About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




On Women's Rights





On The Murder Of Children




It was reported that he escaped wearing a dress. I wonder what the right-wing media will do with that.

*Did you notice that one of the photos is reversed?












*Verification Requested


L. Ron Hubbard once said something like: "If I wanted to make a lot of money I'd start a religion" and he started Scientology. Trump must have read his book.

But raising money for something you know is a lie (the election being stolen) IS A CRIME.


I've asked all his supporters to think of how they would react if Joe Biden did the EXACT same thing as Trump. I'm pretty sure you would be calling for his head.


Seriously. I don't need to hear how much money it's worth...potentially. I want to know how much profit you have made...in your pocket not numbers on a website.




I need to come out and say it, in my studio I have fully converted to metric. It is so much easier. For instance, what is half of 5' 7 5/16"? Compare that to half of 184 mm. For woodworkers, it's a no-brainer.


No one talks much about it but for most folks, the insurance they do have is a nightmare.


Do you want the good old days? Fine. Let's start with taxing the shit out of the super-rich.


I want to change these to something classier. 

Do any of you have anything you can email me?



"I'm going to let you off with a warning, have a nice day" versus "Sir, I'm going to need you to step out of your vehicle right now. "


I checked Kelley Blue Book today for my car's value and it asked if the tank was full or empty.




*I have no idea what that means.



Another movie with a more or less unique plot line.



Guess which one I would be...

Except I would have had a beer instead of a candy bar.



Let me know how that works out for you.


I've shown you this before...

My friend made it funny.


Every guy I've ever known would have done the very same thing.


One of my bartenders averred that Big Bang Theory was the funniest show to ever appear on TV. I told him I had watched a couple of episodes and didn't find them funny at all. Then this prick said to my face, "You are just not smart enough to get the jokes." I wish someone had taken a photo of my face.




In the wilderness, he is known as the "Rim Reaper".

I wish the old boy luck since he stole my signature move.


Advice Guy


"Fingers Sold Separately"




When you say "I seen" I assume you won't finish that sentence with "the inside of a book."


*He sounds like my grandson.


My doctor asked me how old I was and I told her I would be 76 in three months. Then she said, "My, aren't you optimistic."



Here it is smaller to compare the two.



Cow takes a trip to the vet from a mountain topin , Switzerland

The steaks were pretty high.

But the cow was faking it - its third thrill trip this month.


I miss vistas. Where I live you can only see a block or two.



When I was in Europe I spent a lot of time studying architectural details like these.


I really like this type of photography.



The Pamir - the last commercial sailing ship - 1949

It looks so very unstable.


Nice guy, indeed.


View from space of the violent tornadic supercell that tore through Chicago.

Thanks, satellite builder for getting that advanced degree instead of joining your family's lawn service business.


Jazz From a Master

I regret never learning how to play an instrument.


Shark eating a camera



Gas prices are cutting into my Christmas money so I let my wife know now that for the 18th year in a row...


After six months of evaluation from a therapist, her diagnosis was "Low income".



From what I've learned that halo ought to be a cock ring.




Mistakes like that could get you killed.


Remember this?


"Why were you late to work, Ms. Watson?"



Can I assume it drove off a parking garage?

Or is it an advertising installation?


That chimney is so bad it's rather interesting.


*I weep for the future.










ponder said...

It is so much easier.

Many of your fellow countrymen would vehemently argue that it's not easier. I've given up trying to explain it to them, I don't think they are interested in understanding, or maybe it's just not from here syndrome.

Can I assume it drove off a parking garage?
Or is it an advertising installation?

The latter.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time


David said...

B11 -that's something they would have said on big bang theory. If you'd watch the show you would have gotten that.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: zero

Crashsq said...

^^C11^^ I was a little put off by the wording of this image. I try to never demoralize anyone's job. Some people do what they can. And let's face it, we need someone to do the labor, no matter what the job. Some people have what it takes to further themselves and some do not. I was raised being told no matter what the job, do your best. I think the caption should have been, " Thanks, satellite builder for putting in the time and getting that advanced degree."

ponder said...

"Crashsq said...
^^C11^^ I was a little put off by the wording of this image. I try to never demoralize anyone's job. Some people do what they can. And let's face it, we need someone to do the labor, no matter what the job. Some people have what it takes to further themselves and some do not. I was raised being told no matter what the job, do your best."

Agree 100%. A street sweeper can teach you some valuable life lessons.
Living in a 3rd world continent I've found myself in some really hairy situations before where you think this is potentially your last day only to be rescued by a good person with street smarts my stem degree was useless in comparison to. I'm privileged for my education but I'll never look down on those less educated, every person plays a role in society. My dad also taught me to do my best irrespective of the job at hand, the only thing you have in life is your name and reputation and most importantly is that your word is your bond period.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C11 People, I'm not sure what I wrote is degrading to lawn care workers. I need a lawn guy - but I would guess 90% of the able-bodied people in my city could be a lawn care guy. Far, far fewer can or would get an advanced degree required to design a satellite. And think those people deserve my thanks for their sacrifice in toil and treasure. I keep harping on this because I've had commenters tell me that we need fewer people with degrees not more. That appalled me and I have been pointing out the contribution of highly educated people ever since.

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