About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


 One Of My Very Own




The wife and I have learned that if you buy barbecue by the pound and then just put it on your own buns you save a buttload of money.


As a retired educator, I know that hungry children simply can't learn. And even if the kid's parents are deadbeats and refuse to pay for lunch it isn't the kid's fault.


In reference to the way people accept or reject change, an anonymous commenter wrote:

A10: Nah, conservatives just don't consider degeneracy as a welcome and desirable change.

My reply:

Dear A10 Anon,

People all over the world are anxiously waiting for you to define what you deem "degeneracy". Please educate us all as soon as possible.

And, of course, he could not or would not define it. Pity that.



The power of one. Now think of the asshole who poisoned bottles of Tylenol and now we all have to struggle with the sealed lids - forever.

Now compare that to a horde of young men walking into a school and blowing young bodies into pieces with an AR15 and yet we do nothing.


Inflation Rates

*Verification Requested


For many Americans, nothing would make them happier than to look, talk, eat, and be just like everyone else. I find that sad.


I just play the cards that I am dealt.


I still find it totally insane that we were able to put men on the moon with the technology of the time. It blows my mind. Probably the greatest of all human achievements.


Sexual Assault

I knew a young woman in college who was raped in her own apartment. She pretended to like it and even asked him to come back for another go the next day. He did and was promptly arrested. True story.


Avenue of Fallen Heroes

Do you think that child will ever forgive the Russians? What about that child's future children after they hear the story of their grandfather over and over again?


Imagine going to a KKK cross burning and being asked what your pronouns were.


If a medium can communicate with the dead imagine what a large could do.




I looked it up and it is true!


The host of “Candid Camera” was Allen Funt. He was one of the most famous people in the world. His TV show revolved around having hidden cameras and tricking people and putting them into crazy fake scenarios. He was on an airplane once that got hijacked. But not as part of the show, it really got hijacked! Halfway through the ordeal, passengers started to recognize him, and started saying things like, “Oh thank God this isn’t real. We’re on Candid Camera”. He tried hard to convince people that this was a real hijacking, which it was.

When the whole thing was over and people were getting off the plane (in Cuba) they yelled at Funt and generally expressed anger towards him.

*I fucking LOVED that show.


And they used the same stair configuration for the motorized ones.


A kid ate a slug on a dare, got infected with the rat lungworm parasite which infected his brain, went into a coma, woke up a year later completely paralyzed, then died.


"Only as long as the illumination inside is a lot lower than on the outside. So... good luck with that at night."

- said some guy


Metal Cutting





That guy in hell describing trolling bloggers on the internet to a medieval peasant who was executed for stealing a spoonful of buckwheat and 1259.


When I say I love the ocean I mean I love the edge of the ocean. Whatever goes on beneath the surface I respect but it's none of my business.



I think we should bring back gargoyles as features on every building.


I would think they would hook up indoor ropes for that.


Paying $250,000 to get sealed into a tube that was advertised as unregulated.


This cat has white lines under its body that make it look like a skeleton.





An abusive husband who suspects that his wife (a former callgirl) is cheating on him hires a hitman to track her, and, if she’s seeing someone on the side, kills both the wife and the man she’s with. It turns out, however, the husband is not particularly faithful himself and hires prostitutes three times a week. This week, however, he hires a fourth…who turns out to be his wife, who had been working as an escort behind his back. As they’re busy screaming at each other, the hitman walks behind them, shoots them both in the head with a silenced pistol, and just leaves. 



The rabbit seems to know that the dog is following his scent but did it learn that through experience or was it born with that knowledge?


If the forklift could manage to get up over the trailer's axles then everything ought to settle down.


Halley’s Comet appeared in the sky when Mark Twain was born in 1835. The comet moves in a seventy-five or seventy-six-year orbit, and, as it neared Earth once again, Twain said “I came in with Halley’s Comet and I expect to go out with it.” Sure enough, he died on April 21, 1910, just as the comet made its next pass within sight of Earth.


This woman made the rounds on countless internet sites.

I thought that it might be from a movie but I was wrong.

I think we just witnessed a woman have a complete breakdown.


Romanian Sabrina Ionescu set an all-time record for NBA or WNBA with a score of 37 points in the Final Round of the 3PT Contest.

The previous record was 31 held by Stephen Curry who is considered to be the greatest shooter 3PT shooter in basketball history.


Deep Sea Visitor


Glass Art







That's amazing.



Did you cringe? I cringed.


Do dragons fart fire?


I just saw the Barbie movie and it's fantastic. I won't give away the entire ending but she does kill Osama bin Laden. 




This looks like me checking my comments...











On Car Commercials

-sound on-





More Amusement Ride Terror






Please remember that using your own logic 90% of religions are flat-out human inventions but they ALL think they are in the 10% that is the real thing.





Anonymous said...

A1: I wonder how many people got that Boston butt joke. That was really good.

Anonymous said...

Unnumbered image below a 11:
Referencing assigning numbers to letters.
How many people actually assign an numerical value to the word she spelled out in her bubble?
Interesting number that.

Anonymous said...

And y'all wonder why America is hated so much?

Anonymous said...

Rowntree's, there's a name I haven't seen locally in a long time.

Anonymous said...


David said...

c12 - I want to see the guy she was pointing at sying he wasnt real


A2; and socialismm will take away ALL their food, and install a self serving greedy elite.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
Let me get this straight - feeding hungry children is Socialism?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time going. They are all the same.

Anonymous said...

She did not bake the bread in the mailbox. The source you posted says the story is too good to be true.

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