How the fuck does a thing like that happen? Isn't there a way to engineer a failsafe pipe?
If you wait long enough to cook dinner, everyone will eat cereal.
Medieval dick must have smelled like month-old shrimp left under a bed and I don't know how people made it through that.
Should we tell him?
Those eyes.
It kind of looks like something my friend Danny would do.
If you don't get it, ask your son.
Who am I to judge? He's not hurting anyone...except perhaps his mother's hope for grandchildren.
I don't understand how covid is spiking again after we've tried everything from pretending it's over to pretending it never happened.
Guy with two monitors: Let me drag this over to my second monitor.
Did you notice that the sign is mounted on springs? They must have foreseen that very thing happening.
I'm confused as to why some of the clips end before showing the aftermath.
I knew a dancer who had to give up her career because as she was taking a large pot of boiling water to pour on her frozen windshield she slipped and the hot water went down into her rubber boot. She panicked and ran for help instead of taking the boot off immediately, and her foot was literally cooked and all of her toes fused together.
What did he think was going to happen?
Did you notice the cracks?
Who holds a bottle like that?
*I have never understood why some clips won't load even though they are the same size as countless clips that did load.
All caused by the guy who didn't understand physics.
*Allowing a puppy to do that is just asking for trouble when it grows up.
Lesson #1: Never bite your master.
Serves the little bastard right.
Like a fucking boss!
*In a future post I have a section titled "Boon or Bust" in which I ask you to guess how a clip ends. I almost moved the clip above into that post and would have called it a boon.
How not to steal an ATM.
I have enough stamina to hold a conversation for about three minutes and beyond that, I sustain physical damage.
My wife spends $3 on her shower gel but $6 on her dishwashing soap. Why does she spend twice as much to clean her plates as she does to clean her body since they are both covered in the same pasta sauce?
These are amazing.
Not a fan of fake stuff but this is a great solution for practical and safety reasons. Runs on three triple-A batteries. The candles use some kind of magnetic coil mechanism to wiggle the flame.
I wonder if the herding dog would consider the deer friend or foe.
Before modern movie ratings (G, PG, R, etc.) there was The Hayes Code (see list above) which depicts the listed sins.
An artist working on a certain TV show provided a modern update.
Where's the Tommy Gun?
That shit was awful.
She has to wear them all day or the hand pain gets pretty unbearable. Which is rude, since she's a knitting instructor.
The water system in my city is over 100 years old and is constantly leaking and in need of repair, but there is no money to replace it.
I would suggest replacing it like I replaced all my windows. I only replaced a couple at a time and spread the costs out over several years. The city could replace only portions of the water mains at a time.
Book Painting
Do you think she had to sand the edges of the pages to get them smooth before she started painting?
The Mirror Man

Read this very, very carefully.

A common phrase.
Jesus swept
^^A1^^ Sure, how much money your got?
^^C2^^ Not so much foreseeing it as it's probably happened way too often already.And Lawyers got involved.
^^C3^^ What's your problem, man? He's wearing a mask at least.
^^C12^^ I'll bet the driver sued the biker for damaging his car
^^D6^^ tasted like shit, too. White paste was must tastier to my 5-year-old palate
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