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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 29, 2023

MONDAY #5269

 One Of My Very Own



I'm getting close to assembly. The spar varnish ought to kick it up a notch - they look a little drab now.

There are six panels; two each for the front and back, and one for each end. Because almost all of the wood was found on the side of the road the width and thicknesses vary greatly. For that reason, every piece had to be individually measured and cut.



The reason it's so easy to break your collarbone is because it is designed to break. The way it was explained to me is that it is like a circuit breaker. It breaks there to stop the shock of impact from getting to your spine.


I did not know they did that but I do know there are several honeymoon stories in there someplace.


In theory, humans could breathe a liquid if it was supersaturated with oxygen. It wouldn't be easy because the density of a liquid is so much higher than air so after 15 mins or so you would be too fatigued to continue breathing. The hardest part is getting all the liquid out of the lungs so the person doesn't get pneumonia.


You can grow a new human being faster than most missing toenails can grow back.


Some women can feel the exact moment an egg is released from the ovary during ovulation. Feels like a little pop just on one side.


The eyeball is the fastest healing part of your body.



Airplane Movie: The Details I Did Not Know


Body parts are often metaphors. Guts are courage. Balls were courage. The spine is courage. Toes are small pigs that participate in the market economy.


Our bidet has two settings: babbling brook or pressure washing 30-year-old gum off the sidewalk



He looks like he just stepped in dog poop.








How could his hair be dry?


At first, I thought it was an automotive gasket.


I almost missed the gag.



He touched her butt.



Camouflage at its finest...


Live so that if your life were turned into a book Florida would ban it.


Microwaves should have a night mode where it doesn't beep.



Do you think they did this on purpose to draw more attention to the sign?


Do you think this ad designer knew exactly what he was doing?

I do.


So, was this planned?


I haven't a clue.


Car on Flooded Road

What kind of tires must that thing have?


With even a chance of a flood wouldn't you think they would move to a parking garage or a nearby hill?


I suggested many, many years ago that they film lectures and make them assessable to the students for review. Now they do that, but why did it take so long?


Do you remember these?

I remember printing a 300-page novel and then having to rip off the guide holes and separate the pages. I did like the whirring sound it made though.


The title of this was:

"A cool butterfly... Oh, wait.”

I still don't know what it is.


I kind of understand that. Raindrops can be rather cold.


Is he smoking or blowing a horn?


How did the neighbors put up with the stench?


Gas Pump Hack

Several comments from the site that I found said it was untrue. I'm going to guess that it's true on some pumps. I mean why would anyone lie on the internet?


This: What sweet dreams are made of.


Do you have a woman who will let you varoom a Hot Wheel race car over her bosom?



How the hell does she keep them from fighting over the food?

Maybe she made those weiners out of the dogs who fought.



Grabbed it on a bet. It grabbed back.




Don't worry that children never listen to you; 

worry that they are always watching you.


It ain't stupid if it works.



Human Jump Rope


Straw Man

Ex-straw-dinary fellow!


Internet Song...listen carefully...



Maybe, maybe not.


I Want to be a Doctor


A fly swatter, but for close talkers.


I woke up with an almighty hangover to the sound of my neighbor mowing his lawn at 8am. He’ll have to mow around me, I’m not moving.



Crystal clear Dawki River in Meghalaya, India

They look like a married couple who are having an argument.


"A lot of more squishy rubbers can contain things like phthalates, which are potential carcinogens. Look for safer alternatives like food-grade silicone. Keep your nether regions safe!"


Have we lost our fucking minds?


I had one guy comment that America was now being run by a bunch of communists. He said this KNOWING that half our wealth is controlled by a dozen or so people...hardly a Marxist tenet.


Did you notice the solar panel...or at least I think it's a solar panel?


"I know a guy who can do it cheaper."

- his brother-in-law probably

In this case, it's okay to kink shame.




I'm going to bet he is in the shoe business.


Man At Work With a View









My wife's yoga classes are really starting to pay off...



_ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

Live so that if your life were turned into a book Florida would ban it.

“In the climate that we’re in right now, where you have a president that is caging up our children and separating us in this way, I think to use this book ... is not doing the African-American community any justice at all,” Assembly member Verlina Reynolds-Jackson argued.

But that argument does a grave injustice to our teachers, who should be trusted to lead discussions of these topics in an informed and sensitive way. And they can’t do that if they’re hamstrung by petty elected officials, who imagine that they can insulate our young people from the painful issues that surround all of us.

That’s a fantasy, of course, and it’s shared by censors on both sides of the political aisle. It’s too easy to mock the conservatives out in Alaska. It’s a lot harder to look in the mirror, and to ask whether we liberals might be imitating them.

Anonymous said...

They would be wrong though, most mass shootings are committed by black people, the media just focusses on the white guys.

Anonymous said...

Piece of flaking paint the looks like a butterfly.

Anonymous said...

"the" should be "that", phone autocorrect can be a pita.

Anonymous said...

Annon on Mass Shootings...... White 74, Black 25, Latino 11, Asian 10, Other 5, Native American 3, Unknown/Unclear 14. Out of 142 Mass Shootings between 1982 and April 12, 2023 per Statista Research Department.

billr said...

^^C11^ Looks like a home made didgeridoo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didgeridoo

Inchworm said...

Helen Dewalls

might not be accurate...

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Inch,
Storm Trooper

Anonymous said...

We've seen that research, I've posted it here before. They only count 'terrorist' like shootings and omit gang shootings.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Researcher,
Can we separate the death of innocents from that of gang bangers? I could imagine going back to Prohibition and describing Italians as mass murderers.
But I think we all know what's going on here. The slaughter of rival gang bang members is a far cry from that of school children. And you know I don't mean the deaths from stray shots, etc.
I condemn everything gang bangers do, but we can not excuse ourselves of the responsibility to save our children because of them.

Anonymous said...

Then be specific and call them school shootings. You also get workplace shootings, club shootings, mall shootings etc etc. They are all mass shootings though!

Ralph Henry said...

Dear "School Shooting" Anons,
Thank you. You have given me much to think about.

Anonymous said...

Benign: that skate park is at Venice Beach, California. It's mesmerizing watching some of the skaters there.

Anonymous said...

E5: I don't think that was a solar panel. It looks a lot more like one of those fold up bed springs that you might pull out of the closet for a guest.

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