It's a new version of the Ad Hominem Fallacy which prohibits attacking the person instead of the argument at hand. If you need examples, read the comments to this blog.
And it should be sat in by every baby in that family forever - like the crib in my extended family.
Some people don't realize that the rules of the game have changed. It is now impossible to pay for college with a part-time job like I did. No longer can most young people afford to enter the housing market with a cheap starter home like I did. Half of the country lives paycheck to paycheck and an unexpected expense like car repair is a life-altering crisis.
And young people know that they are fucked and want something done about it.
The caption read: "Oh the irony."
Just stop. I listened to every word of his trial and a jury of his peers (people just like you and me) found him not guilty. I would have voted the same.
If you fuck with me I will cut you loose in a heartbeat. I won't hate you - I just won't think of you at all.
I don't know what kind of sex y'all had that makes y'all wanna tattoo people's names into your flesh but I ain't never had it that good.
Remember, when you dress, if you die, that's your ghost outfit forever.
My wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I gave her a slip of paper that read: Store $562, aisle 6, bay 32. So, now she's headed to Lowe's for a little treasure hunt.
Please stop wearing Harley Davidson shirts if you don't even listen to him.
That happens to me all the time.
They named their dog Picasso.
When you're too lazy to microwave it yourself...
My wife tried that once. Once.
Cleans EVERYTHING, inside and out.
This is the website address for Volkswagen in Italy:
Is there room for one more at a fully booked hotel with infinite rooms?
Oh Shit
That's what happens when you don't read the label first.
Rough Seas
Now imagine navigating that in a relatively small Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria.
This guy travels for a living and he tries to take one decent photograph every day.
What a wonderful way to document your life.
I read that when girls live together like in a sorority their periods synchronize. I've always wondered which one of them has the alpha coochie that everybody else is syncing to.
Any time my wife brings up home renovations I just mention installing a urinal and suddenly we’re not talking about home renovations anymore.
That is very true. I've noticed it in bars since 1971.
Perrier had many ideas of how they could market their water. They could hype it as being mixable with alcohol, healthy, tasty, etc. They opted with making it very expensive and going for the snob appeal. And for a while, it worked.
I did not know that.
Just wait.
There are still people who scoff at the global warming crisis by pointing out how cold it was this or that day. They haven't a clue of what happens when you overheat a planet. Not. A. Clue.
A tomb from the Varna necropolis in Bulgaria (circa 4600 BC) contains the world's oldest gold jewelry discovered to date.
That's a gold dick cap.
*Verification Requested
It was also reported that after the tsunami in Japan they had no air conditioning and workers were given permission to come to work in casual shorts, sandals, and T-shirts and productivity skyrocketed.

No number:
Is there room for one more at a fully booked hotel with infinite rooms?
The answer is always. Yes. The trick is how to get the new guest into a room immediately.
The infinite motel room situation gets much harder once infinite buses arrive with infinite guests.
D3: fish don't think. They react.
B10.... I'm not sure if it's part of the joke, but that's not Keith Urban. It's Owen Wilson. :-)
^^D3^^ Anonymous comment: Verification requested.
Also ^^E8^^ Finding your blog has significantly increased my chances of obtaining the minimum RDA of humor in my life. For that, I thank you.
A4: Wait until they finally figure out who gets to pay for the dems vote buying, inflation generating spending spree.
A5: If it wasn’t for it all being on video the left would have crucified him. Every honest person knows and admits it.
Dear A4 Anon, It seems to me that everything that helps the common guy is called vote buying.
A4: Waste example: My well paid school teacher daughter gets a $1,200 and then $600 stimulus check (think inflation) for what?
A4 Anonymous. Who do you think pays for the republican vote-buying tax breaks for the rich?
A4 answer: The same tax regulations apply up and down to all income levels. The average person just reacts on a gut level without benefit of the facts. For example: Some reporter from MSM exclaimed in outrage that Trump deducted a foreign tax he paid. It’s in the regs. and only makes sense. Say you own FXI (Chinese ETF) and pay forgein tax on the dividends at 5% and your US tax rate is 24%. You are not taxed twice on that same income. Hence, you pay 5% forgein tax and 24 - 5 = 19% in US taxes. Doesn’t matter if you own 10 shares or 1,000,000. Curiously enough, the government thinks it makes sense for a company to pay tax on their earnings and the share holder (business owner) to pay tax on any dividends paid out from the same earnings. Essentially the same income is taxed twice. Another point is that companies don’t pay the taxes, individuals pay them in the way of higher prices. Companies are merely pass throughs. High corporate tax rates just make the US companies less competitive internationally, making them less able to expand, hire and pay higher wages. The average voter knows very little about the facts and actual issues in this and many other matters. This is why Biden gets away with one lie after another.
Ok, agreed, she is not paid well versus other professions. But at least she has a profession and not a degree in french romantic period poetry and working, if at all, as a barista. One also must consider that she works 160 days versus 240 per year and has excellent benefits. She wants to switch to something else. Not because of the pay but because today’s middle schoolers have had little if any parenting and lack any discipline and respect. So you can weep some more for the future. Happy Fing new year.
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