About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 26, 2022

MONDAY #5115

One Of My Very Own









Do you think it could be an art installation?




How interesting...


If you are ambivalent about this, talk to some young people. Listen to their feelings of helplessness. Care.





This explainer says differently! The US rejection of the metric system is pretty straightforward: History left us with our meh version of an odd English system, but stubborn American exceptionalism keeps us doing it poorly.

Using logic easily attributable to a three-year-old child, the United States has long resisted measuring like everyone else.


I was talked into applying for the Verner Award in South Carolina. It's a prestigious art ward and dozens of people said I would be a shoo-in. I was turned down and it was explained that nobody ever won the first year they applied. I took that as playing games and withdrew.

I do remember part of my friend's acceptance speech when he said, "I became an artist because I could make a lot of money without working hard." Only the artists in the audience laughed aloud.



There's no practical difference between 

3  urinals and 4.


Wife: What's the name of the couple next door?

Me: Lucy and Fred.

Wife: Not the dogs, the people?

Me: How the fuck would I know?



For you ladies...


I can remember doing that.


The man refused to be bullied by mere fowl.


(WARNING! GRAPHIC!) Riots in the streets of Switzerland after a devastating loss in the world cup


Life imitating...life.


My wife and I did that naked for years.






"Give us your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."




Stone Heft



Don't be boring with your midlife crisis and buy a sports car. Go big and go hard. Learn magic. Buy a falcon. Start a cult. Are people worried about you? Sure. But are they also a little curious? Yeah man, sign them up for the cult. You gotta make those falcon payments.


"Ralph, why do you always post memes?"

Because I don't have the body for OnlyFans. Next question.



Is that a little or a lot for that price?


Is that an abandoned house or maybe part of an old bridge?



Speaking of...


My wife put a similar sign on our front porch with similar results.


It may not actually be dangerous, but it looks like an accident waiting to happen. Sure it may be appropriate for young agile people but what about slow gimpy people like me?


I'm assuming the grout conducts the heat more efficiently.


People in glass houses...



The AMP Centre in Sydney, Australia, is being 'upcycled' to become the new Quay Quarter Tower.


Lessening the grade.


Most junk yards in America situate cars so that you can remove parts from the vehicles. If you are going to stack them up like that why not just crush them for recycling.


It's strange how people choose a side to root for. I supported Japan just because my daughter once lived there.



An idea for a ghost-hunting show: have calm people investigate that shit.


There should be shopping carts available in the middle of the grocery store for people like me who thought they’ll be able to carry their stuff but eventually have to admit that they can’t.



Can you redeem one of those for silver? I think not.


That could freak the shit out of someone on acid.


I'm all for art that makes social statements.


*Verification Requested


Would one of you country people explain to this city boy what the hell is going on here.


Boiled peanuts are big down here in the South. A couple of decades ago the University of South Carolina went to a bowl game in Bosie, Idaho. Hundreds of Carolina fans went to the concession stands and asked for boiled peanuts. One fan was outraged that they didn't have any and the vendor said, "Well if you come back next year I will have some." And miracles of miracles USC was invited back to the same bowl the following year and EVERY vendor had boiled peanuts.



That has happened to me ten thousand times.


How could you fuck it up that bad?




Why Texans wear those boots...


In 1976, electronic musician DAVID VORHAUS demonstrated the KALEIDOPHON.


Demanding Chimp









Anonymous said...

Seems like a little to me. What does $57 buy you in the US.
One euro is about the same value as one dollar converted.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Take A Walk On The Dark Side
Contrary to the popular narrative out the wrt white mass shooters they are actually the minority, the media just focusses on them.
Here are the mugshots of the 2021 mass shooters,

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
40 minutes, it doesn't change as the symphonies time is fixed so the number of players has zero effect. Only thing that could have a small impact is the conductor going a bit faster or slower.

billr said...

^^D1^^ I don't know if you can exchange them for silver, but if it's in good condition there's a market for them. I think people collect them thinking that one day they will be exchangeable.


Zelensky is a violent racist. There's plenty on the internet to prove it. Oh, and in B-O-O-K-S. You do know what they are do you? Instead of just repeating the accepted cliches of the day uncritically. Far better would be if you returned to your excellent pre politics days.


Censorship; the first resort of the liberal. Mike

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for anyone else, but I am really tired of the Trump Handbook responses and snarky personal attacks from Mike. I hope you exercise that finger ability.


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