About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 2, 2023

FRIDAY #5273

One Of My Very Own

*That is so lame. What must I have been thinking?



If I'm not mistaken that is called the conservation of liquids and the concept can not be taught. It must be discerned by each individual in what can best be described as an Ah-ha moment.

It seems that some folks never grasp that concept.

You see, dirt doesn't vote. People vote. I hope that clears that up.


Think of the recent injustices caused by people who actually believe they are doing God's will.


I may be wrong but I believe young people have finally woke up to the fact that they have enormous power at the ballot box. This does not bode well for the far right.


Someone left this comment:

"This needs clarification: The helmets are REAL military gear, not toys. The Chinese labeled them as "gaming helmets" because sanctions prevent them from selling military equipment to Russia."


Isn't that the point of having money? To share it? Sounds more fun, doesn't it.


New Texas law requires schools to display an image of God hung like a horse in every classroom.


The people of the world are actually fine with rich people dying on Mount Everest.














And at least one social statement...

^^B 1-12^^

If you think women are dramatic you've never seen a man when his football team drops a pass in the end zone.


*Think of me making my boxes.


All men's bathrooms should have an odd number of urinals.



They must have liability insurance on that and I wonder just how much it costs.


I wonder if flipping around like that could screw up his chute's deployment.



A customer at my bar had had two ships sink out from under him and had survived one plane crash during WWII. He had to go out of state for a wedding and flatly refused to get on an airplane. So, I volunteered to drive him. After a few hours on the road, he fell asleep in the passenger seat and when he woke up he was in a total, thrashing, meltdown panic much more violent than the guy in that clip. I almost wrecked the car. He offered not one word of explanation.


He picked a whole fucking bouquet of whoopsie-daisies.


At least she's wearing a helmet.


I'm going to chalk that up to demon rum.


That looks like one of those races where the cars pulled a small camper.






I, too, always assumed that whatever could go wrong would go wrong. That's why I would have put it on the floor where there is no way it could fall off.


I wonder if an orca has ever mistaken a human on a pier for a seal on an ice floe.




Have you ever played Twister naked? One of the most erotic things I've ever seen was when I came home early and found my wife and the FedEx guy playing it that way on my living room floor.

(that is not true)


Me: [wearing a wire] "Ok, I’m inside the drug dealer’s house."

Drug dealer: "Who are you talking to?"

me: [lowering my voice] "He knows."





When the new phone books came out when I was young my friend and I would gather up the old ones from around the neighborhood and take them to my friend's father who would tear them in half.


I have heard horror stories about the number of competitive horses who die but I have yet to learn how many humans die.




I think that was the scariest movie I have ever seen...

...but in every scene I was wide-eyed in anticipation of another pea soup projectile vomiting episode.









Boxing Mismatch

The look on her face


"Rented a stump grinder. Pretty cool. She was around for about twenty minutes. Female Pileated Woodpecker."

But the only reason I showed you that was that magnificent jar.


Not to brag, but my blog is enjoyed by dozens of people...DOZENS!


My wife spends a lot of time trying to decide what to burn for dinner so we can order pizza.




Recent Etna eruption


Remember this?

I think the projectile came from a railgun.



The rocket is necessary for the pilot to clear the tail.


The looks like primer cord.

Don't let the camera speeds fool you, it's fast - real fast.

We practiced what we would do if our air base was overrun by the Russians. We placed a shape charge directly over the warhead of each nuclear missile and connected all the warheads with primer cord. The problem was that the first shape charge to explode would knock the others off their mark. The solution was to use a fuse so fast  (4 miles per second) that all of the charges blew more or less simultaneously. That fuse was primer cord. It's about as big as a jump rope but a little stiffer.

Some people call it det cord.


Clearing fields of rocks was where they got all the materials for stone fences.



Pizza Done Right

Does anybody know what kind of orange crust that is that looks like it's made of small bits?


Table Top 1

Table Top 2






I would call that a huge plot hole. 

Would you call that a huge plot hole?




_ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

Unnumbered food for thought section.

That little cartoon reminds me of what Shoney's restaurant was exposed for many years ago. I believe it was the David Horowitz show that exposed it.

They had two sizes of orange juice. They called them regular and large.

The large was about 50% more in cost than the regular.

But you could completely empty the large glass of orange juice into an empty regular size glass.
The volumes were exactly the same.

Shoney's pleated ignorance, and said that they purchased the glasses from a supplier who listed them as different sizes.

Anonymous said...

That's not pizza that's sif.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
Airplain! Calm down get a hold of yourself.

Anonymous said...


In the US the vending machine would apply a demand based pricing algorithm and jack up prices in case of a disaster.

Ralph Henry said...

Puzzle Time,

Inchworm said...

C8 Semi truck races. Popular in the EU

Oni said...

Horse deaths are unnervingly common in racing and eventing (your photo). Eventing has high rider deaths too, despite incredible rider skill and the most extensive protective gear. Many say the reasons have to do with increased technical difficulty of the courses and decreased emphasis on long format endurance. I am a lifelong equestrian and thrill seeker but would never do eventing.

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