About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


 One Of My Very Own



I discussed this several days ago but couldn't find an image of it. Then today it just popped up in my feed!

They wanted to warn people who spoke no known language or were back to being primitive.


Please indulge me as I tell the world that I have overwhelmingly proud of both my daughters. They have both far exceeded my wildest expectations. 

My only parenting strategy was to be the opposite kind of father than my father.



When I was in high school they all had a "smoking pit" where we would go to smoke.


One of my favorite people in the whole world told me that the most important thing to do to prepare for any widespread emergency was to get to know your neighbors beforehand.


You might want to rethink what you call a lawn. 

Do it for the bees.


We have a right to pursue happiness any fucking way we want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. Many Americans have forgotten that.


This made me incredibly sad.

"This child and her mother were killed by the Russian missile Iskander."

"This man sat for several hours next to the corpse of his 9-year-old granddaughter. He did not want to leave the place until her body was taken by the respective service, so the people brought him a chair."


Same lady - different President...

*That was faked I'm sure but it's the thought that counts.


And it seems like it happens overnight. No one ever told me about the pain.


A viewer found out what this is and I thank them very much.

Santiago, Chile - People disperse after attempting to make the world’s largest bicycle formation.


Now that I know that I can see the outline.


Let's normalize taking landlords' catalytic converters as a going-away present when there is an eviction.


For my superpower, I want the ability to make people fart really loudly anytime I want. Imagine the possibilities.








Speaking of...


It's called kerning. Look it up.






In a decade our children will be asking how we survived before AI.


Almost everybody owns a toaster but you never see a toaster advertised.




That reminds me of the restaurant known throughout Boston for its rude waitresses.


I have known mothers who yelled at their children for spilling anything. I always figured that I spilled things so I cut them some slack.


Two boards would have made that much easier.


He must have measured the shit out of that. Did you notice the rebar that could have easily impaled him?



Water beds have been known to do that also. They both weigh about as much as a small car.


Unfortunate juxtaposition...


As I understand it, they think the cows are sacred. You probably think that is ridiculous. In EXACTLY the same way I think holy water, prayers, miracles, exorcisms, etc, are ridiculous.


She's acute.


Lemon Drop




Very few people have ever sat in the backseat of their own car.


Dogs must think we really care about our toilets given it's the only thing we mark as our territory multiple times throughout the day.







I think those are bobbers for night fishing.




It's a good thing they had that for the upcoming overpass.







One of the best ideas I know.


You and multiple strangers have eaten the exact same animal. You all just took different parts of it.


If size doesn't matter why aren't there any 3" dildos?



Look closely...



There is a building on the river in my city that only has windows on one side just like that.




Characters in a book I wrote had to darken an area downtown so they used a paint roller extension handle to slip a black garbage bag over the light.


All things Ralph...



I would think those would get filthy in about 15 minutes.


I need one of you mountain climbers to tell us why they put the tents in a hole. I'm thinking because of the wind. Am I right?



My nephew took his son on a one-week canoe trip with a group of other dads and sons or daughters. I thought it a wonderful thing to do.


Bee Boxer


Rug Cleaning

I've shown you that before but I never got an answer as to how in the world it could get that dirty.


Listen to the Astonishing 'Chirp' of Two Black Holes Merging










    _ _ _ _ _    

"_ _ _ _ _ _ _"


Anonymous said...

D10: Sam's club has that, but it's a little more sophisticated.
You put their app on your phone and scan the groceries with your camera as you put them in the cart.
When you're done shopping, you click the check out button and it asks you if you have 20 items in your cart, or whatever number of items it is.
You confirm it. And pay directly from your Google wallet, and walk her right out the door.

No standing in line to pay.


Ralph; just watched an episode of The First 48. It portrayed a double rape plus incest. During the programme a character used the word "shit" and it was bleeped out. That makes sense doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

They actually do have a serious issue with hay fever in Japan, never knew this until recently.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
That's a take on Girl With A Pearl Earring (Meisje met de parel) by Johannes Vermeer.
Only answer I can think of that fits is Johan Vermeer.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Puzzle Person, Pearl "Ear"ring.

Anonymous said...

Super Dave Osborne was a comedic genius

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