About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

SUNDAY #5352

 One Of My Very Own




Being disappointed with the similarity between my eggs and bingo balls I stained them to make them look older.

The numbers were selected totally at random from the limited vinyl letters remaining on the sheets.


I toyed with the idea of drilling a hole in the bottom of each egg and having them rest on a peg installed in the bottom of the box. I finally decided on an alternative display which would require the purchase of a new tool.

This is my new hole saw that is a genius of engineering.

It all snaps together with a quick disconnect fitting. and it works perfectly for my task with very clean cuts.

Notice that after laying out my grid I drilled pilot holes to help me align the hole saw.


When precise spacing is required let me suggest that you purchase one of these.

That is one of my favorite tools. It (or something very similar) has been around since mankind first started building.


After adding spacers to keep the egg seating board off the bottom I am ready to work on the lids.






Everything you've ever wanted to know about...

I found this very interesting. It was sent to me by a viewer and I thank them very much.

Here's my favorite part:


A Kentucky man got the surprise of his life while digging in his field earlier this year: a cache of over 700 coins from the American Civil War era.

The "Great Kentucky Hoard" includes hundreds of U.S. gold pieces dating to between 1840 and 1863, in addition to a handful of silver coins...

According to the Numismatic Guaranty Co. (NGC), which certified the coins' authenticity, and GovMint, where the coins were sold, 95% of the hoard is composed of gold dollars, along with 20 $10 Liberty coins and eight $20 Liberty coins. The rarest is the 1863-P $20 1-ounce gold Liberty coin. Just one of these coins can go for six figures at auction, and the Great Kentucky Hoard boasts 18 of them...

Ryan McNutt, a conflict archaeologist at Georgia Southern University who has heard about but not seen the hoard, told Live Science in an email that "given the period and the location in Kentucky, which was neutral at the time, it is entirely possible this was buried in advance of Confederate John Hunt Morgan's June to July 1863 raid."  Many wealthy Kentuckians are rumored to have buried huge sums of money to prevent it from being stolen by the Confederacy. James Langstaff left a letter saying he had buried $20,000 in coins on his property in Paducah, William Pettit buried $80,000 worth of gold coins near Lexington, and Confederate soldiers quarantined for measles reportedly stole payroll and hid it in a cave in Cumberland Gap. None of these caches has ever been recovered.


A total of 219 health professionals completed the study survey, and those who admitted picking their noses were more likely to get COVID-19 over the course of six months: the infection rate was 17 percent for habitual nose pickers compared to 5.9 percent for the others.


The James Webb Space Telescope captured this unusual image of a galactic question mark more than 1,500 light-years from Earth.

The two distinct features could easily be merging galaxies in the background, with the upper part of the question mark being part of a larger galaxy getting tidally disrupted.



In their new book “The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?” Jim Davis and Michael Graham with Ryan Burge argue that the most dramatic change may be in regular attendance at houses of worship. “We are currently in the middle of the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country,” they postulate, because “about 15 percent of American adults living today (around 40 million people) have effectively stopped going to church, and most of this dechurching has happened in the past 25 years.”..“No theological tradition, age group, ethnicity, political affiliation, education level, geographic location or income bracket escaped the dechurching in America.”

The data they shared with me suggests that “dechurching” is particularly prevalent among Buddhists and Jews, with nearly half not attending worship services regularly, around 30 percent of most Christian denominations, and around 20 percent of Mormons and Orthodox Christians. (There weren’t enough Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs in the sample for statistical certainty.).

But many said they did miss aspects of traditional attendance, and often these people still believed in God or certain aspects of their previous faith traditions. They’d sought replacements for traditional worship, and the most common were spending time in nature, meditation, and physical activity — basically, anything that got them out of their own heads and the anxieties of the material world.

*Or that's what they told the researchers.


*Verification Requested

I'll take under.


What goes well with the Corona Virus? Lyme Disease.


Yo mama so ugly your daddy wakes up with morning wouldn't.


You will NEVER see me allowing that.


No word on where that is or why that happened.


That look says, "You don't have a prayer at this."


That look says, "I look like you might have a chance but you don't."




The tables are turned...

This abundantly caloried man is going to dive off this diving board. What is the most unusual thing that you can imagine happening?


