One Of My Very Own
*You have to use your imagination.
I like to tell competent employees, "Your professionalism is refreshing. Thank you."
Being nice to people has its benefits. My wife called to see if the Chinese Restaurant was open due to work being done in the parking lot, but the line was busy. The owner called my wife and told her she recognized her number and that she could pick up our meal at the back door.
Would you Republicans please tell Trump to shut the fuck up so I can respect the Republican Party again?
There are some positive signs but you guys have a long way to go.
The looming question I want to be answered is how such an obviously flawed human being could sway so many otherwise normal people.
Remember these things that I posted all over town?
I spoke too hastily.
USPS Tracking:
1. We are not sure it exists.
2. It is delivered.
Every time another of my body parts fails I imagine my stem cells saying, "The working conditions here are awful and I am done." And I respect that, from a labor perspective.
If I had three guesses to guess where that happened I'd choose Australia all three times.
Notice how all those flapping wings caused the tarp to flutter violently.
Drones Recreating Antiquity Architecture
How very, very wonderful.
How I met my wife...
Remember those Clan of the Cave Bear books? I thought they were highly educational.
What it looks like when you paint a car in the blackest available paint and add color-shifting glitter.
The literature clock tells the time by using a quote from a book.
*I think you will like this. I did.
In marriages, 75% of arguments start because someone hasn't eaten yet.
In middle school, I convinced a large number of students to put the name Ron Jeremy in the school raffle and when the principal read the name in the gym we all screamed for five straight minutes. Everyone got detention. That's how Twitter feels now.
During practice for one of my All-Star games, the coach brought in a major league pitcher who taught us some tricks. He told us when he was about our age he asked himself if he wanted to work for a living or play for a living and that helped to motivate him to work hard.
I did the same thing by becoming an artist.
Antonivsky bridge, Ukraine, Russian flag being shot down.
I can imagine them thinking it was boobytrapped.
I'm big on heirlooms. We used to play army with my Grandfather's WWI helmet.
My mother threw it out during one of her spring cleanings. She also threw away a leather Auburn pendant from the 1920s.
I vowed I would never do such a thing.
Grandson reunites with grandma after he helped liberate Kherson.
Now imagine the heirloom he could have created if he had brought her a gift...anything...a pretty rock or a nice piece of driftwood.
Biker Mishap
Car Roof
Car Roof2
Sword Swallowing Tutorial
Woodgrain Tool
While looking for pictures of murals in which I used the wood grain tool I found these two off-topic images.
This is me on Google Maps.

You and trump should “shut the fuck up.” Biden also. So you think winning your respect is a big deal, eh? Nobody cares. The two parties are more similar than they are different. You go on now believing you have a real choice. Baa Baa Baa BTW: Your fake “I’m the science” is trying to run and hide before the subpoenas start.
Dear Everyone, Would someone please translate that for me. I can only assume English is their second language. Bless their heart.
Baa Baa Baa ..think sheep Oh great thinker!
B10: Has the left formally anointed it a planet or not. I wouldn’t want to be doxed and fall from grace with the unithink left.
Dear Anon, Please use the item number when making a comment.
Dear Pluto, Do you actually think the "left" gets to classify and un-classify planets?
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