Indeed! I couldn't agree more.
Remember this that my wife made? She gets it.
One day on the road in front of my house I found a knothole that somebody had trimmed off a tree. I kept it...for a couple of decades.
Today I attached it to a box just because I fucking could.
I decided to put two coats of Spar Varnish on it to keep bits of bark from falling off. My wife took one look at it and ask,
"Is that dog shit?"
That was fun.
I sleep like a log. I credit it to that one little melatonin
pill I take every night...or maybe being alcohol-free.
And it's that concept that makes America unique. If you can't handle that you are the one with the problem.
There are no words for the contempt that causes in me.
I'm keenly interested in knowing what percentages of the things I show you have already seen.
I remember my parents asking how my day went and then halfway through my recanting I had to change the subject because what I did ended up being illegal...again.
My life is divided into two equal parts: What the fuck is this, and What the fuck is that?
In the 70s I lived in a small town and my phone number was one digit off from the movie theater info line. I learned to just put the newspaper with the movie listings beside the phone and tell them the show times because 90% just made the exact same mistake in dialing and called me back anyway.
To hell with books, that's the way I walk when my wife whispers that she's "in the mood for a little nasty".
This is me trying to figure out how to respond to a climate change denier...
"Dinner is ready."
*You younger guys might want to write that down.
What's it like living in the South?
He's probably a climate change denier.
Blaire Erskine, a comedian, made fun of Kandiss Taylor, a former Georgia governor candidate, for making statements that sounded like she was a flat Earther. Kandiss decided to set the record straight, and... omg, just watch.
There are several more clips and you really need to listen to them all.
Last week my wife canceled our plans with another couple because it "suddenly got really windy" and I've never respected anyone more.
I'm at a point where I don't even know the point yet I am at a point.
Think how extraordinary that invention was.

Orcas swimming is swift current in Deception, WA...
Ankara, Türkiye Flood
A massive dust storm hit Egypt on June 1 and gets to the Suez Canal
Did you know that a large group of humans is called a "Fuck That"?
The fastest land animal on Earth is a toddler when asked what's in their mouth.
Another successful failure...
The pipe went right in the hole!
Lesbian sex is so complicated.
Give this kid a sports scholarship!
If wrestling ain't real, explain this...

Puzzle: 5-4, bottom of the fifth, one out, nobody on
People and falling into holes, or looking down into a cliff one. There's a trail in my city by the river banks and we have a lot of wild rabbit so there's holes with tunnels, sometimes I think what if this ground caves and I go into the abyss?
A7; AI isn't the danger-it's the cashless society which will abolish all our freedom.
A6: My Ex (a narcissist) is on Facebook and he posts a lot of the same things you post. You both must get your material from the same place.
Dear A6 Anon,
Thank you so much for your input. I value your opinion.
So, you follow your narcissistic ex on Facebook? Would you like to discuss that with someone who cares about your stability?
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