About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


 One Of My Very Own




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From their comment section"

"This implies Turkey is holding Putin back, which would only make sense if Putin could beat Ukraine even with Turkey's aid and drones, which isn't the case. Right now Turkey's aid is one of the main things keeping Russia in the fight."


"Good guy Turkey for *checks notes* supporting Putin's terrible war till it became unconvinced due to the terrible economic state forced them to change their mind."







Getting married and circumcising your sons are two of the most prevalent examples of "We've always done it that way". 

Cerca Trova is my method of picking up everything I was ever taught or just assumed and reevaluating it. I did not get married just because it was expected of me and had I had a son I would not have cut off part of his dick. I mentioned that to someone who claimed they did it for health reasons but the truth is if you can teach a child to brush their teeth you can certainly teach them to wash their dick properly. I am convinced that many people just live life on autopilot and do things just like everybody else because thinking for yourself is hard.



And they censored out the nipple. Jeez.


My problem with social media is that it erodes people's crap detectors. Nowadays it seems like there is nothing that some people won't believe.


If you have ever donated blood, it could be in someone's boner right this minute.


"Here's your flour in the worst possible container. Fuck you."

- flour companies




This person is jumping off a very high cliff.

Something bad is about to happen. Take a guess.


And I think by the lack of splash and the way he looks doubled over that he hurt himself.



Let's take another look at this masterpiece...


Get a room, Y'all.




I almost missed the gag.



The stuff of nightmares.


Drone in Fireworks


Japanese Market

At the end of her 10th grade, my daughter said, "I want to go live in Japan for a year" and I said, "Sure go for it." She further explained that the Sertoma Club had an exchange program and she had managed to get an interview after the deadline. This was on a Monday and she gave her speech on Thursday and was notified to pack her bags on Friday. Sertoma paid for everything including airfare.


Scared Horse



NASA Parker Solar Probe footage of Earth, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus swimming in a sea of stars amidst the Milky Way.



Does anyone know what causes that?


Watch this one more time...

I wonder why they don't bring in premade long sections like they do this type of bridge construction - at least on the straight sections.


What if instead of a nervous system, 

we all just had a super chill system?


I would watch every second of every golf tournament if they just put one land of mine on the course once a year.




The first image shows an Ancient Greek Pelike depicting a woman acrobat shooting an arrow with her feet. The artifact dates back to the 4th Century BC. The second image shows an acrobatic archer at the 2016 World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan.






I think I would have been very good at that.


Cutting Wood


These did basically the same thing...


Remember this?

Now we have this guy...


I would fill up his case.


Watch carefully.


Bike Ride


Skydiving Pro


Water Walk


My grandson played Scrabble and made the word "Labyrinth" for a triple word. He's 8.


Meat consumed as comfort food should also be classified as an emotional support animal.


I am the boss of me.

And that is absolutely the problem.










On multiple-choice tests, if they ask for the biggest or the most then the answer is hardly ever the largest option. The opposite is true if they ask for the least or smallest.



NOTE: Most of these MP4s will require sound.

Day Shift


Fitness Challenge


Gen X




Mask Wearer


Water Broke


What Number


Salty Language #1r

Salty Language #2

Salty Language #3

Fun With Customer Service










Burgervan said...

PUZZLE TIME: They're OBVIOUSLY stolen. 12c a DOZEN!!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of glad that the guy who raped me was circumcised. God only knows what disease could have been hiding under his foreskin because I bet he didn't give a shit.

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