About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


 One Of My Very Own







I'm having a lot of fun getting rid of tons of scraps in the most creative way I can muster. Today I even managed to use up 20 or so leftover short pieces of dowel that I've been keeping in an old coffee can for 30 years.





Not me. I refuse to fail at something other people can do. 

I will admit that sometimes the solution is to just keep throwing money at the problem until it goes away. I usually accomplish this through numerous trips to Home Depot for new and better tools.

For reasons that still amaze me, I grew up to actually like working very hard. I may waste time but I do so as seldom as possible and consider a day without creating something new to be a day wasted.

You would be shocked by the comments I disallow. I chalk them up to acne-scarred 15-year-old trolls in their parents' basement trying to get a rise out of me. What they always fail to understand is that THEY choose to read my blog every day even though - in their opinion - it is the stupidest thing they have ever had the opportunity to be insulted by. Creating their own blog to spread the "truth" has never entered their mind. Pity that.


And from the horse's mouth as it were...


We called it Gray Meat in the military and not one bite of it ever crossed my lips.


As I understand it, a 90-year-old, a blind lady, and a guy with no legs have scaled Mt. Everest. So, what's the allure for healthy people to do it?

This is what the line to the summit of Mount Everest looks like:

Starbucks is just over the rise.




A viewer sent me this and I don't get it.






I always hated it when that happened to me.



The quickest way to hate a song is to make it your alarm ringtone.


Every app is a dating app if you are creepy enough.




I visit several sites daily from which I steal many of the items I post here on Folio Olio. A couple of them sprinkle dozens and dozens of images like these among their memes.

I admire beautiful women as much as any man on the planet, but surely those women can do something besides stand there and look beautiful. That is why I always try to show women in action.

Now I want to ask you women if while you were scrolling this or any other site these types of images were sprinkled throughout would you find it redeeming or demeaning?


As is my habit, from time to time I listen to Fox News. Last night the woman anchor said that the covid vaccine had done far more harm than good to children with hundreds and hundreds killed by it. I looked it up.

There WERE adverse effects - 97% were mild with things like injection-site pain, fatigue, or headache.

The CDC and WHO were not without problems in the management of this pandemic. That does not mean that they were and are worthless or worse - evil as FOX claims.

*And remember, that was on a news show that openly ADMITS it lies so as not to lose viewers.


I took my dearest friend to shoot some of my weapons. When I handed him my .357 magnum he held it similar to how he had held the 22. I cautioned him to use a very firm grip with BOTH hands. After his first recoil, he thanked me for my advice.


The Republican Party that I have voted for many times is self-destructing before our eyes. What they seem to forget is that most people don't hate gays or trans, do want abortions, don't like banning books, do want easier ways of voting, etc, etc, etc. They learned nothing from the mid-term elections.


One of my favorite people in the whole world got tired of looking for women in bars and such and tried online dating. He was very honest in his profile, part of which stated that he owned a lot of guns and drove a pickup truck. He got a reply from a woman who said she owned a lot of guns and drove a pickup truck. They have been married for 30 years and have three wonderful children.

*That is not the woman.


Meanwhile in Russia

Ukrainian hackers contacted a wife of a Russian war criminal, posing as an officer from her husband’s unit  They asked for a photo shoot of all the wives from the unit as a ‘surprise’ for the husbands. Now we have the identities of the 12 soldiers responsible for the Mariupol bombings.



I don't like people who take drugs. 

For example - airport security.


*I wonder how many non-Southerners will get that.


I was told that porn would lead to unrealistic expectations. Well, no it didn't. I took it as a challenge to outdo them at every level.



It looked like the table was constructed to do that very thing.


"Get a hobby," they said. 

"It will be fun," they said.


That moment of clarity.



I wonder how many injuries are caused by people trying to save their phones.

Or in this case, how spousal abuse resulted...


During my many trips across America on back roads I placed one of my key packets on every building like this that I came across.



I just thought of something! What if women wore pasties that covered their whole breasts and looked exactly like those breasts?


Chiesa del Gesù o Casa Professa (1590-1636) Palermo, Sicilia.

I call that Sensory Overload.

It wasn't the water, it was the log jam.


House Painting

I posted that because I feel a keen kinship to a fellow brick faker.

I wonder why she used an orange base coat.


Walking Trail

Did you notice that there is an identical route below that one?


Water Heated In Microwave

That's giveashit hair if I've ever seen it. I love it. 



Being human is awesome. I can look up at a beautiful starry night sky and know just enough about what I'm seeing to experience panic.


I knew I was old when I realized I have office ibuprofen, house ibuprofen, and studio ibuprofen.



Remember this very strange image?

It's as old as the internet. That kid is probably close to retirement by now.



That's some next-level Ninja move right there.



I've never been in that much of a hurry to get anywhere.



Speaking of near misses...


They should have asked me how many cables to use. I would have at least doubled the number.




Do you think there are people on that bus?




Cycling Mishap


Ice Breaker


Plane Crash



Ground troops love those things but the Pentagon seems to have a hair up its ass about it. The last I heard it is yet again on the chopping block.











A11; HIJKLMNO=water. It runs from H to the letter O. Hence 'H2 O', water symbol.
ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-Christmas. The series of letters from the alphabet omits the letter L. Hence NO L, hence NOEL, or Christmmas.
Mike-happy puzzling.

Fardygardy said...


"H"-to-"O". H2O

There is no "L". Noel

Anonymous said...

A11 .... Hijklmno = WATER = H2O or H to O. The alphabet is missing the L which is the 12th letter. December = 12th month = Christmas.


Anonymous said...

B2 - As a woman I find those pictures you posted of men hilarious. Especially the 2nd body builder who, ironically, has a beer belly AND a six pack. Now, post pictures of some shirtless cowboys in tight Levi's so I can actually enjoy the view. :-)

billr said...

Cow tipping was a thing in Michigan in my youth.
^^C9^^ It was the water. Logjam just gave more resistance to the water.

^^C11^ It's the same trail. You can see the switch-back down below in the last few seconds of the video.

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