About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


One Of My Very Own








I think the only solution to solving race relations is interracial breeding. It sure has worked for my wife's family and my family.


I once emailed the Pilot Pen Company and told them I bought a carton of pens that several were defective. I included the lot number of the box and suggested they check it against their quality control. I did not give them my address but within in a week I received a dozen pens from them.


I have yet to get an answer to my query as to why anyone would be against electric cars.


He was actually Franz Halder but close enough.




I've never agreed with anything more.



If you want a grilled cheese sandwich from Subway you need to say, "American cheese on a six-inch Italian bun, toasted."


Would someone please explain that to me so even I can understand it? Specifically, how come we don't hate greedy bastards?




I always advise: Get help if you need it. But I'm sure those people had professional service. I just wish you the very best.





The anus is the window of the butt.

- Billy Shakespeare


My daughter once told me she learned that octopuses can climb through tiny cracks so she was scared to swim in the ocean because an octopus might climb inside her butt. After that, I was scared to swim in the ocean.




So, the other person doesn't have to bring shit?


When I finally have to move I'm going to have to hire a friend to drive a truck filled with my money art straight through.



I never really thought about how they run a pipeline through mountains.


I guess it takes advantage of the engine heat.




Don't laugh, we had a metallic tape we put on the access panel of missiles that we called "2000 mile-per-hour duct tape."



I watched a documentary on such things and the reason you can't do this...

This is because the trees are holding the buildings together.


Not horny anymore.


The most badass Lego you've ever seen.

Designed and built by an incredibly talented man called Mirko Soppelsa. This set actually has instructions which you can check out here along with his other builds https://www.starbricks.net/


They're a joke about me preparing a blog post in there somewhere.


Salsa Dance Party from below a glass floor

Looks kind of like insects don't it?


An Unusual Pig

A Very, Very Old Pig Joke

I once walked up to a farmer sitting on his porch and a three-legged pig trotted out to meet me. I petted the animal and said, "He's a very friendly pig." The farmer said, "And smart, too. Watch this." Then the farmer asked the pig what's 7 minus 5 and the pig snorted twice. I asked if I could do it and the farmers nodded. I asked, "What's 3 times 2?" And the pig snorted six times. The farmer smiled and said, "Pig, go get my pipe." And the pig trotted inside and fetched the pipe. I told the man I had never seen a pig that smart and the farmer said, "Hell, he saved my life. The house caught on fire and that pig ran through the flames to wake me up or I would have surely burned up." "How did it lose its leg," I asked. "Well, a pig that smart you don't eat all at once."



I bet there are a couple of seconds on that medieval torture rack where it feels incredible.


If you are a doctor and you don't point at your food and say "that's just what the doctor ordered" whenever you are at a restaurant you need to have your medical license revoked.



The women's team finally worked out a deal where they are paid even if they lose. And they have lost five in a row. Make of that as you wish.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


I've done shit like that.


I would think he had a better chance of doing it as it sped up going down.



Mullah Hunting Is the New National sport of the Iranians!


Not fat shaming, just wondering how many calories it takes to maintain that.



Attendants, in yellow, help guests navigate the complexities of a newly installed escalator system.

There was talk concerning the handrails not working.


Game Show Wit


The Woman's Expression





*Anon sent me this to strengthen his climate change denial argument.

I like to use it to illustrate the dangers of actually believing that everything was created by magic in six days.


How is it possible that they wouldn't delete that video?


I would like to meet that young woman.



Anonymous said...

A4: I'm not so sure it's that people are against electric cars, rather than they feel electric cars are not sustainable as the numbers grow.

As gasoline cars are replaced with electric cars, there needs to be a way to pay for the roads that are currently paid for with gas tax.

In the heat of Summer the electric companies can barely keep the electricity running as is. The infrastructure does not appear to be there in order to support a fully electric fleet.

Others worry about the environmental impact resulting from the mining of the elements needed for the batteries, and also the impact when the batteries are disposed of.

Personally, I think electric cars are the future. But we don't have the infrastructure in place to sustain two electric cars in every driveway.

Maybe there needs to be a correlation between solar panels on your home roof and electric cars.

Just thinking out loud.

Anonymous said...

2 things

the salsa dance does look like ants, reminds me of the old dos game "SimAnt"

and 2 WTF @ hitting the corvette why would you keep driving?!?!

Anonymous said...

B14 you unusual pig is a Mangalitsa.
They are sadly very rare nowadays but they taste so good that their fat used to be traded on the stock exchange!

Anonymous said...

B14 pig
Sorry I had the sound off when I told you what you already know.

Anonymous said...

Now do Phizor and Moderna

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A4 Anon, Thank you for your excellent comment. I agree, especially the home solar and wind generators. Hell, I would cover the hood, trunk, and roof with solar panels. Most cars sit out in the sun all day.

billr said...

^^A11^ Stockholm syndrome

Anonymous said...

A3: Are you saying you witnessed a miracle? “I did not give them my address……” Say it isn’t so.

Anonymous said...

C4: And you have the nerve to criticize others sentence composition. Clearly, english must be your 2nd language.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A3 Anon, Yes it was a miracle...or a phone book.

Ralph Henry said...

Dearest C4 Anon,
"And you have the nerve to criticize others (OTHER'S) sentence composition.(?) Clearly, (E)english must be your 2nd language."

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