No, more unusual than that...



Memories of youth...


More table turning...

And the jerk looks irritated.



He seemed to be a little slow on turning his head.


That seems to have been a strategy for a long time...


African Dance


Dance Protestors

Did you notice the camera assault?


High Kick Competition


Parasailing Fool


Phone Call - wait for the ending...


Have you ever been caught dropping a deuce in your ex's yard by her Ring doorbell camera?


Could a vampire policeman enter a house if they have a warrant?



I only posted that because it appeared on several sites I visit and there was no explanation. I'm assuming they are dumping some sort of slag waste from a metal refinery but I'm not sure. Anybody?


My friend, Zach, used to buy cheap cardboard prints in thrift shops and alter them. That is not one of his, but his were equally fun.


Speaking of cheap...






That's a very good idea. I assume it spins on an axis.


I love onions on a burger, but that one looks like Steve Harvey.


They must have never seen an old textile mill worker.


At least her toes can spread normally.


I know I'm going to regret this, but what is that depicting?


Bigfoot is often mistaken for Sasquatch and Yeti never complains.


I've taken a couple of survival classes and let me tell y'all you're gonna cut yourself trying to build something and die of an infection before the “raiders” come for your “water purification tablets”.


Did the dogs fetch the cows to help the human?




Do you think the film was speeded up?


It's easy to see why some people thought they were humans wearing a costume.



Bridge Incident


Fox Friends

I'm not sure that's a good idea.










NonMaga said...

A3 - One of the reasons the Spanish eat so late, is because Franco changed the timezone from GMT to Central European Time, even though they are so far west.

B14- Why is it acceptable to call it an African dance? I don't call Fado European singing, but Portuguese. Africa is a continent of many peoples and countries.

This is Zaouli dancing by the Guoro tribe in Cote d'Ivore

B15 - looked like the camera was programed to follow the couple dancing. It was purely fortuitous that one of the protestors got on the way

Puzzletime is a bit difficult to explain.

Anonymous said...

Minsk, the capital of Belarus, yesterday (25th) for the upcoming military parade, let the combat vehicle rehearse on the city streets, in the process of a tank seems to be unable to keep up with the front car, in order to keep the team neat, the driver quickly urged the accelerator down, but the asphalt road after the rain made the tank slip, a 180-degree tail flick let the 60-ton body directly knock the street lamp flying.

As can be seen from the live video, the tank accelerated on the road, and for some reason suddenly lost control, not only flicked its tail but also swept the street lamp sideways, under the action of braking and impact, a large amount of white smoke and dust was raised.

According to the Australian News Network, after the impact, the reactive armor of the Russian-made tank has been shattered, and the tracks also need to be replaced before it can be launched, so the combat vehicle was finally towed away from the scene of the accident.

Anonymous said...

Hot slag flows from container trucks at a slag dumping site inside a nickel processing compound operated by PT Vale Indonesia in Sorowako, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 28 July 2023 (Issued 30 July 2023). PT Vale Indonesia is one of the country's largest nickel producers with nickel matte production volume increased to 33,691 tons in the first half of 2023, from 26,394 tons in the same period in 2022. According to the company's release, PT Vale Indonesia and Chinese battery producer Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt plan to build a new nickel smelter site on Sulawesi island with expected production capacity of around 60.000 tons of nickel in mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) in a year. As the world's largest nickel producer, Indonesia is aiming to play an important role in energy transformation and the electric vehicle industry. Amid the legal challenge by the European Union at the WTO, the country has been banning unprocessed nickel ore exports since early 2020 to boost domestic value-added products.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's not, they get used to humans, become a pest and get euthanized.

Anonymous said...

^^D8^^ It's illegal in Colorado to feed wild animals. Birds are an exception. What you might call a two-tiered justice system.

Bubba Pordlaw said...

Your eggs now look like ivory (in the photos at least). Looks great!

I wonder if you could incorporate an elephant on the lid laying an egg, with a cowboy branding each egg as it is laid. The elephant should have its own label as well. Perhaps an iron-branded mark on its thigh.

Anonymous said...

i do not know how to verbally describe the puzzle time solution. I is rather easy if you just think about it a little.

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