About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


One Of My Very Own







I used to hang out at the American Legion amongst real warriors and none - NONE - of them wanted to talk about it.


And that goes for a child's grandparents having to sit in the back of a bus and drink from a separate water fountain. We teach uncomfortable facts to lessen the chances that the same thing happens again.


I rarely just start writing without an accompanying image. It's the images that prod me to make a comment. 



This lady is dangerous.

She actually believes she speaks for God

A rebuttal.

And their actions follow their rhetoric.


When religious people get their way awful things happen.



Is there anything more Capitalistic than a peanut with a top hat, cane, and monocle selling you other peanuts to eat?


[ 'T is wel een flinke lul = It's a big dick ]


On my deathbed, I will go with a smile on my face thinking about Four Seasons Total Landscaping.




I'll take her word for it.


Tracers show you where you are shooting but they also show everyone on the battlefield where you are shooting from.


It's illegal to keep fish that are too young - shorter.


Flamethrower drone taking out wasp nest.

Now the wasps are mad AND on fire!


I bet she raised it from a chick.



I've shown you this before.

But I don't remember the collapse in the lower left.




Lady Leg Juggler


Amon Amarth. No Moshpit but a Rowing Pit



1970 refrigerator: I will outlive you and everyone you love. I am eternal. I am time itself.

Modern Printers: Fuck you.


My favorite season is when all the mosquitoes are dead.



And vice versa.


The secret to expert grilling is not to hurry. 

Slow cooking is always better.


But not all birds give a shit.

Then there are the birds in a class to themselves.


Who would voluntarily live in Mississippi?


Huge fire in Moscow

Maybe a Ukrainian strike. Maybe karma


Antakya, anciently Antiochia on the Orontes, is a Turkish city renowned for its superb collection of Roman mosaics and its stunning museum. It can now add a truly remarkable geometric mosaic, lauded as being the largest surviving example in the world, to its public attractions.


Properly fired those tiles are inert, meaning they can't change and will stay just like they are for...ever.


Sometime between 130 and 360 C.E., a 25- to a 35-year-old man in what’s now Cambridgeshire, England, died by crucifixion at the hands of the Roman Empire. His skeleton was found with a telltale nail hammered through its heel bone which represents one of the few surviving physical traces of the ancient punishment.


While watching the World Cup I observed how unusual it was that a player can score while out of bounds.

Then I realized that there are lots of sports that allow the same.

And tennis, volleyball, etc.


Mars Rise


And that's why I am against the death penalty.


Does no one take the Prime Directive seriously anymore?


Fewer things have begun whole religions - the Roman Emperor seeing the comet, etc.

That tribe has a wise man. That wise man would be asked to explain that airplane and he would just make something up...because a wrong answer is better than no answer at all.

Sound familiar?


The "Turntable Paradox"


The Human Pelvis



This being awake thing doesn't do it for me.


If you put holy water in a humidifier it turns the whole room into a gas chamber for vampires.





*I would bet money he did.





I would go out of my way to never buy one of those products.



"Put me in the game, coach."


After my daughter walked in while I was going down on her mother she demanded to know if I was hurting her...because of the moaning.



Hunter Biden's Laptop


Trump trading cards I've purchased.

I wanted the one where he asked a world-famous scientist if they had tried giving people bleach.


And later my friend sent me the latest edition.









Anonymous said...

^^C5^^ We Americans love to give Russia shit for invading Ukraine, while conveniently forgetting the names of places like, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Viet Nam, and a slew of Middle- and South American countries we've invaded and bombed the shit out of over the years.

Anonymous said...


billr said...

^^C11^^ There's no such thing as the Prime Directive. That was just a made-up science fiction trope. No actual human government has ever believed in or acted as if there was a Prime Directive. Ever heard of the Monroe Doctrine? That's how we roll, baby. That's how humans have always rolled. Genetic and even linguistic evidence show it happening over and over, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, throughout the 10s of thousands of years we've been pushing each other around.

Inchworm said...

Puzzle Is Danny There? Oh Danny Boy, the pipes are calling...

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