*More Verification Requested
I'm the guy that gives rude, speeding drivers the benefit of the doubt by imagining them rushing a child to the hospital.
You people would laugh at what some "researchers" send me as "proof" that masks are useless and vaccines will kill you.
Remember, no vaccine is 100% safe. What matters is that it saves many more people's lives than it harms.
Who would do this to a child?
Speaking of...
*I don't even understand what the whole uproar over pronouns is about. It's not like anybody can make you use a word you would rather not use.
That could rank right up there with powered flight, harnessing the atom, or the Wonder Bra.
The hardest part about learning Ethics is finding out that somehow, in some way, you are a horrible person.
People with prosthetic legs can choose to be whatever height they want to be.
*Up to a point.
You gotta hand it to them.
Bullshit. I have never been so absolutely satisfied with my life as I am right this minute.
In my case, I don't have to do ANYthing I don't want to do but I've never been so productive in my life.
I made a conscious decision not to waste my quarantine and now...I actually like it.
At my age, I am thrilled every day I am without pain and the people I love are healthy.
One of the main reasons for my bliss is that I share life with someone just as fucking goofy as I am.
Be like this guy...
What a wonderful life lesson he just taught his children.
You don't talk the talk, you walk the walk...literally.
A Ukrainian fighter pilot who took a blood-covered selfie after ejecting has been named a Hero of Ukraine
*Verification Requested: Especially with war news.
Setting a bonfire for kids at a school…
It looks like they poured a whole lot of gasoline into the pit they dug where the vapor could gather.
Be like Shaq.
First ever recorded snowball fight (1897)
I know I've shown you that before, but I got to thinking that some of those people are suffering from terrible illnesses that they couldn't cure yet. Several must be in pain when the film was taken. Some were probably contemplating suicide. One may be a murderer. Then there are the lice, flea, and crab infestations.
The Dog and The Dancer
Haircut #1
Haircut #2
Perm Brûlé
It turned out MUCH better than I anticipated.
Mick Jagger
A lot of people say I look like him.
Getting a compliment is less about how great you are and more about how kind and observant the person who gave the compliment is.
At some point, our parents stopped keeping track of our bowel movements.
He ain't from around here.
But how exactly do you eat it? I want details.
With my age and life experiences, almost everything I see reminds me of a story and I just so happen to have a story about spilled paint.
I was hired to paint a mural in a large high school and first had to prime the wall. So, I loaded two five-gallon buckets of pre-stirred white paint on a hand truck, and off I went. I pulled the hand truck instead of pushing it so that I wouldn't run over any feet of the students in the hall. Well, when I got to my destination I realized that one of the lids to the five-gallon buckets was not secure and I had left a thick stream of paint all the way down the main hallway. I ran to the office and got them to announce that class would not change at the bell and all students were to remain in their classrooms, then the custodians and I mopped up the mess. I never pulled a hand truck after that again.
One morning I went to our local grocery for some sausage for breakfast and when I walked up to the meat counter in the back two guys were standing there. One of the casually said, "I'll get the bacon," then shoved three pounds of bacon down the front of his pants. At the checkout, I told the clerk what I had seen and she insisted that I walk back and identify the man. I insisted that I not do that and left. I mean, the only people in the building were me, her, and the two men.
A person who loves wood as much as I...
Does anyone know where that is? I imagine it would keep even the drowsiest of drivers awake.
What do you see?
Turn it sideways.
I was accepted into the graduate program at BYU but in their introduction, I read one of the rules was that boys and girls couldn't even hold hands on campus. I declined.
NASA's Juno probe found a Dolphin on Jupiter
Not mine. My grandmother would have knocked me into next Tuesday.
Japanese Street Vendors
I bet that's the best food in the city.
"This is a celebration in Croatia after its victory over Brazil."
Maybe not. Here's a comment:
That's in Spain. Probably Basque country.
And it's in summer.
The Road of Death in Bolivia
They seem to be going much too fast.
The vast majority of people don't know you exist.
Our body’s ability to store a potentially fatal amount of fat is a survival mechanism.
*Viewer Contribution
What a brilliant idea!
Skittles Separator
Those remind me of the rubber feet that guy wore in Lord of the Rings.
Many people overlook the mundane when they seek subjects to photograph.
Monkey Reunion
Optical Illusion
PCBs: A Tutorial
Weekends are only 1 day long and there are two of them a week.
It is never too late to become unhealthily obsessed with a niche television show that went off the air years ago.
*Verifications Requested

Get it?
Cat Arse Trophy = catastrophe
Puzzle Time... My Life is a Catastrophe.
^^C5^^ I imagine it would also be likely to trigger anyone susceptible to epilepsy.
^^C8^^ In a book about behavioral economics by Dan Ariely he mentions an office where they reduced pilferage of peoples' lunches by putting a sign of a face with open eyes over the refrigerator. It also increased the occurrence of people refilling the coffee pot. People are weird.
No number, but under facts about the human body.
The human heart does not smell like mushrooms. Although it tastes wonderfully delicious, I would classify neither the smell nor the taste as mushroom like.
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