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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

SUNDAY #4946

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






Read that again and think about the Boy Scouts.



I wonder how the Brits would feel if Germany had overrun them during WWII and hauled off, say, all the crowns and after being defeated the Germans refused to give them back.


The groups with the largest declines are also the groups that are currently least likely to believe in God, including liberals (62%), young adults (68%), and Democrats (72%). Belief in God is highest among political conservatives (94%) and Republicans (92%), reflecting that religiosity is a major determinant of political divisions in the U.S.


Speaking of delusion...

*I wonder if anti-vaxxers know that normal people put them in the same category as flat earthers, i.e. delusional.


All you boo-birds need to try that sometimes. I refuse to be trolled by fools any longer.


But the point is - they found the errors and removed them. 

I find that admirable.







"If you did it when you were drunk you wanted to do it sober."

I'm pretty sure I didn't want to puke down the driver's door of the car stopped next to me at that red light while my wife was driving my drunk ass home.


The refrigerator is the perfect example of what matters is on the inside.



My old friend juxtaposition...




What a GREAT recovery!



His Alzheimer's? Or his wife's?



That would have been me in my drinking days.


Just another reason to attend college.


Speaking of abject stupidity...


This guy opened the door of the van in which he is traveling to fart. What could possibly go wrong?

1. He falls out.

2. The guy in front of him falls out.

3. They both fall out.

4. The door falls off.








4. The door falls off.

Cyclist Beer Break



I will bet my last dollar that somewhere in Florida a drag queen is going by the name of Rhonda Santis.


My favorite part of the Book of Mormon is when Mormon yells "It's Mormin' time!" And Morms all over everyone.



It's a well-placed wasp nest.


Dad is looking at his milk sources again.


That is not fat-shaming. That was posted in admiration of the bench engineering.





Life imitating art...



The Fast Thinking Milkman

A man came home early from work and found the iceman standing in the middle of his living room with his pants and underwear down around his ankles. Instantly the ice man pointed at the man and said, "I'm going to tell you just like I told your wife - if you don't pay your ice bill today I'm going to shit right here in the middle of your living room."



I haven't a clue.


They wrote that in braille.



Jesus and His AR - The Musical

-sound on-



Not sure it applies but the meteor that brought an end to the dinosaurs was so massive that the crater actually started forming itself before it even touched the ground, due to the unbelievable air pressure.


A majority of Canadians live south of Seattle.



They have been doing that since man invented war.


Remember this prick's 15 minutes of fame?



I've painted dozens of those. 

I called them Architectural Illusions.


If they used that for a snow plow I can understand why they needed the cab enclosed.


As I understand it, you pass out when you lock your knees. But when I was in the military we lined up from shortest to tallest, not that hodgepodge pictured above.


Making movies looks like fun.



Skoda Felicia Fun Pickup Had A Clever Feature That Was Sadly Forgotten

And then there was this...

Is anybody out there old enough to remember when the Suburu pickup came with seats in the bed? I seem to remember there was a quota on pickup trucks the US would allow and by putting the seats in it was no longer technically a pickup.


E.T. then and now

There was a book of movie locations like that so you could visit them on a road trip.


It was fascinating. 

I can remember watching every second of it.


I think those are juice containers they use as a lubricant.

And everybody is wearing flip-flops.


Otter War

But how do they know who to attack?





*Think homosexuality.


*I wonder how much wine Jesus had had when he made that this bread is my body directive.





Anonymous said...

Poor bastard hit the ground without any cushioning,

ponder said...

There was a book of movie locations like that so you could visit them on a road trip.


There are also people on youtube making videos about then & now movie locations.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Rhonda Santis! From Florida and sure hope you're right. hehe

Anonymous said...

D9: The Subaru you are think of was called the "Brat". I rode in the back of one - ONCE!

There is a reason they came with a five point safety harness. I suppose highway driving might be OK in the back, but going off road knocked every bone in my body and I lost 1/2 of my fillings. I was sore for a week.

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