About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 31, 2023

FRIDAY #5210

 One Of My Very Own








About every six months I get a spike in my viewership and I can't explain it.

One of the spikes exceeded 60K.


If you are depressed after finding out Fox News has been openly lying to you for years, please seek professional help.



I used to use smoking to give myself breaks and beers as rewards for a job well done. Now I just exhaust myself and go to bed.



On one of our road trips, we saw hundreds of square miles of soybean fields.


A man who is easy to hate.




The British.



Nobody has "enough" money. Everybody would like more but seem to be stymied at every turn. You are being asked to blame black people, immigrants, gay people, trans people, Jews, young people, etc, - all of which don't have any money either. Meanwhile, a hundred or so people are sitting on half the money in this country and for some odd reason, they are given a pass. That's because it's the super-rich who are convincing you to blame anyone but them. Wake up, America. The other people who dress, look, or act differently than you are not the problem.


Nah, it's not a cult.


We have moved all our business due to their decision to not sell the abortion pill.



Woke - You wake up to the fact that social injustice exists in America...no more, no less.

*The "Take your time" from the interviewer was brutal.




Why do we allow this?

"Guns aren't the problem. People are the problem"

"Then why do you want the problem to have weapons of war?"


*Verification Requested



I often wonder if there is a margarita thinking about me too.


I tried take-out sushi for the first time and had to guess how long to microwave it.






If true, I hate it.


A Roman road in a forest near Klais, Germany.


A bulletproof safe room for American schools.

Anything but finding a way to keep guns out of the hands of homicidal maniacs.



Longchuanxia Glass Footbridge in the Tiantai Gorge Scenic area, about 60 miles south of Shanghai, China.



It's no wonder that many of the evil Gods mankind invented live underground.



I get paid to be nice at work and I'm not sure why my family and friends expect that shit for free.


No, I will not "jump to recipe", I want to learn how your husband left you while you were in the hospital for heart surgery in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.



I used to take my wife there just to watch the sign change.


A low-tech version of Bubbledeck. Uses 35% less concrete, with negligible reduction in strength.

The Romans used to put empty clay pots into their concrete.

*I did not know that.




I wonder if the other horses follow his example.


I would like it more if they were not identical.




Most people think that the Edsel failed because it was ugly, and although the looks didn't help, the real reason was that the market was glutted with too many mid-sized cars. Almost immediately, Lee Iacocca came out with the small Mustang and hit the mother lode.


That is the drone knocked out of the air by a Russian jet. I was wondering why it had a shape that looks very much like the cockpit of an F33.


The world's only privately owned MiG-29


More anasaphilia...



When stupidity is considered patriotic, it is unsafe to be intelligent.

- Isaac Asimov


Remember back when the church called Greed a mortal sin? 



(or not)


I would be very leery working below him.


Watch closely...


A clip of the first time my wife saw me naked...

Excessive girth will do that to a woman.



Yes, a little girl will walk through a puddle, but a little boy will try to stomp it out of existence.




That would be me if I tried something like that.


I wonder what the World Record for that is.





Mommy needs a margarita.



Kickass move


This parenting technique is called "letting them learn".

Why? Because I can.


Sorting Work









I found this tucked away in my puzzle file and don't remember not only the answer but also what the question means. Good luck.


Wrekreation said...

...aaah...the world is back in alignment - "Avid Never Trumper"

Anonymous said...

^^A7^^ It's happening here too. Cleansing the country of LGBTQetc.

Anonymous said...

A2 it's all of them

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A2 Anon, So for years CNN has been pointing out the lies on Fox so CNN lies also. Interesting logic.

Anonymous said...

A2: But no network lies like CNN. There is a reason why they have more employees than viewers. And it comes right from the top of the cabal.
Reporter asked Biden “Do I take any blame for inflation? No," the president replied.The reporter asked, "Why not?" Biden:”Because it was already there when I got here, man.”
Truth: Biden became president in January 2021 and under his administration, inflation climbed to 9.1 percent, a forty-year-high. When he first became president, inflation was only 1.4 percent. Fact check that.

Anonymous said...

A12:A12: “ You are being asked to blame black people, immigrants, gay people, trans people, Jews, young people, etc,” When did you make this one up. Absolute fantasy. Now turning our country into a third world shit hole, that’s another thing.

Anonymous said...

A15: WOKE….A state of awareness achieved only by people stupid enough to find injustice in everything except their own actions,

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A2 Anon, So presidents control the economy. I didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

CNN does lie, not us much as fox though. I compiled a list for a naysayer before, I need to go find it.

Anonymous said...

C6: I think you're missing the point and that image. If they weren't identical then you would not be able to see the men looking at each other from each side of the column. Focus on the negative space between the columns.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C6 Anon, I am acutely aware of the negative images of the figures. My point was that they could have easily altered the negative space so they are not identical.

Anonymous said...

C2: Seems like bubbledeck would also result in lighter weight structures which sees like a plus.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Its lid

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