About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

SUNDAY #5331

 One Of My Very Own

*I thought I did an admirable job on that.



Mike, are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a while.



That looks absolutely delicious. 

Do any of you guys have a novel food idea to share?

 Here's another example:

Think of all the different cheeses you could use.


Did you notice that they removed the traffic signs?


I always leaned toward murals with a message. Here's what I mean:


"Grand" Marshal

I was once asked to be the Grand Marshal for an event where I had just finished a mural. I agreed but only if I could use my own car.


I'm not so sure about that. There is such a finite supply it seems wrong to use it for something as trivial as that.


Seeing that reminded me of an old railroad depot luggage dolly that I used for a coffee table. It weighed about as much as a small car.

And writing that reminded me of other large wonderful things I was forced to sell when I overextended myself.

A friend of mine was using this antique book press as a step to get up into his shed. I asked him if I could have it if I substituted it for some concrete blocks. He agreed.

But my biggest loss was a fully functional Sousaphone.

But I managed to avoid bankruptcy so I guess it was worth it.


Japanese auto-giant claims solid-state batteries will offer a range of 745 miles and can be topped up in 10 minutes.


I'll believe it when I see it, but do let me remind you that many years ago I predicted that most of our advancements relied on smaller and better batteries. I even went so far as to encourage you to invest in as many battery companies as you could afford.


I know it is hard for most people to accept but we live in the safest time in human history.


NOTE: Covid might have skewed the numbers, however.



I do not doubt her story but this is what I found:

"Poland has a health system based on social health insurance (SHI) that is universal, covering almost all of the resident population."


This is how many wildfires there are burning in the United States and Canada right now:


There was a young man from Peru

Whose limericks stopped at line two.


There once was a man from Verdun.




I used to grill out three or four times a week. The electric spit was my greatest purchase.




*Verification Requested



Don't do that.



Why wouldn't it fly?



I really like things like that.



I'm thinking they are forms for a bootmaker but I could be wrong.


Is there a logical explanation for that?








"Yeah, what he said."

- second cat probably


Is it any wonder that they hate boats?

"They" = sea creatures.


Scent Dog


That is a pretty good segue.


Next time you're embarrassed about something you did in the past just know that everyone remembers and still thinks about it too. In fact, we were all just talking about it the other night.


*Old gag, new format.


I’m concerned that some of you are experts in your fields of employment.



That made me cringe.



Do you think that I am indirectly encouraging conduct like that by posting the videos?









I do not know if that is an actual photo of it, but a fan once interfered with a catch like that and had to be escorted out of the stadium to keep him from being mauled.


There's a lot of that going around...



"We'll be safe this year and let the 

professionals handle the fireworks."


Their spacing in the boat confuses me.


A viewer explained this to me and here's some more footage of it.


Horse People Competition



*I know a lot of hunters and every single one of them eats what they kill.






*I am absolutely csurethat I would like that young lady. It's hard to fake that kind of charm.


Two Punny Names

_ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      

_ _ _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

Did it ever cross your mind that their great social health insurance (SHI) wasn't so great after all? They had to have the procedure done in another country. Unfortunately, little Miłoszek Małysa passed away.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A6 Anon,
Why use the rude phrase "Did it ever cross your mind"? Why not just state what's on your mind? I can imagine that there are a lot of awful health systems in the world but that doesn't mean the US shouldn't join the world and provide coverage for its citizens. We have Medicare for people over 65 and we love it.
But most people miss the point. The point is that millions of Americans have no insurance and almost anything is better than nothing.

Anonymous said...

Re:Dear A6 Anon,
Yes that was snarky of me, apologies.
Well then you guys gonna have to start paying higher taxes and cut your defence budget a bit. That's gonna be a hard sell in a place where people kick back against ID and simple gun regulations. I don't see it happening.

Btw, what's the story with Hawaii and universal health care, how does that work?


"Mike, are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a while".
I assume you are addressing myself; that's very kind of you. Well Ralph I am just contemplating the alien vehicle revelations from Congress. Mind bending if true.


In my part of England "Brad Pitt" is rhymming slang for "shit" ie-"Don't step in the Brad"
Also "Richard the Third" = turd.
When they found the remains of Richard lll under a car park, how did they know for sure it was him? Because it was under a disabled space...

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Bread Pitt?
P.S. - Love "Don't step in the Brad". Thanks, Mike!

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