About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 17, 2023

FRIDAY #5196

 One Of My Very Own








The most empowering thing I've ever said was to a man who cheated me out of $800, to wit: "I never want to see you again and if I do I will kick your ass."

And I did see him again and he grabbed his wife and fled the room.


Those are the guys that said clean drinking water was not a human right. Proof that there is no morality in the boardroom.

Remember when worshipping money was considered a bad thing?



You've heard of "Kiss the cook"?



That is almost exactly what I told my daughter.




A new movie about a double O spy who is also a chef.



I am NOT in favor of starting a World War over Taiwan.



Bullshit. I've seen an old woman on a farm run down chickens for dinner.




You can't stand backward on stairs.


I found an old report card where my first-grade teacher wrote: "Does not respond well to criticism." I say fuck that old hag!






I spent a week overlooking the cove where the pros practiced doing that for an international competition.


Don't laugh, ladies. Most of you do such things to every part of your body.


It's a good thing she wasn't carrying a horse.


Speaking of...





Father Hack

Remember - You are not only bigger than they are, but you are also smarter than they are.


Don't Give Me Any Lip



me: [reads a funny email]

me: [types hahahaha]

me: [stares at it]

me: [deletes one ha]


Star Trek almost inventing the cellphone

ST Writer: Why would he give up his communicator when he was back on the ship? Why wouldn’t he keep it all the time so he could talk to anyone from anywhere at any time?

ST Head Writer: That’s just stupid.



Kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?


Why the fuck not?


That is not it, but the closest relative to the first documented mammal that looks similar was isolated on an island for millions of years and was driven to extinction by the common house cat.


I still smile when I think about driving home after a few beers in my convertible and thought that a large animal had dropped onto my floorboard and was thrashing about trying to escape. Come to find out it was just a football two kids were tossing about in their front yard.


I vote yes.



I thought a tom had a harem but that group is almost half toms.


The Harihar Fort in India

I guess the ease of defense was offset by the difficulty of bringing up supplies. Hell, a pile of basketball-size stones could keep an army at bay.



The instructions were not clear.



Stag Victor


Ukrainian Soldiers Survived Shelling in this

American International MaxxPro armored car as it withstood a heavy battle and shelling of the Russian invaders, but kept the entire crew alive.

And I always thought "blowing the wheel off" was just a metaphor.

Slava Ukraini



My microwave meal said "Pierce Film Before Cooking" so I watched Goldeneye first.


Geppetto made a marionette to replace his dead son, so technically Pinocchio is “mourning wood.”




















1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A5: that is the most awesome thing you've ever posted.
Those animations brought together everything I learned in high school and college.
My life is complete now.

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