One Of My Very Own
Don't do that. You don't want him to delay reacting the next time he sees a falling child because he thinks it's a doll.
After that last dog broke my hip I know I will never have another one.
It was black and lay in a dark spot on my way into the house. When people trip they try to recover by taking very fast steps...
Or they lift their leg real high trying to get over the obstacle.
My problem was that when I tried to step higher to clear the dog, the dog jumped to his feet and I was fucking doomed. It was the first (and last) dog I ever had that wouldn't move out of the way when he saw me coming.
I want America to have the strongest military in the world but having the same number of aircraft carriers as the rest of the world combined just seems a bit excessive. And anyway, I predict that every aircraft carrier in range will be sunk in the first hour of a major conflict.
I discussed several times how I periodically pick up behaviors in my life and examine them to see if they all make sense. I did it when I considered peeing while standing up and concluded that the only reason I stand at night is that I was taught to do it that way. But the people teaching me only did it because they were taught to do it that way. Then I wondered about the diamond wedding ring. The DeBeers Diamond corporation doesn't even have to convince us to buy one anymore because they did such a good job inculcating our parents and grandparents and those people teach the next generation, and so on. But it's not just diamonds.
Let's play a mind game. Suppose men and women all dressed the same and then today someone suggested that women wear completely different clothes than men and suggested high heels with pointed toes; eliminating pockets making carrying a purse necessary, and the purses are ridiculously priced; a strapping device for your breast, hosiery for you legs, etc, etc. If it happened today, you women would think the designers had lost their minds. But your mothers have been sold on the ideas so you just follow along even though you know all you are doing is filling the coffers of the people who make all that stuff.
Lunch Break - Conan the Barbarian 1982
To me, it's just another shoot 'em up and I am so over shoot 'em ups.
Weirdest end to a game I’ve ever seen
Maybe he doesn't act - he just remembers when it happened to him in real life.
And everything that I've heard says he's a really nice guy.
How far down your bucket list is "Tickling a bum's barefoot"?
He picked her a flower!
Tongue Game
We Will Rock You
Drum Making
Habilidades (SONIDO)
I thought I had found a mistake but every other group looks like this...
His son fell off and the truck ran over him. One of his legs was a couple of inches shorter than the other one for the rest of his life.
I'd let that lucky bastard run free.
What are they doing?
Do you think it floats or can he only "drive" in water that is only a few feet deep?
I found that very amusing.
I would want to know if it was rammed by something heavy.
Elephant Antics
Looks sort of like that woman in Hunger Games.
People are full of shit, stealing this, cultural appropriation that, offended over nothing on behalf of another group and it's getting worse by the day.
That's a he.
Puzzle Time
Calculate minimum overlap between percentages.
Getting it from all sides.
Lol, you tripped over your dog, and you're blaming the dog? Ridiculous, but something I'd expect coming from a liberal.
I knew a girl that was in ballet school and her partner dropped her and she had a bad back for a long, long time. Got better though.
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