About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 One Of My Very Own



The Spar Varnish did, in fact, mellow the panels out a great deal.






Not bad for what was essentially garbage.


I found a broken coffee table on the side of the road. I removed the legs and drawers.

And what I had left was a solid cherry top for my new box. It will require some work, of course.





"Free Thinker" - imagine that.




In case that was a little too subtle...



All things Ralph...



Well, of course, it is.


This is the kind of ambiguity that gets people killed.


I always liked outdoor sex. Seriously.


I used to drive past married Asian student housing on my way to work. It was fun to see all the new cars parked out front at the beginning of the school year and watch as more and more dents and broken tail lights appeared. But to be fair, many of them had never driven an automobile before coming to the US.



That's a visual gag. Imagine what that would look like.


It would depend on who the tosser is and who the tossee is.


You may be too old to have used AI to cheat in class, but young enough to have AI take your job.


Life is just a long story of how you die.



Note: I DID NOT independently verify any of these.


Crawfish Waste

What must that smell like?


Drinking on an Empty Stomach


Not to worry, the fire department is here...


Slime Mold




"Poland now has the continent's largest population of the animal. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the population of European bison has more than tripled in the last 20 years, from around 1,800 in 2003 to over 6,200 in 2019."


Speaking of...


Imagine having the presence of mind to remember to do that?


I heard that "hiring" them is not a problem. If convicted of hacking they are given a choice of jail time or working for the Feds.







And that is why it ought to be on Saturday. Duh!



Did he snort Viagra?


I'm so sick of unexpected character deaths for shock value. This is a terrible Pilates video.


Women tend to have gay best friends because they miss the feeling of having a court eunuch to plot and scheme with.



Speaking of...


Did you notice that she instinctively reached for the handrail that wasn't there? BOTH sides need handrails. But make sure you read the instructions.



Think of all the bruises it took to perfect that.


DISCLAIMER: That IS NOT a call for violence.


Time for a redesign.


Why did that happen? Surely he didn't clamp down on the front brakes that hard.




Not her first rodeo...


What has been seen can't be unseen.


The premise for the whole show.


What is it with the internet and people carrying mirrors on a motorcycle?

This is just part of a cursory Google search.


September 4, 2022: Punjab India.

It was stated that no one died but I bet every damn one of them thought they were going to.


This guy takes down an old silo single-handed with just a sledgehammer.

They have a habit of that slow-motion collapse.


Scooby Doo would be a lot more interesting if they had all had guns.


I am an idiot but secretly a genius but even more secretly than that, I'm an idiot.




Speaking of...

And this is what they look like without hair...



I can forgive this one...

But not this one...

NOTE: That is not me. It's just some guy I pulled off the internet.



More anasaphilia...


You might want to think about putting that on your bucket list.


What says "large height"?




Her oldest son is jealous of the new baby. Mom's done with it.










Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

I see we’re back to The Royal Statistical Society Christmas Quiz!

A Science Guy

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Science Guy,
I steal 'em where I can find 'em.
If you happen to run across anything that you think would be appropriate for Puzzle Time please send it to me. My wells are running dry.
Have a great day, Science Guy.

Larry said...

Love that new box......

Rick said...

I once saw a bear that had been skinned and was hanging from a tree. It looked a lot like a human which let me know that I was not cut out to hunt bears.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time

All winners of the Epsom Derby.

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