About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 27, 2023


 One Of My Very Own





#1 is any other accent.


The reason Twister is rated PG-13...









My brother and I did that often.



I'm the friend you can cancel on. 

I wasn't going to show up anyway.


I tried to remarry my ex-wife but she realized I was only after my money.



Not bad for a commie pinko libtard.





I made a shrine for $2 bills.



Are those on all beaches or just some beaches?




Does anyone else see a human profile?


Kangaroos do rather well in cold weather since they grow a new coat of insulating fur that keeps the animal cool during the day and warm during the night.   It does snow in the Australian desert.


African Dance


Decorative Trim


Harvesting Something

No word on what that is.






Stair Building

The right tool for the right job. I can't stress that enough.


Street Performer

-sound on-


The Lion and the Turtle


Wall Raiser


Dog Parkour




Wolf: I'm going to eat your babies.

Human: What if, instead of that, ear scratches and table scraps.

Wolf: I'm listening.


They should make a drug that knocks you unconscious and have you experience a full life of 80 years as an alien on a planet with a dying sun where you learn to play the flute and also you get the flute for real when you wake up.






I am too embarrassed to tell you how I pronounced "Ennui" before hearing it spoken aloud by the editor of our largest newspaper.


US Navy punishment for landing on the wrong carrier.

What about "Any port in a storm"?


What do tourists do? Surely they are not expected to tolerate that.


There were no pranks on my mural sites.







Lying on Resume


Well, Well, Well

How do they keep from landing on one another?


Things that I have in common with my laptop: 

- slow 

-difficult to wake up from sleep -struggles to complete basic tasks.


Japan's greatest tragedy is having the world's best toilets and no Mexican food.




Another time a person broke their fall with their face.


Another time that I think speed would have helped.


It was destined to spray in the direction of the puncture.


I once directed 100 high school students in the painting of a mural in their gym. On the first day, I told them to wear clothes that they didn't like because they WOULD get paint on them. The next day a girl limped up me after stepping into a gallon of blue paint. She then said that the boots were a brand new birthday present from her grandmother and asked what she could do. I shrugged and said, "Paint the other one blue."


"Take your macho gun obsession elsewhere!"



Those things seem to always fall AFTER someone tries to assist.


Reptile Insanity


Kid and Clippers









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A11: I feel sad for most of Twitter's beleaguered workforce, the ones who have no say in their company's strategies and direction, and can't yet afford to make their escape. That said, Twitter now needs to die a quick death. And that right soon.

C8: It took me three views to perceive the mechanics of that prank.

Puzzle Time answer: Ten people are learning the saxophone.
The key is the Roman numeral system.
Clarinet has C, L, and I; Violin has L, V, and two I's; Piano has just a single I
In Roman numeration: CLI = 151; LVII = 57; I=1
The X in Saxophone = 10

- MacGyver

p.s. Mom's For Liberty...
Lately I've seen several alternative names for that group, which I won't repeat on another person's blog. Suffice to say all of those alternative names are very unflattering, and all of those names are very well earned.
[frustrated sigh]

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