



My wife and I are good friends with a young black man who is a street performer as a violinist. He was classically trained but can play almost anything. Today he was standing on a street corner bowing away and an older man walked up, dropped to his knees, and began to sob uncontrollably. After he had settled himself he explained that he was on his way home to commit suicide but the music made him change his mind.

If only it was that easy for everyone.


I get many comments from people that I am absolutely sure would stand in front of a Monet and their only comment would be "How much is this worth?"


*Verification Requested


I've heard the argument a hundred times - If you take away all the guns people will just start stabbing one another. Well...no.



"But gas prices were too high."



King Midas: *turns something to gold for the first time* 



Hear me out: A tampon that yells “OH YEAH” in the Kool-Aid man’s voice when it’s full.



Guess what she is doing.

That lady is charging her arm!

What a great time to be alive.


"You want me to what?"

- model probably


Your grandmothers invented everything that we now call kinky. Remember this?


That is an obsession.


Both of them do their jobs better than I've ever done any job.


As repulsive as you and I may find that, I read that had there been no "Freak Shows" people like Stephan would have had no way to make a living.





So, she thought he would be interested in her if she pretended to be too drunk to walk?


Table Race

I would love to supervise a team doing that.


In case it doesn't load:


"Gotta save my siiissster!"




I have never seen that technique before.


Trampoline Fun




Sure Seasame Street is an educational show. What kind of bird is that? Uh...a big one.


Do you know what socks? 




It was stated that they do this in their own arena for away games.


There may be a huge sunspot aiming right at us waiting to head our way.



I would bet money that that picture IS NOT from the Netherlands.


At the moment of a devastating missile strike at a gas station in Mykolaiv. People miraculously survived.

Inside the office...

The whole world will rejoice...


I think most people do shit like this just so they can tell people they did it.


I think that is the one that capsized and sank not too long ago. I never realized it was that big.


In my opinion a total waste of land.

And do you know why? Because they've always done it that way.



At least I tried to make it more legible...

"Aliens kidnapped my wife. And come help me celebrate."

Do with that what you will.


That is one photograph.



It would take me hours to finish my meal.




Why is she wearing a harness?



[Playing poker]

*Takes my college diploma out of my wallet, unfolds it, and slams it on the table

I raise you $425k!


That awkward moment when you realize your wife’s funeral is turning into a sausage-fest.



*Viewer contribution



I think those are stacks of Styrofoam but my brother had a huge stack of drywall in the bed of his truck and after stopping at a red light on a hill drove right out from under it when the light turned green. And only one bottom sheet broke. A dozen motorists helped them put them back in the truck one sheet at a time.


I have a woodworking friend who made his sink out of a decorative salad bowl in which he drilled a hole.


This took me a while to understand.

I believe it is a bank of plastic-wrapped scaffolding that was blown over in the wind and then is being held up by the wires.

That exact same thing happened to me and I had to call the fire department to assist in righting it. All the while pedestrians ignored the peril.


They made a joke about keeping salesmen away but I would be much more concerned about opening the door from the inside and bringing it into the house.


The giant blind mole-rat ( Spalax giganteus ) is endemic to one area about the size of Maryland in the North Caucasus region of Russia.


I will bet he discovered that by accident.


Its giant, chubby appearance is due to a self-defense technique in which it inflates itself with air in order to look more formidable when it feels in danger. The species of the frog is the Blunt-headed Burrowing Frog, also called Glyphoglossus molossus.


That was back when we learned a lot of physics from the accidents we endured. Now they build everything so there can't be any accidents - thus no physics lessons.


This person stated that he wanted to design puzzles for a long time and it’s finally happened. 



So very mouth-watering.


Just a parent taking their fluffy teen for a walk...







-sound on-



Get it?


Anonymous said...

C6: no. That is not the reason we do it. I don't think people like you would ever understand why we do things like that.
It's not about the photo. It's not about bragging rights.
We do it for challenge. We do it for adventure. We do it because it makes us feel ALIVE!

We do it because we'd rather not sit on the couch playing video games (comfortable simulations of what you are questioning).

There is an inner force that drives us to do these things. I call it, "living".

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: past tense of will.i.am shake spear

Anonymous said...

C10 - It reads 'Aliens kidnapped my wife and kids. Help me celebrate.

ponder said...

When your reward for bravery is having to worry about hospital bills...

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C6 Anon, Thank you for your wonderful comment. And please believe me when I tell you that I am NOT trying to start an argument but I have one question. Have you ever climbed a mountain or jumped out of an airplane and didn't tell people about it? I ask because every skydiver I've ever met lets me know of his feats within minutes of meeting him.
Enjoy yourself however you deem appropriate and more power to you...and send pics and I will post them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we tell people. People tend to share experiences that made them feel good with other people.
We also share our failures; when we didn't make it to the top for instance.

My experience here on earth is that humans tend to socialize events in their lives that made them happy.

For instance, a grandparent might brag about how smart their grandchild is. There is a desire to share with the world the good things in our lives.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mountain Climber, Thank you. You made your case beautifully.

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