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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

SUNDAY #5268

 One Of My Very Own



If you honestly believe that two of every animal on Earth could fit on one boat and that humans were all descendants of one family not once but twice then you are not allowed to discuss anything to do with science in the comment section of this blog.



I bet that happens often. I once found an antique frame with a photo of a man who looked so much like me the guy sold it to me at a discount. He even parted his hair on the right like I do.



Here's Hannes de Jong, the 1970 Pole Sitting World Champion, well, sitting on a pole:

Yes, the World Pole Sitting Championship was a real thing. In fact, the 1972 winner sat on a pole for 92 hours straight.


We can see him eating, but how does he take a shit?


Once the state-of-the-art piece of armor that used to be worn by golf course workers sent out to retrieve range balls:

And, of course, the golfers all aim for him.


How very odd.


"A Doctor Chronicled The Progression Of Alzheimer's Disease In One Of His Patients By Collecting Her Signatures From Medical Forms Over Several Years"

That's one of my biggest fears. I would much rather be dead.


"He Really Does Have Tiny Hands (I'm A 5 Ft. Tall Woman For Reference)"


Before and after a rhinoplasty


I've always thought this Obama daughter had some work done.

Not that I give a shit.


That's sorta true.

"We are NOT getting shitfaced! We are having a TASTING."


Watch at least a little of this because I have a story about it.

During the Vietnam War, the heads of the NCO clubs were caught stealing millions of dollars, so a ruling was made that they could only have X amount of dollars in reserve. So, the NCO club on my base started giving shit away. First, they gave away a free steak and each was about as big as the one in the clip. But, because the people in line had to stand in front of the line of slot machines, the club ended up MAKING MONEY! So, they started having raffles, big-name talent, and...strip shows so gross that the girls came out on stage completely naked and then did things to entertain the troops.


Never get in an argument with someone who drinks their own piss...or might drink their own piss...or looks like somebody who might drink their own piss.


Instead of writing "Sorry for the delay" write "Thank you for your patience". In lieu of "Sorry for the oversight" write "If you're so damn smart why don't you do it yourself".



Almost all of those vehicles are white. 

I guess it's because of the heat.


In 1969, Niagara Falls was "drained" in order to remove a large number of boulders that had accumulated at the foot of the falls:

So, all that work for the aesthetics?


Migingo Island in Lake Victoria, has a population of 131, only 0.0008sq mi of dirt, and is the main source for fish in Kenya.


"This Naturally Occurring Ficus Tree Root Bridge, Person For Scale"

I don't recall seeing the bottom of one of these before.

I read that it was traditional for a grandfather to teach his grandson how to maintain them.


10 Days Of Wildfire Damage In Greece


"2,200-Year-Old Hellenistic Theatre In Laodicea, Southwestern Turkey, After Recent Excavation"

Do you suppose they just replaced the old stones that were strewn about?


Both Sides Of A Neon Sign In NYC


The image is certainly artful, but is it real?

"An egret seems to step from one world into a completely different world. But it's neither Photoshopped nor is it artificial intelligence, just a nicely-composed photo. Photographer Kenichi Ohno took the picture at a nearby marsh. It went viral after he was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Nature in Japan photo contest from the All-Japan Association of Photographic Societies because so many people couldn't figure out how it was done. Is the background blue or is it yellow? Why not both?

If you can't see what's happening in the picture, here's a clue. The yellow is a wall. The wall reflects onto the water. There is no sky in the picture."



Adulting is finally understanding why your mom got so upset when you didn't take the chicken out of the freezer.


I keep thinking about the time at the bar when a house painter heard I had a college degree and asked me where the sun went when it rained.



While on mural sites, I drank beer out of cups that looked just like this.


More anasaphilia...

What extraordinary creatures.


This is Henry Ford cruising around in the first car he designed, the Quadricycle:


"John Dillinger’s .45 ACP, M1911 converted to full auto and .38 Super, complete with a Thompson submachine gun forearm:"


This totally not terrifying ancient, 9,000-year-old mask is considered to be one of the earliest depictions of a human:


This is what $700 worth of platinum looks like:

Platinum is currently $34.79 per gram.



"The Color Difference Between The Fall's Honey Harvest And The Summer's"

I assume it has something to do with pollen or lack thereof.


This is what the inside of a quarter looks like:


"You can see Queen Elizabeth get older and older through coins bearing her likeness:"


Speaking of which, here are two new coins that feature the just-coronated King Charles:



Back in my day, we didn't have cup holders in our cars. We had to hold our beer between our legs like God intended.


The CDC just announced that you do not have to wear panties under sundresses this year.
















Finding the oddness took me a while.



She's ratting out the knight's hiding place.


You can spot the splice by watching the wire in the upper left.












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Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Bark Ranger

Anonymous said...

Puzzle alternative:

mini cooper

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