One Of My Very Own
*That joke is as old as those ladies.
I like this post very much.
I tell everyone with a dream that they MUST go for it. Failure is better than lying on your death bed wondering what your life would be like had you gone for it.
A couple of years ago I gave my bartender money to start journalism school to become a sports writer. If he, in fact, does not become a sports writer is not the point. He HAD to try.
More and more people are just giving up. But I think your feeling of profound powerlessness is the result of a well-organized campaign to keep you away from the polls.
The gay community is under attack and I can't understand why. Whatever happened to "live and let live"? Whatever happened to the understanding that the "pursuit of happiness" comes in many flavors? I am starting to believe that gayness is not the issue - power is the issue, and the simplest way to demonstrate that power is the persecution of an already vulnerable group.
My daughter, who has hundreds (literally) of peer-reviewed articles once told me that scientists love to find errors in the studies of other scientists - which is the whole basis of the exercise.
Well, I have observed that news outlets love to find mistakes in the work of other news outlets. As I've stated before, I listen to Fox News daily and it is obvious to me that those folks don't even try to tell the truth - especially concerning covid and the innocence of Donald Trump.
Fuck it. If I can't have healthcare or a functioning government, I'll at least take bilateral support to keep the world from starving.
Sending women dick pics is for amateurs. Real men get out there and disappoint women in real life.
Since it was impossible to know which period of my life was the middle I decided to have an ongoing crisis starting at age 32.
When Putin's war is over, I think the world will be amazed at the low-tech innovations the Ukrainians utilized.
I can imagine they used a bed of earth to soften the landing as soon as they begin to quarry marble.
As I understand it, they used to dig ore out of a mountain and then shovel it into a sluice to separate out the gold.
Now they just wash away the whole mountain to the same end.
The ancestors of modern humans lived in one place and ate the same thing for generations. Then they became nomads and were forced to eat a myriad of new foods. What courage that must require.
I remember a documentary discussing how the nomads would collect fruits while traveling to the next spring where they could find water. After eating the, say, apple, they tossed the cores over their shoulders. Eventually, apple trees grew right where they intended to camp. The first accidental farmers.
In Travels With Charlie, using a bungee cord John Steinbeck hung a five-gallon bucket in the small closet of his Winnebagoby and while driving it bounced up and down washing his clothes.
I'm not really sure how I became a box maker but I like doing it very much. Boxes like the one above are far above my skill level.
I find the fact that those people in that bed still have their clothes on extraordinary. I would have wanted to get naked as soon as the door closed.
That, Gentle Reader, is how we should all travel. However, the hallway baffles me in that many Americans simply would not fit through that door.
Smooth as silk.
I want to believe that is a table she built herself.
But her pouring of the kernels was more or less hit or miss...
With a sloppy spill like that, wouldn't you think they would film it all again? I would.
Do you think that's in an airplane or boat?
Speaking of toilet innovation...
But what problem is that overcoming?
Pool Shark
While in Germany I was somewhat of a Foosball shark. But technically I won most of my competitions because my goalie simply would not allow the other team to score. Gunther was once the middleweight boxing champion of Germany which also meant I was unlikely to get my ass kicked by a disgruntled loser.
Here is an innovation to the game of pool.
A perfect segue.
I got out of bed after my wife and when I threw back the covers I found a half-eaten stick of butter. I asked my wife if she put anything in the bed and she said, "I didn't put any butter in it." And that was that.
The receptionist at the dentist's office looking you straight in the eye asking if you are available 6 months, 3 days, and 1 hour from now.
I don't think I've ever seen the area behind the batter without a protective screen. That looks incredibly dangerous.
As a teenager I rode a friend's horse and when it got tired he would wait until he was pointed toward the barn and just take off at a full gallop until he was home. The horse's owner said many horses had the same trait.
I'm actually having trouble understanding what is happening.
There are alternatives to writing a resignation letter...
I wonder how many circles he could have made had that table not been there.
But it was mere feet from the bridge - not enough time to stop.
PS: He even knocked a light off the warning sign.
I think they just put the lower stairs on the wrong side of the landing.
These two clips came together without explanation.
I'm going to guess that it was the start of the sinking of Russia's flagship.
Bottle Toss
Me: Can I have a turn in the hedge now?
Hedgehog: No.
Does anyone else remember the DARE program? They showed up at our school one day and taught us all the names of all the drugs, the street lingo to get drugs, the places in town to find drug dealers, and then told us not to do drugs.
This guy looks remarkably calm -
almost like he enjoys it.
How do you improve the grape?
While looking at a house to buy I answered the ad for an antebellum house that looked very much like this.
It came with 5 acres of land with four (4!) outbuildings including a barn that would be perfect for a studio. The downside was that it had no heating or air conditioning, but I could finance that with the home loan.
The backstory was that the owner died and left his estate to his five children who divided the land into five sections.
But had I bought the land I would not have owned the beautiful oak-lined driveway. By law, they had to give me access to my land but I feared they would turn the rest of the land into a trailer park that I would be forced to drive through it coming and going from my house. I turned them down.
35 years later and the land remains pristine.
I think of that a lot.
Now that is how you get people to read your ad.
The caption read: When nature reminds us that we are just staying here because it allows it.
Speaking of dogs...
Please take the time to watch this and mimic the sound it is making.
Now turn on your sound and hear what it actually sounds like.
Fremont Troll, Seattle
I wonder how visible it is to passersby.
Giant Burger Challenge
-sound on-

This is something you should not forget to do.
Puzzle time: clean up your hard drive.
Ralph, it could be worse. I mean you might have devoted your time to scribbling a blog in support of the Democrats. That would have been a tragic waste of your talents. Mike
Puzzle Time: Tip your server.
Commercial fire starter product (Pull Start Fire), being used in what appears to be the Bonfire model outdoor fire pit by Solo.
See it at
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