About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 9, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I've been asked why I harp on about gays and such. Well, it's quite simple.

I have gay friends who are frightened right here in America.

And they are afraid of people who actually believe that people different than them are evil.

ANYTHING outside their experience is bad - whether it's new music forms, clothing styles, hairdos, dances, or even diet.

And I consider myself an empathetic person and feel the pain of others I don't even know.

And no one thinks their way into hating. You just feel your way into hate.

I want to be like the Germans during WWII who hid Jews in their attics to protect them. And the fact that the persecuted are now gays is a secondary matter. I would join the fray if the persecuted were left-handed or red-haired people.


It's called karma, sweetie, live with it.


My wife is in Facebook jail again for making another joke. This time she was commenting on our severe weather and joked, "Does anybody know where I can get some Valium?" I wonder if adding "LOL" or "That was a joke" at the end would save her. Anybody?


I weep for the future.


Mackenzie Scott donated 12 billion, 8 in the last 2 years. That’s almost 30% of her net worth.


Think of that - working an hour for about a gallon and a half of gasoline. If you have a long commute you may not even break even.


People are starving to death meanwhile the Russians won't let the farmers distribute nor sell the harvest.

(In Russian occupied territories of Ukraine) People are starving to death meanwhile the Russians don't let the farmers distribute nor sell the harvest, just letting it sit out there and rot. They are practically just trying their best to cripple the people.

At the checkpoint in Vasylivka, farmers are forced to dump tons of vegetables that are transported from Melitopol to Zaporizhzhia. And all of this because the racists, the invader Russians forbid the export of vegetables and fruits from the occupied territories.

*Verification Requested

(this may very well be propaganda)


Coastline Pollution, Guatemala

That is sickening - figuratively and literally.



Medieval kings were like "That's my emotional support silly little guy."


*I only posted that because I have a friend named Rupert.


In zombie movies, they make a huge deal about not letting anybody bite you but I've already been doing that my whole life.




*Viewer contribution

"Busy", is a slang term in Britain for someone who is always poking their nose in.

People from Liverpool refer to the Police as "The Busies"!



"Obama Will Harvest Your Trigger Finger On A Socialist Dare"



I can't believe this guy cut me off...

"Cut me off."




Same Energy





I always thought Ireland was much bigger than that.


English as Second Language

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First Drink

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Has anybody else completely lost it or is it just me and Elon Musk?


*I have no idea what that means.


There should be a Reba McEntire McDonald's meal called the McEntire where you get the entire menu.



"Look, Mom, it's heating up..."


There’s…several…issues here. That plane looks low, the tethered parasailer looks high, and the plane failed to see and only avoided with luck.


So much for beggars not being choosers.


Who gets excited by magic when we all KNOW it's just slight of hand?



I had the exact same thing happen to a car of mine. The fire shorted out the starter and it just "cranked" down the street.

Here's the sound of the starter if you're interested.

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She's looking up like "Why, God? Why me?"



I need your Boots, your Knife, and your Motorcycle .. Ok keep your Boots.



Car Commercial



Imagine taking a commercial flight in the 1950s. Science was shit. They didn't have GPS. Just flying on vibes and cigarettes. Occasionally you hear the pilot on the intercom, "Hey, does that look like Pittsburgh down there?"


Please do not moan during your torture in hell. It makes it weird and very unprofessional.




I assume it's reflecting something?


Street art, Amsterdam.

That would have been so very much better without the floating figure.


Sorry, but I forgot the chemical they mixed in the resin.


There's a "my wife at the buffet" joke in there somewhere.


*Sorry for the crap crop job.

Was that a fucking wolf?!?


So, if the window seat guy has to pee then everybody has to climb their ass out of there?


I think it has to do with an air cushion.

But I bet that table has to be perfectly flat.


It might be cheaper to just buy a race car.


A10 just to hear it burp...

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Chick Raising


Garbage Truck

We have three different trucks where I live. One for garbage, one for recycles, and one for yard trash and large items. 


An Offer of Friendship Rejected

It's been said that each of these clever cephalopods’ eight arms has a mind of its own. But it may be more accurate to say every sucker has its own brain, Dominic Sivitilli, a behavioral neuroscientist and astrobiologist, told NOVA in 2019.

Octopuses use their arms for many things—swimming, hunting, and sometimes even throwing shells at other octopuses—but how these animals control their eight limbs individually has always been mysterious. 
In 2019, a team of researchers set out to track how octopus arms "think” by filming captive octopuses as they explored new objects in their enclosures. With the footage in hand, the researchers used a computer algorithm to determine if the arms were working together, which would suggest central direction from the brain, or independently, which would suggest the arms were making decisions on their own.




Did you notice how quickly the width of the cut was changed?







That level of stupidity should void your insurance.



Here we have three pieces of paper with drawings. Your challenge is to manipulate the drawings until the two cowboys are sitting on the two horses at the same time.

You may want to print them out. I offer the rare solution because I thought it was very clever.











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Anonymous said...

A1 I too have friends that are gay and they have no issues with feeling attacked or persecuted. Pride month just past and there were parades where wangs were flying ties were bouncing. Where's the problem?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A1 Liar, I don't believe you when you say you have gay friends.

BillR said...

^^A1^^ I've had gay friends for over 50 years. They say the 80s and 90s were scary because of AIDS, but that was an impersonal kind of existential threat. What's going on now is more frightening because it's often personal, and literally in your face ugly mad.

JNR said...

Back in the olden days when I was single there was a drink like that.

It was called a Screaming Blue Jesus.

Don't know what was in it but I knew better than to try one.

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